I'll just sit here and pretend

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"A man can't be a man, without a woman,"

                        Trey Songz

"Good Mornin'," Cameron smiled as he sat down across from me. "Jasmine gon be in here soon,".

I nodded my head as I adjusted my sunglasses on my face. I wanted to tell him but I didn't want him to hear it from me, I wanted Jasmine to tell him.

"You aight?" He asked.

"I-i'm fine," I stammered as I felt hot tears well up in my eyes.

Cameron stood up from his seat, walking over to me, then kneeled in front of me.

"You can tell me anythang," He said.

I looked into his brown eyes. "I wish I could,".

He looked at me confused. Jasmine walked into the room, glaring at me menacingly. Cameron stood up and looked at Jasmine.

"You told him?!" She yelled in rage.

"Told me what?" Cameron asked as he looked between me and Jasmine. I placed my hand on my forehead.

"Told me what?" Cameron asked sternly.

Jasmine looked down playing with her fingers.


"We were going to get you a gift, you know,  for being supportive with Jasmine," I lied.

Both Cameron and Jasmine turned their heads to look at me.

"It was supposed to be a surprise," I lied again.

Cameron turned, looking at Jasmine suspiciously. "Is that the truth?"

Jasmine nodded. "Yeah, it was supposed to be a surprise but I guess you found out,".

"Oh," He said blankly.


"Hol' up!".

I slightly turned around, facing an out of breath Cameron.

"What my sister did to ya?".

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Ya was lookin' at each other like ya hate each other?".

"I'm fine," I retorted. "We're fine,".

The taste of vomit traveled up my throat, causing me to lean over and release it on the ground.

"You sure you aight? Maybe you hungry or somethin'?".

"I'm not hungry Cameron, bye," I said harshly as I opened my car door.

"I ain't mean to get you mad," He responded as he started walking away.

As I started the car I felt bad for the way I treated Cameron. It wasn't his fault that his sister was sleeping with Jashaun. It wasn't his fault that Jashaun lied to me. And it wasn't his fault that I was mad at myself for being so stupid.

"Cameron wait,".

He kept walking, pretending as if he didn't hear me.

I stepped out of my car, jogging towards him.

"Cam wait,".

He stopped abruptly, facing me.

"My mom used to call me that,".

"Oh I'm sorry it just slipped out," I stated.

"Nah it's cool,".

"I'm sorry for being rude, I'm just going through some things an-,".

I fell in love with a young thug....now what?Where stories live. Discover now