losing it.

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I smiled lightly at Cameron as he gobbled up the scrapings of eggs remaining on his plate.

"Dis good," He managed to mumble as he continued shoving food into his mouth. "You should be a chef or somethin',".

I smirked lightly as I glanced over at Zarina, she was still eating her pancakes.

I looked down at my phone and read the time out loud, gasping in shock.

"Shit! I'm always late!".

I scooped up Zarina and ran towards the door.


I turned around, facing a smiling Cameron. He was dangling my phone in his hands.

I rushed over to him, snatching my phone from his hands. I started to dash towards the door again but Cameron stopped me.

"Forgot ya bag," He chuckled as he handed it to me.

Once again I grabbed my bag from his hands and headed towards the door.


I slowly turned around, expecting him to be holding an object I had forgotten in his hands. But he wasn't.

"Have a good day at work," He said.

I stared at him intensely, his brown eyes sparkled as he smiled.

"Thanks," I retorted as I looked down, Zarina was tugging at my hand.

"Mommy let's go,".

I smiled briefly at Cameron before I scurried off towards my car.


I straightened out my suit as I approached the office I worked at. As I greeted the receptionist with a warm smile she looked at me sympathetically.

"What's wrong?".

"Ask Sasha," She responded while she pointed to a open door where I saw my boss Ms. Sasha Wilkins, who was sitting in her seat drinking coffee and scribbling into a blank notebook.

I skeptically rushed over to her, waiting until she felt my presence.

She turned around abruptly in her swirling chair, her eyes peering at me.

"Ms. Thomas, Just the person I wanted to see,".

"Good Morning Ms. Wilkins," I said. "Um did you want to see me?".

She nodded.

"Close my door,".

I closed the door and took a seat across from her. This was the first time I had been called into her office. Some people left her office crying, and some left grinning ear to ear. I had hoped I would leave smiling.

"I received an anonymous phone call, informing me that you previously worked at hooters?".

My heartbeat increased and my forehead became sweaty.

Did you work at hooters,".

"Yes," I gulped.

"But in your job application," She flipped through more papers. "You didn't write that down,".

Her perfectly arched eyebrows were raised as she stared at me, waiting for my response.

"I didn't think it was important," I lied.

I didn't put it down because I knew I wouldn't get the job.

"You are supposed to put every job you ever had on an application. We are a serious establishment Ms. Thomas, we can't have a woman who previously worked at an establishment like hooters working here,".

"Ms. Wilkins I'm sorry, please you can't fire me. I have a daughter to support," I pleaded.

"You should have thought about that Ms. Thomas, I'm truly sorry but we're going to have to fire you. Please get your things and leave,".

I sat there in astonishment, I was fired. I slowly got out of my seat and walked out of her office, everyone was staring at me while I walked out of the front doors. There was only one person who could've told.

As I drove nearer to what used to be the house that me and Jashaun shared the angrier I became. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I viciously pounded my fist into the front door, imaging the door as Jashaun's face.

"Who knocki-,".

Before he finished his sentence I had pushed him aside while I stormed into his house.

A smirk slid across his face as he eyed me up and down.

"It was always something about you being mad that always turned me on,".

I clenched my jaw as I looked at him.

"Why did you do it?" I asked seriously through clenched teeth.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" He shrugged carelessly.

I pushed him aggressively, my hands coming in contact with his bare chest. He grabbed my wrist keeping me close to him.

"You got me fired from my job!".

"No I didn't," He said.

"Then who did? You're the only one who knew I worked at hooters. Why would you tell them that? You hate me that much that you wanna ruin my life?".

"You don't need no job, you fucking that nigga let him give you money," He spat as he let go of my wrist.

"Are you serious Jashaun. You did all of that because you think I'm with Cameron?".

"I don't think, I know," He argued.

"You wanna know the truth?" I mumbled as I dropped my head, looking at the ground.

He stayed quiet.

"I can't get close to anyone because I'm still in love with you," I uttered, ashamed of myself. I still loved him after everything he had done to me.

I finally looked up, meeting his brown eyes. He was gradually making his way towards me, until he was so close that I could smell the scent of Axe cologne radiating from his body. I stood there  staring at his lips. He was a little taller than me so I had to look up at his eyes.

"Kiss me," I whispered.

He leaned down, and before our lips connected into a much needed kiss I glanced up. I had noticed that Jasmine was standing at the top of the staircase watching us intensely.

I pulled away from Jashaun.


He looked from my eyes to the top of the staircase, then saw Jasmine.

"Fuck," He groaned. "Eva I can explain,".

I backed away from him teary eyed.

"Maybe this is a sign, I should've never came here,".

I fell in love with a young thug....now what?Where stories live. Discover now