Cuz you're a good girl and you know it

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Today Ali and Donte were coming up here. I was going to tell Jashaun but he was still mad at me. He hasn't spoke to me since last night, hopefully since it's Friday and the weekend is near he'll have to talk to me. Counseling Sessions went well, Jasmine hasn't really opened up to me as much as I would like but she's making steady progress. Once my lunch break came I decided to take Jasmine to my favorite restaurant, Davinci's, it's the best french restaurant in Syracuse. As we sat and talked I learned some new things about Jasmine, she's shy, nervous, and she gets bullied in school because she's overweight. Honestly I felt bad for Jasmine and I always wanted to be there for her, kind of like a mother figure. Eventually Jasmine announced that she had to go to the bathroom, leaving me and her brother sitting at the table.

I took a sip of my iced tea as I glanced at Cameron's phone. "Your girlfriend must really keep your attention,".

He smiled, tilting his head slightly to the right. "That must be your little cute way of askin me if I got a girlfriend,".

"I actually wasn't asking," I smirked.

He smiled as he twirled the straw around in his lemonade. "I'm single,".

"What bout you?" He asked.

"What about me?" I asked playing dumb.

"You got a man?".

I thought about Jashaun, and how weird he's been acting lately, and how I was starting to regret being in a relationship with him.

"Yeah," I mumbled.

He raised his eyebrows inquisitively. "You don't seem too thrilled bout it?".

"Relationships have its ups and downs," I retorted.

I felt someone touch my shoulder, I turned around. My eyes widened once I realized I was staring into Jashaun's brown eyes. He was holding a bouquet of flowers. He kept alternating his attention from me to Cameron.

"I thought I would surprise you, I knew you would be here," He stared at Cameron. "Who's that,".

"Oh um," I stood up. "This is Cameron, Jasmine's brother. Jasmine is in the bathroom,".

"Let's go," Jashaun said under his breath.

I looked at Cameron. "Um tell Jasmine I had to go okay?".

He nodded his head unsurely.

Before I could say another word Jashaun gripped my arm and pulled me towards the exit of the restaurant.

"Jashaun let go, you're hurting me," I said.

He ignored me and gripped my arm tighter.

I snatched my arm away.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!".

Jashaun looked me straight in my eyes. "You're making a scene,".

"Hey everything aight?".

I looked up into Cameron's concerned face, Jasmine wasn't too far behind him.

"You mind your business!" Jashaun yelled at Cameron.

"Are you foreal man, you can't be grabbin on no woman,".

Jashaun snapped his neck in my direction. "This the nigga you fucking with?".

"Sir we're going to have to ask you to leave, this is a es-,".

Before the waiter could finish his sentence Jashaun had rapidly made his way over to Cameron, and he punched him in his face.


Cameron immediately retaliated, punching Jashaun in his jaw. And within seconds they were both sprawled out on the floor brawling viciously. The police were called and they had to separate them. Once they were separated I looked between the two. Jashaun had a bloody lip and he kept twisting his jaw. Cameron had a small cut Above his eyebrow and his cheek looked a bit swollen.

Jasmine kept touching Cameron's face, he swatted her hand away each time.

I followed behind Jashaun, glancing at Cameron and Jasmine as I left.


"Are you crazy?! You could've went to jail? Did you think of that?!" I shouted in Jashaun's face.

"Will you be quiet? Zarina's in the other room," Jashaun hissed as he held an ice pack on his lip.

"I have to get away from you for awhile," I stated as I sat up, walking towards the door.

Jashaun grabbed me by my waist, spinning me around so that I was facing him.

"Babe I said I was sorry, alright?".

"That's not gonna cut it this time," I retorted.

"So you gonna leave me because of some stupid fight?".

"No Jashaun I'm not leaving you!" I exclaimed.

The doorbell rung and neither of us attempted to get it, we just stared at each other. The doorbell rung three more times, I decided to answer it.

"EVA!" Ali yelled excitedly as she hugged me tightly.

Donte rushed over to Jashaun, smothering him in a hug. Jashaun never even hugged him back, he just kept staring at me.

"What's wrong man?".

"I gotta get out of here," Jashaun responded as he pushed pass me and Ali and out of the door, with Donte right behind him.

"Uhm did we miss something?" Ali asked a few minutes later.

"I don-,".

"AUNTY ALI!" Zarina came running downstairs, leaping into Ali's lap.

Ali laughed as she planted kisses all over Zarina's face. "You missed me?".

Zarina giggled in response.

"I'll be in my bedroom alright?".

Ali looked at me seriously. "You want me to come with you?".

"No I just wanna be alone right now,".

I fell in love with a young what?Where stories live. Discover now