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   Your POV

   "I... please..." You whispered in sheer horror. In front of you was a man dressed in a white suit, although it had been stained with your family's blood, some was yours, of course. You felt dizzy from the loss of blood and didn't even have the will to beg anymore. Your kidnapper grinned evilly and crouched down to your level.

   "It's such a shame to let such a pretty woman go to waste, but," He said, licking your cheek. You didn't even bother to move away. He had done this many times now, and yesterday was the worst for you, for he had done something so horrible to you for your age. You had been there for so long, that you were surprised no-one had found you. You were even more surprised that you hadn't died, to be honest. You closed your eyes and let the tears fall. "I'm sure you'll make good friends with the demons!" He said insanely, his eyes widening with each word.

   He raised his arm with a dagger in it, poising the blade to plunge through your heart. You knelt on the floor helplessly, your arms were handcuffed to a pole behind your back. You didn't care anymore. He had hurt you so many times that you had gone numb. He had captured your whole family, and each dead member was laying in front of you. There eyes had been drained from all of their beauty and kindness, leaving lifeless stone in their place. If anything, you would be more than happy to go.

   This man, whoever he was, was obviously jealous of your family name, Grimm. Your father had created the second most successful company in the whole of Europe, just underneath the Funtom company. Even though your father used his company name 'Kingdom' for all of his products and never once told the family name to anyone, this psychopath had found you. Claiming you as 'The Prettiest One', he left you till last, torturing you with knives, kisses and more.

   You readied yourself for the impact, but instead of his mad laughter coming from his mouth as he stabbed you, he gasped and fell on his back. The dagger clattered on the floor beside him. He coughed a few times before he took his last breath. The room fell silent. A few seconds later, a quiet tapping of shoes along the ground made you worry... there was another one, coming here to use you like a toy.

   "My, my, what a mess he has made." A calm voice shattered the silence. You looked up, but the tears clouded your sight.

   "Who... a-are you? If you've c-come to kill me, please... h-hurry up." You begged. The person stopped in front of you and got onto one knee. You blinked a couple of times to regain your vision. You saw a tall, white-haired man with blue eyes looking down at you. You just stared at him, awaiting your death. He put his hand behind you and tapped on the chains. When he tapped them, they split in half and opened. You were slightly shocked as you felt a huge strain off your hands. You blinked your (E/C) eyes before moving your hands to your face.

   A thick scar had formed around each of your wrists, blood still seeping out of them from the earlier 'playtime'. Your fingers cracked and a few of them locked into place.

   "Thank y-you..." You whispered. You voice was raspy from the lack of water, and your stomach growled from hunger. You wrapped your arms around your stomach and looked at the floor. You couldn't bare to look up, not when your whole family was dead on the floor. Tears formed quickly in the corners of your eyes before they fell.

   "Now then," The man said. He gently lifted your head up so he could look at you. You flinched at his touch. His crystal eyes scanned your face before he looked into your eyes. "what's your name?" He asked. You were so confused. Wasn't this man going to kill you? He had just killed your attacker and practically saved your life, but didn't he want to harm you instead?

   "I'm (Y-Y/N), Sir. Please," You pointed at the dagger and bowed your head down in defeat. "just hurry up." You asked him. He sighed and shook his head.

   "That is not why I am here, Young (Y/N)." He told you. His unusually calm voice relaxed you slightly, but you remained cautious. "I'm here to help both you and I."

   "How is that? The only way I could be helped is with my death..." You whispered. The man stood up and held out his hand to you. You looked up at him and slowly took his hand. He gently pulled you up. Your bones and muscles ached from not moving for three days, and as you sat back down and sighed. Your body couldn't move itself so suddenly. He bent back down held your hand delicately, making you face him. 

   "I want to make a contract with you."

Tainted (Sebastian x Reader's Butler x Reader x Ciel)Where stories live. Discover now