The Dresses

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   Your POV

   Damien led you to the carriage and helped you inside. When you sat down, he quickly leant forward and gave you a kiss. You smiled and kissed him back. 

   "Now, now," He whispered, pulling away. You grunted in annoyance and crossed your arms, pouting. Damien patted your head and smiled, "Sebastian and Ciel will suspect something if I stay in here any longer."

   "Oh! I need to go to buy a few things." You reminded Damien. He nodded.

   "A coat, a dress and a corset." He counted out on his fingers.

   "I don't need a corset." You told him.

   "Yes you do, Master. You getting taller and thinner at the same time!" Damien smiled and kissed your forehead quickly before jumping out. You blushed a little.

   Ciel got in when Damien got out. He took a look at you and blushed.

   "Earl, why do you blush whenever you see me?" You blurted out. You waited for his answer, but he just sat down and ignored your question.

   Maybe Damien was right. Maybe he does have feelings for me, but the question is, does Sebastian?

   You grinned evilly at your thoughts on how to make him jealous or show any sort of emotion towards you. Ciel noticed your sinister look.

   "What are you doing now?" He asked. 

   You looked out of the window and smirked. "Nothing of any importance, Earl."

   "Just," Ciel sighed, resting his head on his hand. "Just call me Ciel. These Titles are rather bothersome."

   "Then I guess that you could call me (F/N), Ciel." You answered him. You watched all of the scenery fly past as you began to move. "I need to stop at a few shops first." You informed him. When you looked at him, you noticed he was blushing again, gripping his knees with his hands and looking down.

   "I guess that's fine, (F-F/N). Sebastian and I will go and visit a few of the murder sites when you are gone. In two hours, I expect you to be waiting outside the Undertakers shop." He arranged a meeting place and time. You nodded at what he was saying. He cleared throat slightly and shuffled in his seat uncomfortably, "When you are buying one of your products, I would like to accompany you. I, too, need to see how they are marketing." He whispered.


   "My Lady," Damien opened the door and held out his hand to help out down. You nodded to Ciel before taking your Butler's hand. He helped you off the carriage.

   "Remember, (F/N). Two hours." Ciel reminded you as Sebastian drove away.

   When they were out of sight, you turned towards the dress store and Damien opened the door. You stood in and looked around. So far, there weren't any eye catching dresses.

   "Damien, can you choose a few dresses for me? I don't know what'll suit me. I do not care for prices or brands, just whatever looks nice on me." You told him. He bowed slightly before  making his way around the shop. He picked out several dresses and returned to your side, showing them to you.

   You nodded at his choice and went to the back of the shop. When you reached the changing room, the lady at the counter stopped you.

   "My Lady! Males cannot go in the changing rooms!" She exclaimed. You glared at her and carried on walking.

   "My Butler is coming in with me to help me change. I do not care for you or your insignificant rules." You told her as you walked past her. The corridor was lined with separate doors to go and change in.

You went to the farthest end and made sure it was empty. Damien opened the door and you walked in, looking around.

There was nothing special about this room. The dark, wooden floors had a few cracks and the ceiling had one medium chandelier on it, dimly lighting the room. The walls had spider webs on them and the furniture was all dusty. It just needed a good clean, really.

Damien hung the dresses on a rack and stood back. You studied each one before pointing to one.

"I want to try tha-" You were interrupted by Damien pinning you to the wall.

"Master~" He said quietly, placing his hands on your hips and looking down at you. "You've been teasing me all day... Why must I be put through such torture?"

Tainted (Sebastian x Reader's Butler x Reader x Ciel)Where stories live. Discover now