Sting Like A Bee

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   Sebastian's POV

   You cleared away all of the breakfast plates and scolded Bard. He just pulled out a cigarette, lit it and wiped down the counters. Admiring your shining plates, cutlery and kitchen, you decided to go and see how Mey-Rin was doing.

   Of course, you didn't know what you were expecting. Possibly a blood nose, maybe a few broken plates... or both. As you opened the door to the laundry room, you saw her standing on a stool, looking worriedly into the top of the washing machine.

   "Mey-Rin, how's it going?" You asked her plainly. She jumped slightly.

   "Oh, uh... hey S-Sebastian!" She rocked on the stool, falling off. Before she could hit the ground, you ran towards her and put yourself between the floor and the maid. She fell on you with a gentle 'thump' and you lay motionless on the ground.

   "Are you alright?" You asked her. You looked down at her. She was blushing like crazy, staring down at your chest. You sighed, sitting up and fixing her hat on her head properly.

   "Y-you're too close, Sebastian!" She exclaimed.

   You helped her up and stood up yourself. She gladly took your hand for help.

   It was so obvious that she had feelings for you. You ignored it though, her soul didn't even smell nice. Well, it did... but not as nice as (F/N)'s.

   That moment that stupid maid fell, you wished it was Grimm. You wondered how she would feel on top of you. What noises would she make? Would she squeal, blush, moan? You longed to see any reaction from that beautiful human. 

   How would she react to kisses down her neck? Would she hold onto you in shock? Or would she beg for more...? So many questions flew through your head.

   You were snapped out of your thoughts when you saw purple bubbles flying out of the washing machine.

   "Mey-Rin, what 'washing liquid' did you use?" You asked, suspiciously popping a bubble. The flustered Maid hesitated before she handed you an empty jar.

   "I used the ink remover, just as you ordered, yes I did!" She looked confused. You pinched the bridge of your nose. The liquid she put in was ink, not remover, just... ink. Now, all of the clothes had been dyed purple.

   "Leave the washing for now, there's nothing we can do." You threw the bottle aside and walked out. You had no time to deal with stupidity. Speaking of stupidity, you went to go and look for Finny, who was probably in the garden.

  You walked out of the door, the sun beaming down on your face. Taking a breath, you prepared yourself for the barren trees and acidic grounds, but when you turned the corner you didn't see either of those. In fact, you saw beautiful blood red roses and blossom trees. You smiled in relief and stood underneath a marble arch.

   "Sebastian!" Finny ran up to you with a loose flower in his hands, water spraying everywhere. When he stopped in front of you, you noticed it was a purple, blue and black rose. "Look what I grew!"

   "You didn't grow this, did you Finny?" You asked him. Finny never successfully planted flowers without your help, and so it couldn't have been him. Finny scratched the back of his head and smiled.

   "No... I cut it though! And the secateurs are still in one piece! Even if Bard's flamethrower isn't..." He looked down at the ground nervously. He suddenly looked up and gave the flower to you. You took it and inspected it.

   "Thank you, Finnian. Now please continue with your work." You nodded and he skipped off, nearly breaking the marble arch in he process. You leant against the arch and held the flower in your hands. It was quite beautiful, and you even thought about giving it to Lady (Y/N).

   You held the flower and held it tight, but not enough to break it. Just as you were about to check up on your Master, you heard footsteps. Turning your head around, you saw Damien.

   "I see you like my choice in flowers, Sebastian." He smirked. You sighed and threw it back to him. He caught it and smelt it. He smiled and closed his eyes. "I chose them because they remind me of My Master. She is beautiful, her soul smells absolutely divine and yet she has thorns." He took off his glove and pressed his finger onto a thorn, making a deep red liquid flow down his hand. Licking it away, he looked at you and frowned slightly.

   "Damien, as nice as your Master's soul smells, I do not want her for that. The Earl's soul is just as satisfying. Her soul is all yours. Her body, however," You walked in front of him and handed him a napkin. "is mine."

   "Do not forget, Sebastian, that I am every single one of My Master's thorns. I am in her control. If she tells me that you have been anywhere near her, you will find yourself in more trouble than you would have hoped for." Damien took another step in so that your faces were inches apart, ignoring the offered napkin.

   Glaring at the Butler, you began to pull out a silver butter knife. Damien grabbed your neck and jumped behind you. He grabbed your other arm and twisted it behind your back. You pointed the blade directly at his heart, smirking.

   "Sebastian!" Ciel called, snapping you both out of your anger. Damien released your neck and took a step back. Growling, you began to make your way to your Master. You realised that you didn't have your knife.

   "Remember, Sebastian. Float like a butterfly," Damien made his eyes glow red as he put his glove back on, his lips forming a smirk. He spun around once before throwing the cutlery at full speed towards your head. Catching it between two fingers, you carried on walking. Damien finished off his quote, "sting like a bee."


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