Cold At The Undertakers

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Your POV

You hated the silence between you two. It was one of the worst things you had ever experienced within the past three years.

If he didn't want to talk to you, you weren't going to put him in pressurising situations where he would have to. You could feel the glances from your Butler on your back, but you ignored it, knowing that if you turned around he would only look away.

As you entered the coat shop, you scanned the walls for any that looked appealing, bit nothing caught your eyes. Damien closed the door behind you and awaited some sort of order. You sighed and leant against the wall, looking at the floor.

"Just forget the coat for now." You muttered, walking out of the shop. Damien was puzzled. As much as it pained you, you ignored him and began to walk down the street.

Damien's POV

You were behind (F/N) as you escorted her to, well... wherever she was going. You passed many alleys along the way, and you desperately wanted to take her down one and tell her how much you love her.

You wanted to see her smile at you, laugh with you... love you again, but now that you had confronted her about her possible feelings towards Ciel or Sebastian, she got the wrong idea. Now you thought she hated you, she loathed you. You thought she couldn't bare to see you, and that that was why she would walk away without talking to you.

After a couple of minutes, you both reached a building which read 'Undertakers'.

"(F/N)! I see you made it on time." A voice from a carriage behind you both spoke. You both turned to see Ciel grinning out of a window as Sebastian stopped the carriage.

Why was the Earl being so informal? He was missing the Title from her name. Her name belonged to you only... or it did, anyway. Your features hardened at the sight of the other Demon.

Sebastian got off the seat and helped his Master out of the carriage.

"I only thought it best to not keep you waiting, Ciel." She nodded at him before flicking her hair off her shoulder and looking back at the shop. The Earl smirked and stood by (F/N)'s side trying to hide his blush.

You each began to enter the old shop. As you stood inside, the door instantly slammed behind you.

"Welcome Earl~" A creepy voice sounded from the centre of the room. Your eyes landed on an opening coffin as a thin hand slid around the edge. A man with long grey hair and a black robe sat up in the coffin, one of his fingers placed on his bottom lip.

"Good Evening, Undertaker. We require some information." Ciel got straight to the point. Undertaker bent down to his height and smirked evilly.

"You know the price, Earl~" He cooed. "An A-List laugh! Or you could tell me a top class joke...?" Her sounded hopeful. Ciel scoffed and looked towards Sebastian.

"We'll stand ou-"

"Damien will do it." (F/N) interrupted him. You looked down at your Master, only to see her looking away from you. You sighed and nodded.

(F/N), Ciel and Sebastian walked outside as you began telling a joke.

Sebastian's POV

You left Damien inside to deal with Undertaker.

As you three stood outside, you couldn't help but look at Lady Grimm. Her (H/C) was blowing lightly on the child wind as she held the bottom of her dress down. Her dress, you noticed, was brand new.

"That new dress looks stunning on you, My lady." You complimented her. She looked up to you and blushed.

"T-Thank you, Sebastian." She said. Again, when she said your name you wanted to pin her up against the wall and kiss her. You cleared your throat slightly and flipped up your collar.

A sharp wind blew through the air. The Earl tugged his coat tighter around his body, but Lady Grimm had nothing. Her teeth chattered as her hands rubbed her arms, trying to keep herself warm. You began to unbutton your coat as you approached her. Standing behind her, you swung the coat over her shoulders.

She tensed up at the sudden contact.

"You were cold, My Lady." You explained, leaning over her shoulder to do up the coat. True, the coat was big for her, but it was better than nothing. As you did the buttons up, you saw goosebumps erupt all over her skin. You smiled to yourself and stood back up, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Better?" You asked.

She looked up at you with a deliciously red face and slowly shook her head.

"I'm.. still cold." She whispered.

You smirked to yourself and bent down once more, but this time you wrapped your arms around her waist and put your head in the crook of her neck. You resisted the urge to kiss her soft skin. She quietly helped but didn't move away, which meant, to you, that you were winning her over.

"How about now?" You whispered into her ear. She put her hand on top of your arm and nodded, tilting her head onto yours and taking a deep breath.

"I... I feel better now."

Tainted (Sebastian x Reader's Butler x Reader x Ciel)Where stories live. Discover now