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   Damien's POV

   That was it. You had reached your limit. You couldn't hold back anymore. Those words, her voice, her body, her taste... her, her, her! You needed her now!

   You picked her up off the seat and wrapped her legs around you. You hugged her tightly as she gasped. Those cute little noises she made all the time... They were too much for you to resist.

   You kissed her hungrily as you sat down on the floor. You pushed her down and straddled her waist, holding her hands above her head.

   "D-Damien..." She moaned as you traced a finger up and down her side. You smiled and began to find her sweet spot on her neck. Her hands had been pinned above her head with one of your arms. When you found her sensitive spot, she moaned. This emotion you felt around her became ten times stronger within that one second. You abused that one spot on her neck, licking, nibbling and kissing it over and over again.

   You stopped kissing her when you felt her trembling beneath you. You opened your eyes and looked at her. She was lying down with her eyes wide open, trying to make sense of what was happening.

   "Damien...?" She called out. You put your hands either side of her head and gazed lustfully at her. "I..."

   "What do you want, Master?" You whispered into her ear. She shivered.

   "I never thought I'd say this... but I want more of you." She admitted, looking away from you. You were slightly surprised at her confession, but that feeling was clouded by hunger, greed and love.

   You bent your head down and licked from her collarbone her jawline.

   "I understand how you feel, Master." You smirked. You kissed all along her jawline until you reached her chin. Placing two fingers underneath it, you lifted her head up to see you.

   As you were about to kiss her again, the carriage bumped again and came to a stop. You stood up and helped (Y/N) sit back down. Just in time as well, for the stupid driver opened the door and apologised. You dismissed him and he carried on driving.

   Your POV

   You were angry at the driver, angry from his interruption during a perfect moment. You looked up at Damien, who looked as though he was going to murder him.

   "Damien, what does wanting more of you mean?" You whispered. It had just felt right to say it, although you had no idea of the meaning. When he touched you it felt electric, but that was not enough. You wanted more, so much more.

"It can mean many things, My Lady. It may be that you want to be my lover, perhaps it's you want a more passionate kiss, unless," Damien blushed lightly and looked down at you. He slid an arm along your waist and smirked, nuzzling your neck. "unless you mean as a mate."

You blushed and shuffled away a little, placing your hands on your knees.

"I... uh, I-I don't know what I m-meant." You stuttered, looking out of the window. You felt Damien's stare heating up your neck. Exhaling, you closed your eyes... how tired you felt.

"Mistress Grimm, would you like to rest?" Your Butlers voice sliced through the air like a knife. Turning your head, you nodded. He moved closer and picked you up like a child.

"W-What are you doing?!" You exclaimed. Damien inhaled and stroked your head. You felt relaxed and tired.

"I'm helping My Angel sleep." He whispered dreamily into your ear. You wanted to kiss him again so badly, but you were too tired.

You rested your head on his shoulder and hugged him. He began to hum a song, your song... Your lullaby. He slowly rocked back and forth, holding you delicately as you fell asleep.

Damien's POV

She wrapped her arms around you again and hugged you until she feel asleep. Her head lay limp on your shoulder as her breathing evened out. Her grip loosened as she slept.

Holding her gently, you sighed, brushing her (H/C) locks away from her face. You turned to your side and lay on your back, your Master laying peacefully on top of you. You closed your eyes and heard her heart beat. It was so steady, and yet it seemed to connect with yours, making it go crazy for her love.

You turned to the side and put her down. She instantly curled up into a little ball as you held her close. Planting a quick kiss on her soft lips, you sighed, thinking about how lucky you were to have such a beautiful person, both looks and personality, love you back. You gently stroked her face as she dreamed.

You stood up from the seat and took off your coat. Placing it over her as a blanket, you sat opposite her and watched her sleep. You couldn't believe it.

You were smitten by her.

Tainted (Sebastian x Reader's Butler x Reader x Ciel)Where stories live. Discover now