Chapter 2

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The halls were busy as everyone rushed to get home. I on the other hand was stuck here for two more hours. I had gotton use to detention but it still sucked and on top of that I had community service.

I walked in the cafeteria and didn't spot any of the other boys. That was odd because I was always the last one there. I ruffled my hair and walked up the Mrs. Rogers, my counselor.

She wasn't surprised to see me and checked my name off the list. I handed her my bag which became mandatory after my frequent habit of bringing "inappropriate" objects to school. This place is a fucking prison.

"Where are the dumbasses?" I asked wondering why I was the only who had shown up.

"They're off the hook." she stated simply trying to dismiss me.

"What the hell do you mean?" Off the hook? Those fuckers are just as much to blame as me.

"I was only told that their detention was cancelled, now please take a seat."

I bit my lip trying to quell the profanities that wanted to make their way out my mouth. Instead I turned on my heel and sat down at one of the tables. I can't believe it, they slipped their way out of here and left me alone to suffer. Next time I see them they're gonna wish they brought their asses over here.

The door opened and my blood pressure immediately rose when I saw who entered. Devon. He had a black eye and busted lip that I inflicted but I wish I would've done more. I'll be sure to leave him unconscious next time.

He waltzed over to Mrs. Rogers exchanging inaudible words before he turned to me with a smug look. My fists clenched tightly with each step he took towards me. I don't know what the hell he wants but if he doesn't leave my anger is going to take over.

Time seemed to drag on as he sat in front of me with his arms folded on top of the table.

"What do you want?" I finally asked unable to resist my curiosity.

"I thought it would be fair to let you know that I'm pressing charges for the other night."

My breathing stopped for a second as I took in his words. No way. Devon and I may try to beat the living shit out of each other but we've never involved the police.

"What makes you think they'll believe you?"

"I have a witness." he stated.

A witness? We were the only two there I'm sure of it. Being the snake he is it isn't surprising that he found someone to help his dirty work.

"Kori, if you're wondering who it is." he replied to my unasked question.

"I don't know a Kori." I said as he walked towards the door.



By the time I left school it was past 4 o'clock. I had spent the past hour cleaning out garbage cans and scraping gum from underneath the desks.

Pulling out my keys I unlocked the car and slid in. Once at home I pulled out my phone and had a few missed calls from Luke and Calum. At least Michael had the brains to leave me alone.

  I took no time to get to my room and throw myself onto my bed. My life was a complete mess and I couldn't do anything to change that. My thoughts were eating away at me so I gave in and called Calum. I needed to get the news off my chest.

"Wassap" he answered after the third ring.

"Where the fuck were you guys?"

"Oh about that... well your mom got us out of detention."

"What?" I sat up in pure shock.

"Ash relax we're working on getting you out too we just need a little more time."

"I don't have time!" I shouted back at him pulling slightly at my hair.

"What are you talking about?"

"Devon's pressing charges on me for the other night and he says he has a witness."

"That bastard. Who is it?"

"Someone named Kori."

"Kori Evans?"

"Wait, you know Kori?"

"Well yeah she's my lab partner." She?

"Cal I'm coming over tell the other lads too." I hung up before he could answer.

I would've made them come over here but I wasn't in the mood to see my mom especially since she went behind my back. Instead of driving I walked to Cal's since it was in the next neighborhood.

By the time I reached his porch I was freezing my ass off. I rang the doorbell and tapped my foot impatiently until the door swung open.

"Well aren't you a little ray of sunshine."  he smirked at me.

I don't know how I put up with Calum without taking a swing at him with a baseball bat. I pushed past him and sat in the living room where Luke and Michael were already waiting.

"I already told them what happened." Calum informed me as he joined Luke on the floor.

"We need to stop this Kori chick from helping Devon or else I'm ending up in jail." I rubbed my hands over my face. Juvy was a piece of cake but jail is hell on earth.

"You're not going to jail because I have a plan." Michael spoke up. I looked at him expectantly. I was willing to try anything to save my ass.

"Calum you get Kori to think you're friends. Hang out after school, have study dates, shit like that.Then we invite her to our annual Halloween party so she has the chance to meet Ash and we take it from there."

"So we basically trick her to get on our side" Luke concluded.

  Michael nodded. "Right, so you guys in?"

"No no hell no!" Calum shook his head frantically.

I looked at him incredulously, "Dude why the hell not?"

"She scares me." he pouted hiding behind Luke.

Michael and I exchanged glances before bursting into laughter.

"Aww Calum is afraid of getting cooties." Michael said in a baby voice.

"Am not!" he huffed.

"Fine then get a good night's sleep cause you have a lot of work to do starting tomorrow." I slapped his back playfully.

This was my last resort and if it didn't work I was screwed. The scary part was my life was in the hands of someone I've never met.

A/N: Btw I have a fan account on Instagram under the name spookynouis so check it out :)

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