Chapter 12

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"I'm serious Michael, they've been sitting here making googly eyes at each other for the past fifteen minutes." Luke complained not so quietly on the phone. He glared in my direction where I was sat on his couch with Kori at my side. I blew a kiss at him just to get under his skin, he responded with a flick of his middle finger.

This is how it's been lately, meeting up at Luke's house after school or during the weekend and annoying the hell out of each other. We've ordered from the nearby pizza place so often we're basically on a first name basis. Liz has gotten so use to us coming around she usually leaves the keys under the doormat and a bowl of chips waiting in the kitchen.

I was barely home lately, not that I ever was before. Somehow I managed to stay out of trouble except for when I fell asleep during trig but it was only because Michael had gotten us concert tickets for the night before. Maybe this is what being a normal teenager felt like.

Kori nudged me subtly with her elbow, "Wanna give him something to complain about?"

I smiled wickedly at her suggestion pulling her into my lap not wasting anytime to kiss her. Public display of affection sickened me but if it's to annoy Luke then I'm all for it.

Kori wasn't my girlfriend. Heck, we weren't even technically dating. It's not like we held hands, went on dates, or stayed up at night texting. Yet she was always by my side while my arm would latch securely onto her shoulders or waist. Luke said I'm scared of commitment but I'm not. Why get attached to something that will slip through your fingers no matter how tight you hold it?

"Oh... oh god. Now they're having sex on my couch. Ashton keep it in your pants!" Luke yelled in distaste.

Kori and I laughed against each other's lips but, reluctantly, separated. I threw my shoe at him causing him to squeal and duck.

"I'm telling my mom!" He threatened from behind the coffee table.

"Go ahead she loves me anyway." I shrugged unaffected.

Life had moved on since I last talked to Calum. I felt like I had let go of some huge weight and was just walking freely, able to enjoy the luxuries in life. One of those luxuries happened to be the brunette on my lap arguing with my best friend on what take out to order.

"Wings, we should definitely get wings."

Kori scoffed, "No Chinese. We ate wings last time."

"You always want Chinese." Luke whined crossing his arms and dropping on the floor like a child throwing a tantrum.

"Luke stop whining!" Liz called from wherever the hell she was. She was definitely a ninja considering we never saw her but she always saw everything we - well rather Luke - did.

I finally intervened, "Let's let Michael decide. He's coming over isn't he?"

"I wouldn't know I was too busy witnessing you guys make babies on my mom's new couch." He countered with a cocky grin.

Ignoring that comment.

"I'll text him to bring whatever take out he wants, got it?"

They both nodded staring each other down as if their glares were having some unseen battle. Michael turned up thirty minutes later with a bag of Panda Express in hand much to Luke's demise.

"Stop pouting I got you your damn wings." Michael pulled out a foam box that filled the entire room with the smell of barbecue sauce.

Luke cuddled up to him proclaiming how they were married while Michael pushed at the taller lad telling him to get his lanky ass off of him.

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