Chapter 5

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Monday I searched desperately for Kori. I was pretty sure the kiss worked but I just needed confirmation. I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it but I blocked off any potential feelings. It only happened to save my ass, there was no meaning behind it.

The bell rang for our first class and I hadn't found her. Maybe I'll have better luck at lunch.

I didn't speak to any of the guys the whole morning so when I walked up to our usual lunch table they looked at me curiously.

"Where the hell have you been?" Michael asked taking a bite of his pizza.

"Looking for Kori, have you guys seen her?" I looked around trying to catch a glimpse of her.

"Looks like someone enjoyed that kiss. Is there something you're leaving out? Oh my gosh did you use protection?" Calum pestered.

"Shut the fuck up Calum." I growled.

I swear he could be so annoying. Why would he even think that? I could never imagine sleeping with Kori. Nope, not going to happen.

Calum pouted, "Touchy. She wasn't in Biology today now that you mention it."

"She's probably still sore from Ashton." Luke spoke up.

All the boys bursted into laughter. When all this shit is over I'm finding new friends. I quickly got up and grabbed my lunch walking away. If they're not going to take this seriously then I don't need them.

Not knowing where else to go I entered the library and began eating my food. I decided to push Kori to the back of my mind but it kept bugging me. I don't think it was coincidental that she disappeared right after what happened.

Lunch ended so I threw away my trash and headed to class. Something was wrong and I was going to find out what it was.


The following morning I arrived a bit earlier than usual. Yesterday Calum tried texting Kori to find out where she was but she never replied. She was avoiding us but she couldn't hide forever.

The second I stepped into the hallway I found her at her locker. I quietly approached her and noticed she was a bit shaky. Her hands fumbled with her books and she kept dropping things.

"Hey." I spoke causing her to jump. She didn't look at me, instead she finished placing her things in her bag and shut the locker. She pulled her black hoodie over her head pushing past me.

I reached out grabbing her shoulders to stop her. Her head was down as she avoided my gaze.

"What's going on with you?"

She shook her head and tried to get out of my grip but I was stronger and held her in place.

"Kori talk to me!" I demanded.

She froze then looked up at me angrily, that's when I saw it. Her lip was busted and she had various bruises littered across her delicate skin.

I was taken aback at the sight causing my grip on her to loosen. She took the opportunity to escape, ignoring my calls for her.

I stood motionless still shocked from what I saw. That was no accident, someone did that to her. I finally got to know her better and now her walls had built back up.

A voice called my name bringing me out of my sudden haze. Luke and Calum approached me completely oblivious to what just happened.

"Did you talk to Kori? We just saw her leaving." Luke spoke.

I nodded unsure of what to say. How was I suppose to explain what happened when I don't even know myself?

"Dude are you ok?" Calum asked.

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