Chapter 6

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"Devon did it."

That was it. I shot up and lashed out at the closest thing next to me which happened to be a wooden table. It crashed down to the floor earning me multiple glares. Devon, Devon, fucking Devon.

What kind of sick monster puts his hands on a girl? I don't care how annoying or fucked up they are, it's wrong. Especially Kori. Out of all the girls I've met she was actually pretty decent and he had to go hurt her. I pulled back my arm ready to punch the nearby wall-


I stopped halfway, my breathing had increased while my heart was pounding in my chest. My adrenaline was slowly going down then I felt a stong sting from my hands. I glanced down at them to find them scraped up and bloody. When did that happen?

I never had a good temper which is why I ended up the way I am. It just took over me and I didn't care what I destroyed or who I hurt. Just the feeling of hitting something gave me relief and it was the only way I could release my emotions. Most of the time I wouldn't remember what happened like right now.

I took a deep breath trying to come down from my sudden wave of anger.

"What happened?"

"Nothing I-"

My hands balled up into fists. I glared at her so she understood that I wouldn't be satisfied until she told me everything. She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, she seemed to be having a mental war over whether or not to tell me.

I sat against the wall as I waited for her to explain. The stupid bars separated us making our already distant relationship even more distanced. She sighed and copied my actions by sitting on the tile floor as well. I noticed her hand I had cleaned up didn't have it's bandage wrap but was instead healing.

I actually smiled because for once I fixed something instead of breaking it. My attention turned back to Kori as she cleared her throat and began to tell me what happened.


Kori POV

The wind blew my hair wildly as I walked. I was getting really annoyed because no matter how many times I put my hair back in place a random gust would mess it up. I thought about turning around and going home empty handed but I was already more than halfway at the clown's house.

Home. I hated the place, any opportunity to get away I took which is why I made the ten minute walk to Ashton's house. My mom and I had gotten into a dispute which resulted in me locking myself in my room. When he called to pick up the book I took no time to sneak out the window.

I walked up the familiar driveway and rang the doorbell. Ashton was probably wrecked and emptied most of his stomach's contents in the toilet this morning. The thought of him rolling around like a drunk seal made me smile to myself.

There was a bit of shuffling behind the door before he finally opened it. I ran a hand through my wind blown hair and his eyes looked over my appearance. I couldn't help but feel a bit insecure as he unconsciously checked me out.

"So how was it?' I broke the silence.

"It was alright." he shrugged handing over the book.

I smiled at his obvious lie, "Yet you managed to finish it two weeks early."

"Whatever I kept my side of the deal."

"I'm impressed. Well see you around."

I expected a simple good bye but he grabbed my arm pulling my lips to his. I've only kissed a boy once which was back in elementary school so I was completely caught off guard. My lack of response made Ashton take control so I ignored my conscious and kissed him back. We separated only seconds later and my sudden wave of emotions made it hard to stand upright.

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