Chapter 21

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Ashton POV

I lost her. I lost the one person I changed for, the one person that made me realize how fun life could be.

At first I didn't know what made her dump me. She seemed to disgusted when I showed up at her house, like I was some pest. Everything was going great so what changed?

Calum was able to talk to Kori after a lot of nagging and begging. Turns out Laney told her I cheated on her while she was away.

That was a lie.

I don't know how Laney knew the things she did or how she got that picture of me. Was she stalking me? The idea wasn't so far fetched since the girl had an obsession with me ever since the first time we hooked up.

My body shuddered at the memory. The mere thought of sleeping with her made me want to puke.

"This should cheer you up a bit." Mom said sliding a bowl of homemade soup in front of me. She had moved out of the wheelchair and was able to wander around a bit on her cast but the mechanism made her walk like a penguin.

"Thanks." I muttered dipping a spoon inside to lift the hot soup to my mouth.

Mom sent me a reassuring smile rubbing a few small circles onto my back before she went back to the stove pouring soup into her own bowl.

The doorbell rang but I didn't care to know who it was. I didn't want any visitors except a certain one. But she doesn't want anything to do with me.

"It's open!" Mom shouted.

The jingles that had been placed on the door for decoration clanged against each other followed by the sound of the door closing shut.

I recognized the smell of cigarettes immediately scrunching my nose already knowing who it was. I was tempted to pour the whole pot of boiling soup on my face.

"It smells good in here." My bastard father said entering the kitchen.

"There's more soup on the stove, serve yourself." Mom offered taking a seat at the table.

He nodded giving a me a look that I didn't return. I was miserable and he just made it worse.

As he passed my father patted my shoulder causing me to jerk away from him. He shouldn't be touching me, he shouldn't even be in my fucking house.

"Nice necklace." He complimented the tag around my neck.

I coughed on my soup making some of it splatter on the table cloth. It hadn't occurred to me that I was still wearing Kori's present but I never took the thing off. Just the mere thought of her made my stomach unsettled so I pushed the bowl away from my body as I got up from the table.

"What's up son? You feeling alright?" He asked while scooping some soup form the pot.

"He had a breakup." Mom informed him and I wanted to strangle her. She always babbled my business to him when he really didn't need to know what was happening in my life.

"With that Kara girl?" He asked sitting down.

"Kori." I corrected.

"Right, sorry. What happened."

I scoffed, "Nothing. It's none of your business."

Mom gave me look which I knew meant she wanted me to be nice but I couldn't. I wasn't in the mood to put up with his shit and the least he could do was remember my girlfriend's, ex girlfriend's, name.

"Some girl told her that Ashton cheated. She had a picture of him and everything." Mom spoke.

"Seriously mom?" I groaned.

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