Chapter 9

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Ashton POV

The second I pressed my foot on the gas pedal I immediately regretted it. I just left her, abandoned her all by herself. Something told me she was use to the isolation, not having anyone to rely on.

My leg shook anxiously at the stop sign. I could either turn around or keep going straight and not look back. The latter seemed the most logical but what if Nathaniel came back or she got into more trouble? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she got hurt when I could've protected her.

A honk from behind shook me from my thoughts and I screeched forward making a quick turn. Michael's right I'm fucking whipped.

The rain had stopped leaving behind numerous puddles and a gloomy sky that was getting darker by the second. I flicked on my headlights driving in absolute silence with many doubts clouding my mind.

I didn't know how Kori would respond when I knocked on her door. The first assumption was that she would slam the door in my face before I could even blink but another, smaller part of me believed she would actually be grateful for my return.

As I parked in front of the now familiar brown house I let out a huge breath with anticipation eating away at me. If Calum were here he would be cheering me on and I actually wished he was there to give me that support that only he could provide. He was the most invested with the situation and he was the one that I found myself falling back on whenever a problem arose.

So while I walked up the small steps approaching the door I thought about Calum and how he would think this was the right thing to do. Even if she refused to speak to me I could still say I tried and wouldn't have that constant 'what if' running through my mind.

The doorbell echoed from inside the house, I swallowed the growing lump in my throat. The door creaked open almost sounding as if the hinges would give out any second. Kori looked up at me in obvious shock but she also seemed relieved? In that moment I froze realizing I never did come up with a good explanation as to why I had returned.

"Can I help you?" She studied my face with her brows furrowed.

"Hey, I just uh thought you might.."

She opened the door wider in the midst of my rambling. I wanted to throw myself off the nearest cliff for how stupid I sounded and I'm sure Kori would've gladly pushed me given the look she was sending me.

"Just come in Ash."

I nodded, thankful that she stopped me before I could ruin the situation even more. Stepping inside I noticed how the house was even gloomier than the sky outside. The only light came from the large TV that was playing some movie with kids running through the woods.

"If I didn't know any better I would think you lived alone."

Kori appeared by my side and it wasn't until then that I noticed she was in at t-shirt and pink and black pajama bottoms. It was a totally contrast to her usual skin tight skinny jeans and band tees. Yet, I couldn't help but find her even more beautiful in such casual attire.

"Yeah, I sometimes forget other people live here too." she responded glancing at me with a subtle grin, "You in for a movie?"

"Sure." I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.

"I hope you don't mind the Hunger Games. The first one's almost over but I also have Catching Fire." she explained walking over to the couch and holding up another disk with a flaming red bird on the cover.

"Catching Fire?" I was familiar with the Hunger Games since she made me read the damn thing but Catching Fire didn't seem to click in my brain.

"It's the sequel. Now kick off your shoes and get comfortable we have movies to watch." She jumped onto the couch patting the empty space next to her.

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