Finding Out

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**Just a review of the epilogue from the first book**

You stared down at your belly, disbelief evident in your face as the doctor confirmed the news. "Congratulations Miss. You're pregnant."

Pregnant? You had never imagined you would ever hear that sentence. Life had been too hectic, and then as a Demon it was impossible, but now here you were, pregnant, with Dean Winchester's child.

Life had been great ever since that one day, when you had gotten your memories back, and your life. Ever since that day, you and Dean had been inseparable, well you, Dean and Sam. The three of you lived happily in your weird little bunker, an awkward, but close family, one that involved a certain angel and the king of hell.

At first Sam and Dean hadn't been very happy about little Crowley have free reign on visiting rights, but you had been adamant, and soon they had given up, seeing how much Crowley cared for you, and how he had never tried to do anything while visiting.

As time passed, your relationship with Dean had grown closer, the gap forged by your lie and his reaction long gone, and you were now closer than ever. But you still felt nervous, and scared that he wouldn't be happy about this next stage in life.

"Really, are you sure?" You asked the Doctor, who gave you a patient smile.

"Yes, I am sure. About eight weeks along I would say. Now, I would like to have you schedule another visit, where we can get a clearer picture. But for right now everything, and everyone seems healthy." He told you, and you left the room in a daze.

Dean was waiting for you in the parking lot, bouncing his fingers on the steering wheel, keeping time with the classic rock currently playing on the radio. When he noticed you leaving the building, he jumped out, rushing over to your side, opening the door. "Everything okay?" He asked, and you could tell he was nervous. None of you visited the doctor unless you were dying, so you knew you had frightened him by making an appointment.

"Peachy." You said, still in shock, and you missed Dean's frown as he shut the door behind you before climbing in behind the steering wheel. You didn't say anything as he drove back home, and as soon as the engine was shut off, you were climbing out, making your way to the room you shared with him.

You could feel his presence behind you, but you still didn't speak a word. Instead you made your way into the bedroom, before sitting on the bed and staring blankly at the wall.

He gently closed the door behind him, before crouching down in front of you. "Sweetheart, what is it? You're starting to scare me." He asked, and his fear snapped you out of your shock.

Reaching up, you placed your hand against his cheek, giving him a gentle smile that seemed to upset him more than calm him down. Standing up, he started pacing back and forth in front of you. "What is it? Are you sick? Because we can find the best doctors, get the best treatments. I don't care if we have to go to some big city. There is no way I'm losing you again." He muttered as he paced.

"Dean." You said, trying to interrupt him, but he was so focused on his mission to help you that he didn't notice.

"Dean!" You said again, louder this time, and he stopped pacing.

"Dean, I'm fine. It's just. I'm pregnant." You finally admitted, and you watched as his face transformed from fear, to shock, to surprise, all within seconds.

"Pregnant?" He echoed, before a smile slowly started, one of the biggest ones you had ever seen on his face. Swooping down, he picked you up, spinning you in his arms. "Are you serious?"

Laughing, you wrapped your arms around him for support. "Dean, put me down!"

He gently set you down, before pressing his lips against yours. "This is great news!! Why were you so quiet? Aren't you excited?"

Taking a breath, you started explaining. "Of course I'm excited. I just never expected this to happen. First, back in the 1800s, I never expected to have kids. Then, when I was a Demon, it was impossible. It never occurred to me that I'm human again, and that I could get pregnant."

Dean didn't say anything, he just pulled you back into his arms. "This is amazing news. I am so excited. You're going to be a great mother." He told you proudly.

The shock slowly ebbed away, and in it's place an excitement to match Dean's. You were going to be a mother! After everything you had gone through, all the pain, all the despair, you felt as if your life was finally coming around, and the culmination was starting a family with Dean.

"Wait, can we go tell Sammy?" Dean asked, his eyes full of glee, and you laughed, happiness consuming you.

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