Improbable Family

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As time slowly moved on, the two of you, and Sam too, quickly became used to life with a little toddler on your hands. She kept you guessing, and on your toes and you loved every minute of it. 

Many afternoons you and Dean would flop down on your bed, worn out from chasing her around the entire morning, or from the fight to put her down for her nap. Snuggling together, the two of you would settle down for a quick nap yourself, trying to catch up on lost sleep.

She was quickly becoming a Daddy's girl, and Dean didn't do a thing to stop it. Often he would be the one checking on her in the middle of the night, or getting her ready in the mornings. There were so many times you thought your heart would burst with the cute scenes between him and your daughter.

Sam was so helpful. He loved his little niece, and she loved him just as much. Many times she would refuse to go to bed until he carried her in, singing to her in his off key but gentle voice. She loved piggyback rides on his strong shoulders, squealing as he raced around the room, Dean shaking his head in amusement. 

The two who surprised you with her were Cas and Crowley. Stopping by often, they spoiled your daughter rotten with gifts and treats each time they came, especially Crowley. Cas was still more welcomed in the bunker than Crowley was, but Dean and Crowley had finally settled on a truce. 

Tonight was one of the nights they were both there at the same time. Cas had arrived first, immediately going over to Mary who was being grumpy in her Dad's arms. Pressing one finger to her forehead, she immediately relaxed, giving him a smile in return. "Cas, are you sure that's safe?" You asked, as Mary wiggled in her Dad's arms, wanting to go to her Angelic uncle.

"Of course it is. I did nothing but take the bad mood away. Children shouldn't be grumpy." He said simply, taking the girl from Dean. Dean just shrugged at you before moving into the kitchen where Sam was delegated to dinner duty.

"What are you talking about wings?" Crowley's voice sounded from the far end of the room. "Children are notorious for being grumpy. They're little hellions, meant to drive their parents crazy. That's why I love them so much."

He walked into the room, a huge stuffed squirrel in his arms. Nibbling on your lip, you held back the laughter threatening to leak out. You knew that this present was meant to goad Dean, but you had to admit it was pretty funny. Mary squealed when she saw him, climbing out of Cas' arms to run to Crowley, taking the soft stuffed animal from his arms.

"Y/N, I thought I heard an intruder. Oh..." Dean said, coming from the kitchen, a frown on his face when he noticed Crowley. "What's he doing here?"

"Bringing this sweet little child a present. Oh and I thought we could all have dinner together. My treat." Crowley explained, and with a snap of his fingers a fancy meal was laid out on the war table, complete with china plates and crystal glasses. 

"Wow!" You breathed out, excited to be eating something that didn't come out of a can, or wasn't burned or tasteless. "It looks amazing!"

"Everything that I remembered you liked." Crowley said smugly, before winking at Dean. "Even got squirrel there pie."

"What the hell is Mary holding?" Dean asked, the thought of pie lost as he took in the fluffy squirrel stuffed animal.

"Thought she'd like something to remember her Daddy by." Crowley teased, enjoying egging Dean on. Before you could say anything, Sam walked out of the kitchen, looking at the amazing dinner on the table.

"What did I miss?" He asked, as Mary dropped her stuffed animal to hold her arms up to Crowley. Without a moments hesitation he picked her up, settling her on his hip like she belonged there.

"Crowley bought dinner, everything Y/N likes." Cas started explaining. "Along with a stuffed squirrel to remind Mary of her Dad."

Busting out laughing, Sam leaned down, picking up the squirrel. "It does kind of look like you." He teased Dean, who was getting more annoyed by the second. 

"Enough. Can we please eat before I have to put Mary to bed?" You asked, amazed at the fact that you hadn't gone crazy yet with four  hot headed men constantly around you.

Soon, the six of you were sitting at the table, Mary in between you and Dean, in her little high chair that Cas had brought you as a present. It was made of a light wood, almost white in color, with angle wings carved into the back. Enochian symbols were etched all around it, for happiness and safe keeping.

Your stomach growling at all the food, you quickly dished some of the creamy macaroni and cheese into a bowl for Mary before filling your plate with a little bit of everything in front of you. As you bit into one of the fluffiest rolls you had ever eaten, you heard Mary giggle before a spoonful of food went flying across you, landing on Crowley's pristine black suit. 

All of you sat there in shock, so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. Crowley looked down at the spot in surprise, before taking a napkin and wiping it off. Still, a large yellowish spot stained the material, and you waited for him to get mad. With a shrug, he dropped the napkin, before continuing to eat.

Leaning down, you quietly scolded Mary, even though both you and Dean thought it was kind of funny.  Dean helped feed Mary, while Sam and Cas kept the conversation going, talking about a hunt they were considering taking. Glancing around the room, you couldn't believe what your life had turned in to. You had an adorable daughter, and a handsome and amazing fiancee. The King of Hell was like a Dad to you, and Cas was like a brother. Never in your long life as a Demon had you imagined you would be sitting here, having a nice family dinner with some of the most eclectic but amazing people you knew.

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