Stuck Here

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After Astaroth had left, you held your daughter close to your breast, hearing her little mewling as you tried to calm yourself down for her sake. While you held her, your hair plastered to your face, your body extremely tired, the nurse moved around, checking your vitals.

"Well, you did remarkably well for your first child. I think you had enough angelic juice flowing through your system that it helped you along. She's beautiful, I almost hate to think of what Astaroth has planned for her." The nurse muttered as she finished up her routine check up of you. She reached for your baby, but you held her tightly in your arms, refusing to let her go.

"Come on, Y/N. I'm just going to put her in her crib so the two of you can sleep and recuperate. You heard the master, he's not ready for her, yet." She said, prying Mary away from you, who started to wake back up once again. You stared in surprise at the demonic nurse, who was quietly hushing the baby, being calm and careful, as if she had a soul. "Now, you go to sleep, and when you wake, I will have a bath and food ready for you."

You didn't want to sleep, afraid that while your eyes were closed they would whisk in here and take your daughter away. But you could feel the drag of your exhaustion, and there was only so much fight you could put up before your eyelids closed on their own. The nurse pulled the blanket up and over you, and you cuddled into it, asleep before she had even turned the light down.


"Y/N, can you hear me?" A voice tried to drag you from your deep sleep. Muttering incoherently, you wanted to ignore it, and sleep more. But it was insistent, trying once again. "Y/N, you need to answer me. I can't help if I don't know where you are."

"Leave me alone. I'm tired." You muttered, forgetting where you were, or what had just happened. 

"No, I'm afraid I can't do that. Your squirrel is going mad at trying to find you, and they finally turned to me to help. So please, let me help so I can leave these buffoons." Crowley pleaded with you, and you woke with a start. Glancing frantically around your room, you saw you were alone, but still in that dark and dreary basement room. Your Mary was starting to fuss, and you slid out of bed, attempting to go to her. But your weak legs buckled, and you fell to the floor, gasping in pain. Ignoring it, you crawled over to her crib, pulling her into your arms, rocking her gently.

"Y/N!" Crowley was growing impatient, and now that you had your daughter in your arms, you turned your attention back to him.

"Can you hear me?" You thought, not wanting to say the words out loud, in case they had some sort of surveillance equipment hiding in the room.

"Of course I can love. I'm glad you finally answered me, I was getting worried." He told you, his voice growing calmer, relieved to hear your voice.

"How? I'm no longer a Demon." You asked him, as you gently rocked Mary in your arms, who was slowly falling back to sleep.

"True, but there is still a slight part of you that is, and since we were so close, it still connects us. Now enough chitter chatter or Dean might just end up killing me. Are you okay? Where are you? Who has you?" 

"I'm okay. Mary's okay. She's so beautiful. But they want her, and it terrifies me that I won't be able to hold them off. And I have no idea where I am, I was in too much pain when we came here, and it's Astaroth. He's the master mind behind all of this." You said quickly in your head as you heard a key in the lock on the door. "And someone's coming now."

"Damn it. Not Astaroth, he's one tricky bastard. Hold on Y/N, we'll be there soon. I have an idea as to where he would hole up." Crowley said, and then you felt a strange emptiness in your head, and you knew he was gone.

"Well, what do we have here?" The nurse said, her hands full of a tray with various food items on it. Setting it down on the table, she came forward, taking Mary out of your arms and placing her back in her crib. She then turned to you, shaking her head at you. "Couldn't wait for me, could you. Well let's get you a bath, then we can get you back in bed." 

With that, she turned and opened the door, and another Demon was standing there, another young woman. "Watch the baby, but don't do anything until we get back." Your nurse ordered. 

"Yes, Martha." The other Demon said quietly, before standing at the side of the crib, staring down. Martha came back over, wrapping your arm around her shoulder, forcing you to stand up. You wobbled for a moment, before taking unsure steps. She guided you out of the room, and you glanced back at Mary, scared to leave her alone, even for a second in this horrible place.

"Don't worry. Brittany won't hurt her." Martha told you, before opening a door just up the stairs, and forcing you in. It was a small bathroom, with a claw foot bathtub at one side, already full of steaming water. Martha sat you down on the toilet, grasping your soiled gown, pulling it over your head and tossing it down on the ground. 

She then helped you into the tub, and you could have moaned at how good it felt against your sore body. She scooted back, towards the door. "You have five minutes. Clean up, and I will be back with a fresh pair of clothes." 

At the side of the tub, was some shampoo and body wash. Making quick work of washing your body, you were just rinsing your hair when she came back in with a pair of sweatpants and shirt in her hands. "Good, you're done." She said, placing the clothes on the vanity before moving to help you up, a towel in her hands.

"Thank you." You told her, catching her off guard as she worked on helping you dry. It felt weird, like you were back in the 1800s, in your parent's house, with their many servants, the way she was helping you. Maybe that's why it didn't bug you as much as it could have. "You've been nicer to me than you need to be, and I appreciate it."

She seemed a little shell shocked at your confession, but a little pleased also. "I might work for the Master, but doesn't mean that I agree with his use for your baby. You were able to get out this life, I'm sorry we had to drag you back in."

Her simple statement brought tears to your eyes. A Demon with a conscious was a rare thing, and you wished you could help her. "If I do make it out of here, if I'm rescued, you can come with us. They found a cure. You wouldn't have to be a Demon any longer." 

Before she could answer, you heard yelling outside of the door, and she ran to it, opening it an inch to see outside. "We're being invaded." She said, fear lacing her words.

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