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It was weeks after the Vetala hunt, and you were currently relaxing in your bedroom, your belly now big enough to rest your plate on it. You were about halfway through the pregnancy, and while most of the cravings and morning sickness had gone, you still had an amazing appetite, and poor Sam and Dean had a hard time keeping the bunker stocked. 

They had taken a couple of smaller hunts, hunts that weren't too far away, and you were now more than comfortable to stay behind. You knew it was a big risk, heading out on hunts being pregnant, and no matter how much you hated being locked in the bunker, you didn't want anything to happen to your daughter.

"Hello, Y/N." Cas said from the door, startling you enough you almost dropped your plate. You had been alone in the bunker, Sam and Dean had gone on a salt and burn the next town over, leaving you to your own thoughts and your TV. You were currently binge watching (TV show) on Netflix, and hadn't been expecting anyone. 

"Cas!" You exclaimed, just as the plate on your belly jiggled slightly. You winced at the pressure in your belly, and you slowly realized that you were feeling your baby kicking. Your face must have showed your shock because Cas stepped forward, a contrite look on his face.

"Y/N, I'm sorry for scaring you, I didn't mean to. But Dean wanted me to check on you." He apologized.

"Cas, shut up and come here!" You exclaimed, moving your plate, and holding your hand where you felt another kick. The confused Angel came forward, and you grabbed his hand, pressing it to the spot.

"Y/N, I'm not sure Dean would like this." He said nervously, remembering how jealous Dean got with any other man around you.

"Shh, just wait." You told him, and your daughter picked that moment to kick again. Cas felt it, and his face lit up as he realized what was happening. 

"I can feel her! She's kicking!" He exclaimed, just as you heard the door open and Dean walked into the room.

"What's going on?" He asked as he dropped his duffle bag on the floor next to the dresser. His body was a little tense, his mouth in a line.

"Dean, come here! You need to feel this!" Cas said, but he stepped back, not wanting to upset Dean. Dean moved forward, looking between you and Cas.

"It just happened. I'm so glad you came home now." You said, grabbing his hand and placing it on your belly just as you noticed Sam leaning against the door frame. Dean's hand was warm and large against your swollen belly, and you waited, hoping your daughter hadn't grown tired. Seconds ticked by, and Dean grew restless, ready to pull his hand away when he felt it. His gaze turned your way, his eyes wide with excitement.

"Is that?" He asked, and you nodded. A huge smile slowly grew on his face as he leaned down closer to your belly.

"Hey honey, this is your daddy." He said, before glancing around, a blush covering his face. 

You heard Sam cough, before looking at Cas. "Hey Cas, let's head into the library."

You were surprised that Cas actually listened to Sam. Usually he didn't understand the need for privacy, and it would take more than a gentle hint for him to move. He nodded, leaving the room without a word, and Sam gently shut the door behind him.

After they were gone, Dean laid down on the bed next to you, his head and his hand still on your belly. Your daughter had slowed down, but you could still feel a kick every now and then. "I never thought I'd have the chance to feel something like this. To have the chance to have a family." He told you softly, and as soon as he started speaking, you felt your daughter give a big kick.

"Dean, I think she likes hearing her Dad talking." You said, your hormones and the sweetness of his words making you feel emotions you never thought you would feel. 

"At least someone does." He teased, before scooting up in the bed and pressing his lips to yours. 

"How did the hunt go?" You asked when he came up for a breath. Getting comfortable next to you, he pulled you closer to him. Because you were leaning in to him, you could feel his body tense a little before he answered you.

"It was a hunt." He answered simply. "It was a little more complicated than we thought, but we handled it."

You debated leaving it at that, letting him have his secret, hoping he would come clean before soon. But you were curious as to what had him so upset. "Wasn't it just a simple salt and burn? What could be complicated about that?" 

He sighed, his head leaning back against the headboard, his eyes closed. "Some things just happened, things that weren't connected to the salt and burn we did. But nothing to worry about."

That was it. That was all you were going to get. You could try to dig deeper, but Dean was good at staying quiet when he wanted to be, no matter how hard you tried. Sighing, you kissed him on the cheek. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" 

"I know." He answered, and you slid out of his arms, and out of bed. "Where are you going?"

Giving him a smile, you headed towards the door. "Cas showed up right before you. I don't want to be rude and ignore him."

You heard Dean grumbling before he climbed off of the bed. "You go ahead. I'm going to hop in the shower, then join you."

Sam and Cas were both still in the library, talking quietly. As soon as you walked in, they stopped, giving you guilty looks. "Guys, what are going on? Dean was acting weird, but wouldn't say anything. What happened on that hunt?"

Sam gave you a small smile. "If Dean doesn't want to tell you, I don't want to make him mad. Sorry."

You took a deep breath, frustrated they were keeping things from you. "Fine, you guys can have your secret. Cas, was there a special reason you came by?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to check up on you and the baby. I just want to make sure your baby is normal." He said, walking over to you, but you unconsciously took a step back.

"Normal? You said months earlier that my Baby was fine and normal! The doctor last week said my Baby was fine!" You said, your voice getting higher in the end. You were starting to freak out.

"And she is healthy. But since you have the tiniest bit of Angel grace inside of you, along with being a Demon for so long, I'm worried this might affect your daughter someway." He said, just as Dean came into the room.

"What's going on?" He asked, glancing between you and Cas, a frown appearing on his face when he noticed how upset you were.

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