Hunting Again

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Hearing rustling around the room, you peeked one eye open, watching Dean struggle with his arms full of bags, before finally setting them down on the dresser.

"What's all that?" You yawned, your brain fuzzy with sleep.

Surprised to see you awake, he began unloading the items. "Anything that I could think of that you might crave. I already put the ice cream in the freezer, along with some other items. But here we have crackers, peanut butter, chocolate, lots of chocolate, and pickles." 

"Pickles? Did I really ask for pickles?" You asked him, watching as he fumbled around, looking all sorts of awkward, and ridiculously adorable.

"I might have read that a lot of pregnant women crave pickles." He stuttered, before towing off his boots.

You shuddered at the thought of pickles. "Hopefully not this one. Right now all I'm craving is your arms wrapped around me. I'm exhausted."

His clothes flew everywhere in his haste to get undressed, and finally he slid in the sheets, cuddling his front to your back, his arms wrapped around you, his hand splayed protectively across your belly.

"I don't blame you for being exhausted. It' not everyday that your pregnant, and kidnapped." He whispered into your hair.

"I'm so sorry about that." You tried again, still feeling guilty that you hadn't listened to him.

"Shh." He answered, kissing your neck. "It's over. You're alright, and so is our child."


The next morning you woke up, smiling widely when you realized your morning sickness was maybe going to give you a day of reprieve. Stretching widely, you felt Dean's arms pull you tighter to him, before you heard him groan, slowly waking up.

"What time is it?" Dean grumbled, his voice deeper with sleep.

"It's a little after seven." You answered him, ready to sneak out from under his arms, and head into the bathroom.

Sighing, he ran his hand over his face. "I need to get up. Sam thinks he's found a new hunt, and we need to do more research today before we take it on."

You nodded, wondering what that had meant for you. While you were only about four months along, the conversation of what to do on hunts had never come up. Hunts had been scarce lately, leaving Dean with plenty of time to spend with you. It had been a welcome relief, with morning sickness kicking your butt, to have him there to help you. But now that there was an actual case, you wondered if they would let you go on it.

"Fine, I have to pee. But then I'll help you research." You told him, your pregnancy already making your bathroom visits closer and closer.

"Alright. You want breakfast, or is your stomach rebelling again this morning?" He asked before pressing a kiss to your nose and sliding out of bed.

"I feel remarkably well." You told him, rushing to beat him to the bathroom. "Hopefully the sight or smell of food won't mess that up. Because I'm really craving blueberry pancakes."

You heard him chuckling as you shut the bathroom door, deciding a shower was in order too.

About twenty minutes later, feeling refreshed and recharged, you left your room, letting your nose guide you to the kitchen were Dean was currently flipping pancakes on the stove. Sam sat at the table, his laptop and a cup of coffee in front of him. "Dean, those smell delicious." You said, coming to wrap your arms around his back, leaning forward to rest your head between his shoulder blades. You already felt awkward and bloated, making hugging hard, and you couldn't imagine what it would be like down the road. 

"I'm glad they aren't running you out of the room." He said, handing you a plate piled high. "We did skip the bacon, just in case."

"Thank you." You said, pouring yourself a glass of juice before sitting down across from Sam. Completely saturating your pancakes with syrup, you dug in, closing your eyes as they hit your taste buds. 

You heard Sam laughing. "It's nice to see you enjoying food again."

"This isn't just enjoyment. This is love." You said, your mouth full. Dean came and sat down next to you, his own plate piled high, and a bowl of fruit in the other. 

"Here, you said you were craving fruit last night." He said, shoving it closer to you. In it were more blueberries, along with raspberries, strawberries and grapes.

"Thank you!" You exclaimed again before kissing him soundly on the lips, the blueberry staining both of you a light blue. 

"So guys, about that hunt I found last night." Sam said, interrupting your excitement over your food. "Another body was found this morning. And it was also drained completely of blood. Authorities are saying it's some weird ritual, or rabid animal."

"A very hungry vampire?" You asked, still enjoying your breakfast.

"Maybe, but it doesn't sound like it. I'm not sure, but I need to get a good look at the victims, see what type of wounds they have." He said, shutting his laptop and finishing off his coffee.

"Where's it at?" You asked, wondering when they would talk about the elephant in the room, you. If you were going, if you were staying.

"About three hours from here, in Nebraska. If we leave soon, then we can get there in time to hit the morgue before they close." He said as he left the room, leaving you and Dean to finish off your breakfast. 

"Dean, I..." You started, wanting to go about this without arguing.

"Y/N, and I know what you're going to say. But you just got back from being kidnapped. And your pregnant. I just think it would be better if you stayed behind." He said, standing up and taking yours and his plates to the sink.

"Dean, but what if I go, and run research from the hotel. You know I'm just going to go crazy staying in this bunker, especially by myself." You argued, still keeping your temper down. 

"I still don't know Y/N. Maybe the next one. And when I get back, you and I can go to the movies, or even for a drive." He said, leaning against the counter crossing his arms against his navy blue flannel.

"Dean, you know this isn't fair. Just because we're together, and expecting a baby, doesn't mean you get to have rule over my life!" You said, your temper finally showing as you stood up and put your hands on your ever widening hips.

"It's not that Y/N." He argued, running his hands through his already spiky hair. "It's just, I don't want anything to happen to you. Or the baby."

"Nothing will happen to me if I'm just doing research in the motel room. But if you leave me here, there will be no one to stop me from running errands, or getting a breath of fresh air. How long do you think you'll be able to keep me locked here?"

He sighed, and you knew you had won. "Fine. You can come with us, but you stay in the motel room, unless either Sam or I are with you. That's it."

You rushed forward, giving him a huge hug before grabbing a plastic container. "What are you doing?" He asked you.

"Packing my snacks. Who knows what I will crave on the trip." You said, relieved that you had won, and that it hadn't turned into more of an argument. 

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