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Your heart pounding, you stood as close as possible to Dean, feeling uncomfortable around Cas again. Your relationship had always been a little rocky, but you had thought it was going much better now that you were no longer a Demon. But then he pulled something like this, and it scared you, all the way to your toes.

"Dean, he thinks that our baby might not be normal. Because I was a Demon, and because I have a little bit of Angel in me." You told him, your hands shaking from nerves. 

"Damn it Cas, you know the Doctor said she shouldn't upset herself too much. That it was harmful to the baby. And you decide now's a good time to talk about this?" Dean cussed at his friend, wrapping his arm around his shoulder and pulling you tight to him. He could feel your trembling, and cursed under his breath.

"Y/N, don't worry. It will be okay. You just need to relax. No matter what happens, it will all work out." He tried calming you down, but you wouldn't, couldn't, until you heard what Cas had to say.

"I'm sorry Dean. But it was too soon to tell earlier. But now that she is in her later stages of pregnancy, I should be able to get a good reading." He said, taking a step towards you, but you shrunk into Dean, still nervous and unsure.

"Cas, Dean, I think..." Sam started, after staying quiet so long. "Especially after..."

"After what?" You said, pulling away from Dean. "First, the two of you come back from a hunt with this weird secrecy that's really freaking me out. And then Cas talks about my baby not being human." You said, frustration, fear and annoyance getting to you. "That's it. I'm going back to my room. The three of you can do whatever, but I'm done with this."

You started to storm off, but Cas materialized in front of you. "Y/N, I'm sorry to upset you. That wasn't my attention. And I didn't know that when I came that they would have the news of..." Cas started to say, but Dean interrupted him.

"Woah Cas, one thing at a time!" He said, and you turned your anger on him. 

"You don't get to yell at him! You're keeping secrets from me, you're in trouble too!" You yelled, before storming off to your room, slamming the door behind you. Frustrated beyond belief, you stomped over to the bed, flopping on it, rubbing your hand up and down your belly, feeling fat, hopeless, and alone. Tears started streaming down your face, and you wanted nothing more than to go outside and walk in the forest surrounding the bunker. But it was dangerous, and they didn't let you out alone by yourself anymore.

As the tears flowed down your cheeks, you felt your stomach growing tighter, pain blossoming. "No." You muttered through your tears, hoping you hadn't upset yourself so much you were going to miscarry. Moving to your feet, you almost doubled over as another wave of pain crashed over you, your lower back feeling as if someone was stepping on it. Your lower belly was the center of the pain, and you cried out.

Trying to take another step towards the door, you heard a knock on the other side before you heard Dean's voice. "Y/N, I'm so sorry. Please let me in, and I'll explain everything."

Instead of answering him, another cry of pain spilled from your lips, alerting Dean to the fact that something wasn't right. "Y/N?" He said through the door, trying to open it.

"Dean." You mumbled, before collapsing back on the bed, in too much pain to continue walking. 

"Y/N!" He yelled, before slamming against the door. "Damn it. Cas, come help me!" 

Before you knew it, Cas was in the room with you, a concerned look on his face as he placed a hand on your forehead. "These pains are too early. I'm afraid if I try to stop them, to take the pain away, I will harm the baby. We need to take you to a hospital."

He left you to open the door for Dean, who came barging into the room, a wild expression on his face. "Y/N, oh my god, what is it? Is the baby okay?"

Sam followed behind him, his expression just as concerned. "Dean, we need to get her to a hospital, now. I think she's going into premature labor."

"Damn it." Dean cussed, as he came forward, lifting you in his arms as if you weighed nothing. "It's alright sweetheart. Let's get you to the hospital."

You moaned as another round of pain hit you, and you felt Dean's hand clench on your shoulder. "Damn it Y/N. This is all my fault. I'm so sorry."

You shook your head. "No it's not. I shouldn't have gotten so upset." He slid into the back seat, keeping you in his arms. Cas slid into the passenger seat, while Sam started the Impala, pulling out with a squeal of the tires. 

"The nearest hospital is ten minutes away." Sam explained, as another round of misery rocked your body.

"Try to make it in five!" Dean ordered, rubbing your back, trying to help you out. "Cas, isn't this too early?"

"Dean, it possibly is. But they may be false contractions, or she's going to be born premature. I can't say." Cas announced. "There's also the possibility that Y/N is having a miscarriage and will lose the baby."

"Don't say that." You muttered, feeling Dean's body tense underneath you.  You weren't sure you could handle losing this baby. You had lived a long life thinking you could never have a family, and you weren't ready for that to be ripped away from you. "I can't lose her."

"We won't. She's strong, we won't lose her." Dean promised you, kissing your temple. "We're almost there, and the doctors will know what to do."

Sam pulled into the hospital's parking lot, slamming on the brakes by the front door. He came rushing around, opening the door and gently pulling you from Dean's arms. It was only seconds later you were back in them, as he rushed into the main room. A nurse noticed his desperation, and brought over a wheelchair, but Dean held on.

"Sir, please put her in the chair so we can help her." The nurse urged and he finally agreed, but he wasn't happy to let you go. 

Another wave of pain hit you, just as the nurse pushed you away from Dean, down a hallway. You tried to look back, to find Dean, but the nurse kept moving faster and faster. "Please, wait. I need him!" You started to say, but she just laughed at you.

"Don't worry. Where I'm taking you, he will never find you, or that baby you're about ready to have." She chuckled as her eyes flashed black. 

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