Locked Away

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Even through your labor pains, you tried to get out of the wheelchair, needing to get away from the Demon and keep your baby safe. You fell to your knees, moaning as the pain radiated through your knees, multiplying your labor pains.

"You stupid bitch. You're just going to hurt yourself." The Demon muttered, grabbing you by your hair and shoving you back in the wheelchair. "I hated you as a Demon, and you're just as annoying now. If it was up to me I would carve that baby out of you, and leaving you to bleed to death in the hallway." She hissed in your ear, before pushing you through a set of revolving doors that led to the ambulance dock. You wanted to scream Dean's name, but a moan burst out instead as another labor pain tore through your system.

"Please. Leave me alone. My baby's early. If she's not born in a hospital she might die." You pleaded but the Demon just cackled.

"No it won't. I bet she's stronger than you think. With her Demon tainted angelic blood, she's probably ready to be born earlier than a normal baby." She said, before stopping beside a nondescript black SUV.

The door opened, and Devon climbed out, a snarky grin on his face. "I knew we would be seeing you again Y/N. And just in time too. Looks like you're about ready to pop."

You would have answered him, but instead you doubled over in pain, your baby letting you know she wasn't going to wait much longer. Devon reached forward, grasping your arm, and the other Demon did the same thing, dragging you out of the wheelchair, and into the back of the SUV. "This way you won't get the seats all messy." 

You laid there, your brow covered in sweat. "I hope she will wait until we get to our place. We have that nurse there and everything. I would hate to see all our hard work go to waste." The female demon muttered as she climbed into the backseat.

You weren't sure how long the car ride was, but you found yourself rolling around in the back, your stomach rippling with contractions. Your water had broke and your pants were soaked, and you knew you needed to get out of them, and soon. Your phone started ringing, and you had forgotten it had been shoved into your pocket before you had left. 

"Ooh, we can't let her answer that." The female Demon purred, reaching over the bench and yanking it from your pocket. "Hmm, but what if I answer it?"

"Don't." Devon told her, grabbing it from her before rolling down his window and tossing the phone out. You let out a whimper, realizing that was Dean's last way to track you. "We don't want those Winchesters to have any idea it's us, or what we're up to."

"Good thinking. We don't need Astaroth on our bad side. He scares me." She whispered, and even through your pain you froze. You had heard of that name, just once, during your Demon training. He was a very high ranking Demon, one long feared and revered. But he had gone into hiding, hundreds of years ago. Now he was just a legend, something that was told to scare young Demons into behaving. He was full of greed, and lust, and hungered not only for the blood of humans, but for as many souls to torture as possible.

"We're here." Devon announced, and the back door opened, a pair of arms reaching in and grasping you. Roughly carrying you in his arms, you were brought in to an old house, withered and worn. Up the steps they went, into a battered living room. You could barely make out a couple of chairs, before you were carried down stairs, into the basement. The light was on, and you saw a bed, a crib, and a lady in white clothes standing there, her arms crossed. 

"How far along is she?" She asked, an English accent tinting her words. 

"I have no clue." Devon's voice rang out from behind you as you were roughly set down on the bed. "We just brought her here, we don't know anything about child birth."

"That's pretty easy to see. Now get out of here, and let me get to work." She ordered, and they listened, leaving you alone with the lady. Another contraction hit your body, and you moaned, loudly.

"You're close aren't you. I'm sorry we can't do this in a hospital, but there's protocol to stealing a baby." She told you, confirming your worst fear.

"No, not my baby." You muttered as she began undressing you, before tossing a long, big shirt over you. Your arms shaking, you struggled to get it on, wanting to have at least some sort of decency. 

"Bosses orders I'm afraid. And this little girl is in a hurry. Should be over with soon." She said, examining you. 

You felt yourself pushing, breathing  heavily. "That's good. Keep going." She encouraged you.

Time passed, slowly it seemed, but not slowly enough. You didn't want your daughter born here, in this hell hole, to be snatched from your arms. You wanted her born in the safety of a hospital, with Dean by your side, both of you staring down at her with tears of wonderment in your eyes. 

"One last push." She told you, and even though you were exhausted, you pushed, and you felt her leave your body, hearing her first scream. It tugged at your heart, and you wanted nothing more than to hold her to your breast, to see her and touch her. To see the perfect little being that you and Dean had made together.

"She's beautiful. Astaroth will be pleased." The nurse told you, chilling you to the bone. 

"Why? Why does he want my baby?" You sobbed, your arms shaking as you held them out, wanting her to place your daughter in them.

She was holding your baby wrapped in a soft white towel. She was cooing at her, but at your words, looked up. "Why, because of her special blood of course. How many people, besides you, have demonic tainted angel blood. On top of that a pure soul? He needs her if he's going to start the apocalypse once again."

"No." You muttered, trying to get off of the bed, but your body was too weak, too sore, and you could just lay there, watching as the nurse went to the door, and talked to someone on the other side. She then came back, and surprised you by handing you the tiny bundle. With shaking arms, you held your daughter, looking down at the perfect girl in your arms.

Her skin was as soft as a peach, almost the same color. She had light blonde fuzz on top of her hair, and you could just make out a pair of slate blue eyes staring at you. "Feed her." The nurse ordered, and you complied, able to pull the big shirt down enough. As you nursed your daughter, you had conflicting thoughts running through your mind. Your heart was about ready to burst with love for this precious girl, but you were also full of fear and concern at what the demons were going to do with her. And it was not a good combination.

"Well, isn't that a sweet sight." A deep, but creepy voice said from the door. You looked up to see a tall, well built man standing in the door frame. He had a full head of silver hair, his face lined with wrinkles. He held himself with a regal stature, his shoulders filling out a navy blue suit. Some might have considered him handsome, but the look in his pale blue eyes, and the thin line of his mouth had you pulling your daughter closer to your chest. "Have you named her yet?"

"Mary." You said. Even though you and Dean had never really talked about it, you had decided she would have his mother's name, with your mother's name being her middle name. 

"Of course. That makes sense. My name's Astaroth, but you probably figured that out. I'm your host, and for now, I'm going to let you keep her, both of you down here. I'm biding my time, waiting for the perfect opportunity for my plan."

With that he turned away from you, shutting the door behind him, leaving you alone with your baby and the nurse.

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