Neutral, Kansas

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"My babies in hell?" You cried, your knees buckling at the thought. Dean caught you before you could crumple to the ground, gently easing you to the ground, his arms staying around you the entire time. "Dean, our baby is in hell." I sobbed.

Rubbing my back, Dean glared Crowley's way. "Crowley!" He yelled at the Demon. You looked up through tear stained lashes, seeing a shocked and dismayed Crowley on the other side of the room, with Sam closing in on him. 

Instead of vanishing out like he could have, Crowley stayed put, his hands up in the air, giving himself up. "I promise I didn't know! If I did, she would be safe by now, I promise!" He pleaded, as Sam came to stand right next to him, the Demon killing knife in his hands. 

"But you're the King of Hell. Shouldn't you have known if something was going on in your domain?" Sam growled, holding the knife up, and you could only sit there with Dean and watch, sniffling.

"But there's too much to hell!" Crowley still tried arguing. "I've tried to keep an eye out everywhere, but there are places even I can't keep an eye on all the time."

"Dean, it's true. There's so many places down there, so many hidey holes. Crowley can't keep an eye on all of them. Please call Sam off." You whispered to Dean. "Crowley will help us, I know he will."

"Sam." Dean said, and Sam gave Dean a quick glance but didn't lower his knife. "Sam, we need his help. Lower the knife."

Finally Sam did as told, as you could see Crowley take a deep breath. Cas was on the other side, his Angel blade in his hand, but took a step back at Dean's words. Dean squeezed your shoulder before leaving you to stand next to his brother. You slowly came to your feet, knowing you had to be strong for your daughter. 

"Crowley, will you help us get my daughter back?" You asked him, as the other three men came up to stand behind you, Dean's hand resting on your shoulder. 

"Of course." Crowley exclaimed. "After all, I'm her Uncle. At least that's what I consider myself. And I haven't even met the little darling yet."

You could literally feel some of the tension leave the room at Crowley's words, and Dean came forward, standing next to you. "Let's go!" He exclaimed, ready to go and fight to get his daughter back. A child he hadn't gotten to even meet.

"Dean, we need to be smart about this. He told us where she is, that means it's probably a trap." Sam, always the voice of reason said.

"Let's go out to the library and talk about this. But we need to hurry, I don't want my baby down in hell any longer than she has to." You said, leading the way out of the dungeon. Sam and Dean sat down on one side of the table, while Crowley took the other. Cas stood off to the side, still untrusting, and you paced. You were too nervous, too emotional to sit, and you walked back and forth, listening to Sam come up with some ideas.

As you passed by the table for the fifteenth time, Dean reached out, grasping your hand and pulling you onto his lap. With an umph, you fell, and before you could even think about moving, Dean's arms were wrapped around you, holding you still. "Relax. We will get her back, but working yourself up like this will do nothing but hurt you in the end. And we need you healthy to bring our baby girl back." 

"You're right." You agreed, before turning back to the heated discussion that Sam, Cas and Crowley were currently having. 

"He won't be able to get into my abode down there, it's too heavily warded, and people already know to watch for him. We can make our way there, and I can contact my spies." Crowley suggested, and it was probably the best plan, the only plan you had that might work.

"When do we leave?" You asked, feeling Dean's arms tense around you.

"Y/N, maybe you could stay back, in case he tries to contact us again." Dean tried suggesting, and you turned on him.

"Hell no, pardon the pun. That's my baby down there, and I'm not going to just stand by and twiddle my thumbs. And besides, if anyone should stay back, it's you." You argued, and your last sentence had Dean frozen in shock. His mouth was open, but no words came out. "I used to be a Demon. Hell used to be my playground. I know my way around. I'll be fine."

"Fine, you'll go. But we stick together the entire time." Dean agreed, and you slid off of his lap, ready to leave right away.

"I have a safe house not too far from here." Crowley said, standing up and dusting down his suit. "We will head there immediately, where a portal will take us to Hell."

You weren't sure what to take, but you ended up going through your entire weapons bag, pulling out salt, demon carved bullets and your own specialty knife. Along with your diaper bag, needing to keep a positive attitude that your daughter would be making the trip home with you. "Ready?" Dean asked you, leaning against the door, and you nodded, glancing one more time around the nursery you had put together. At the pale yellow painted brick, and the colorful rug on the floor. What upset you the most was the empty crib on the far side of the room. It should be full of a grumpy baby, ready for it's diaper changed, or a snack. 

You hadn't even realized tears were starting to fall, until Dean came up and gently wiped them off of your cheek. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you, for her. But we will get her back." He said, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you tight to him.

"I know we will. But will she be forever changed, haunted, because of this?" You asked, fearing the worst.

"We can have Cas erase her memories." Dean suggested. "She will be young enough it wouldn't matter. I mean who remembers their first week of life anyways?"

You sniffled, before pulling back. With one last glance, you left the nursery, climbing into the crowded backseat, sitting between Crowley and Cas. "This is going to be a very long road trip." You muttered to yourself, as Dean pulled out of the garage. "Where to, Crowley?" Dean asked as he left the bunker behind in the dust.

"Neutral Kansas." Crowley said, and you had to hold back a snort.

"What the hell Crowley? Is that really a town?" Sam asked, as Dean chuckled. 

"It certainly is. And I figured it was a perfect spot for a portal. On neutral ground." He said, a smile on his face at how clever he thought he was.

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