Trouble in Paradise

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A couple of days later, you found yourself growing restless. Being coupled up in the bunker was driving you crazy, and if you didn't get out of here soon, you would probably end up doing something you would regret. 

"Dean, I promise I will be fine! I just really need to get out of here." You pleaded with him, batting your eyelashes. 

He barely even glanced up from his laptop before he answered. "Can't it wait? Sam and I are really close to finishing this research. A couple more hours and then I can go with you."

You almost wavered. But you didn't want to wait, especially when you knew a couple of hours would become days. 

"Dean, it's just a farmers market. I'm going to drive myself there, walk out some stress, and buy fruit. You know how much I've been craving fruit." You countered back.

He finally glanced up at you then, a look of disgust on his face. "Ugh, fruit. This pregnancy is making you more like Sam," he muttered. 

"I'll buy the fixings for pie." You offered, but you could still see he wasn't completely swayed. "Cherry? Apple?"

"Fine. Apple. But text me when you get there, and on your way back," he ordered. " And if anything feels off."  

After learning about your pregnancy, Dean had turned overprotective. At first, it had been adorable, but now you were beginning to get very frustrated at being treated like a China doll.

"I will, I promise. And it's just a small farmers market, it should be quick and easy. I just need fresh air and a chance to stretch my legs," you spoke quickly, relieved that he had finally given in.

With a quick kiss on the cheek, you left him researching in the library. Humming happily, you pulled out some clothes that would look a little more presentable. While your belly bump wasn't huge, you could definitely tell you were pregnant. Your new clothes had finally arrived, and you lived in the stretchy yoga pants. 

Slipping on a gray pair, you grabbed one of your new maternity tunics. Taking a quick detour, you checked your makeup, before grabbing the keys to the car Dean had given you. It was the old pale blue Thunderbird that had been left behind in the bunker. You had fallen in love with the car, and Dean had surprised you with it on your birthday.

Wrapping your hair in a bandana, you dropped the top down before pulling out of the garage. Pointing it towards town, you cranked up the radio, enjoying the time to yourself. Feeling like you could finally breathe for the first time in days. 

It wasn't a long trip to the far side of town, and soon you were pulling the T Bird into the already crowded parking lot. You hadn't expected it to be this busy, but you were ready to mingle and shop. Taking your tote bag from the back seat, you made your way through the crowd to the rows carefully placed in the park. 

Your morning sickness had started to wear off, but the jerky vendor had your stomach-churning. Turning away from it, you went to each of the local produce stands, looking over the items, all of the fruit drawing your attention. 

Deciding to buy a little bit from each stand, you took your time, enjoying the sun on your back, and the fresh air the small town provided. It was so much better than the slightly musty smell that you couldn't get rid of in the bunker.

After about five minutes, you remembered to text Dean, letting him know you had made it safely, and you were busy shopping. Dropping your phone into your bag,  you made your way to another stand this one full of berries. They were a good price, and you filled your bag with as many as you could, already planning the different ways you would use them back at the bunker. 

Thanking the cashier, you decided to make your way back to your car, already feeling a little worn out and hot from your short jaunt. Skipping the heavy crowds in front of you, you turned down an empty street, knowing it would head straight back to your car. 

Grabbing a container of raspberries from your tote, you started munching on them, thinking ahead to the pies you were going to make. An apple for Dean, and a mixed berry for you. It sounded amazing. 

You were so lost in your own thoughts that you didn't hear the footsteps coming up behind you. It wasn't until a rough shoulder into your own had you stumbling and dropping your raspberries that you noticed you weren't alone.

"Hey, watch it!" You exclaimed, turning to see a man smiling down at you. He had curly, reddish hair, and freckles covering his face. His smile unnerved you, and you reached into your back pocket for the knife you always kept with you.

"Sorry Ma'am," He sneered, but it wasn't an apology. Taking a step towards you, his eyes never leaving your face. 

You moved back a step, unconsciously holding an arm against your belly, protecting your unborn child. "It's alright. But I need to go now." You tried, attempting to push past him, but he reached out, roughly grasping your arm. 

"You're Y/N," He didn't seem surprised. His hold on your arm was tight enough that you knew you would have a bruise. 

"I think you're mistaken." You answered, trying to pull away. 

He smiled wide as he pushed you tight against the telephone phone. "We've been looking everywhere for you. I guess the Winchester's have had you under lock and key lately. You're their little pet," he sneered. "I don't think you remember me though." 

Now that you were human, you couldn't see a Demon's true form, which made it hard knowing what Demon you were up against. "No, I don't. Now let me go." You insisted.

"I don't think I can do that. You see, we were a part of Ebony's gang, and when we heard you had been brought back, we knew we needed to exact revenge." He told you, just as two more men with black eyes came around the corner. "Hey guys, I just stumbled on Y/N. Can you believe it?"

They chuckled, coming closer. "Wait, does she even recognize us?"

"No, I don't." You answered, earning blank stares from each of them.

"You're no longer a Demon, are you? I had heard rumors, but didn't think it was possible." The red-haired one muttered. 

"Devon, hurry up. We need to go before Dean figures out we're here." The shorter, dark-haired man said, frantically looking around him.

"Looks like you're coming with us," Devon exclaimed, tightening his hold before dragging you beside him. You tried fighting, dropping your tote in the process, but you had to be careful. You didn't want to do anything to harm your child. Or for them to realize you were pregnant. 

Knowing Dean would realize something was wrong soon, you figured it might be best to not fight, for now, to wait for him to do something, instead of endangering your unborn child. 

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