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"Am I supposed to be this sick?" You muttered, wiping your mouth on a towel before slowly pulling yourself up. This was quickly becoming your normal spot, by the toilet. Each morning, Dean could find you there, your head hanging over the bowl as you groaned.

"I have no idea. Maybe the doctor can tell us when we go to our appointment tomorrow." Dean suggested, handing you a glass of water to rinse your mouth out with. "I hope it ends soon, I hate seeing you this sick."

"Maybe it's the fact that you used to be a Demon. Your body isn't totally human." Crowley suggested, startling both of you. He was standing at the door, his dark suit nicely pressed, his nose scrunched up in disgust as he looked you over. You knew you weren't looking your best. Your face was covered in sweat, your hair tangled around your head, your pajamas a little too tight around your belly. You felt horrible and bloated, and it was only three months into your pregnancy.  You weren't sure you would be able to live through the whole thing.

"Crowley, what the hell are you doing here?" Dean growled. He had grown accustomed to the King of Hell showing up at the bunker whenever he pleased, but showing up at the door to your bathroom was pushing it a little.

"I just had to check on my darling over there. I know pregnancies can be hell, excuse the pun, and I figured she might have a harder time than normal humans. So I wanted to check up on her." Crowley held up a leather bag. "I also have this."

"But I'm totally human now, aren't I?" You asked him, your movements slow as you came to stand in front of him. 

"Nope." He replied simply.  "You still have the matter of some Angel grace floating around in you, and I bet if anyone were to look close enough, they would find some Demon residue as well."

You weren't surprised. You felt human. Your body wasn't as strong as it was, succumbing to illnesses or pain more than it had before. However, you could still feel something buried deep inside you. You were too afraid to dig around for it,  happy at staying purely human. You hadn't told Dean yet, you weren't sure what his reaction would be.

Dean got right to the point. "Will our kid be normal?" He only seemed mildly curious, his face strangely blank. You couldn't tell if he was worried or not.

"I'm afraid the chance of that is slim," another voice announced from your bedroom, a voice that belonged to a certain Angel friend. 

"Cas!" You exclaimed, happy to see him, even if everyone was crowding into your personal space. Ever since that fateful day, he was seldom seen, and you missed him. Sure, he had attempted to kill you when you had first met, but after everything the two of you had been through, you were becoming friends. 

"Hi Y/N. Dean. I'm afraid with the Angel grace her mother passed down to her, there is a big chance this child will not be a normal human being. Along with the little bit of Demon I can sense lurking in Y/N, it will be interesting to see what she is like when she is born." Cas explained, as you and Dean just stared at him.

"Her?" Dean repeated, cocking his head to one side.

"Yes Dean, your baby is a girl," Cas announced, seeming pleased with himself.

"Well guess we don't need to keep the appointment tomorrow." You smiled, secretly pleased that you already knew the birth of your child. It had been an argument between you and Dean. He had wanted to keep it a surprise, while you had wanted to know.

"No, we are still going. I want to make sure everything is going right." Dean argued, but Cas stepped forward. 

"You do not need to keep the appointment. I can tell you if everything is okay." Cas announced, and before anyone could do anything, he placed a hand on your slightly swollen belly. "She is happy and healthy. She is growing fast, and that is why you are so nauseous. I can take most of it away, but you need to eat more protein."

You smiled up at him, thanking him for his help. He was still for a second before a light shown between his hand and your belly. Soon you began to feel much better, your nausea gone.

Just then Sam came through the door, crowding your small room. "I thought I heard voices. Cas, Crowley, what are you guys doing here? Y/N, are you okay?"

You chuckled at your tall friend, who was still dressed in his lounge pants and t-shirt, his long, shaggy hair standing on end. He must have just woken up. "Apparently both Cas and Crowley could tell that this morning sickness was kicking my butt." You explained. "But Cas made me better, and we just found out you're going to be an uncle to a girl."  

It took a moment for his sleepy brain to process what you had just told him. But then he smiled. "A girl? That's great! Congratulations!" He slapped Dean on the back.

"A girl is wonderful." Crowley chimed in. "But we are all wondering what she will be like. There is both Angel grace and a trace of Demon still floating around in Y/N, and we aren't sure if it will transfer to the baby or not."

"Either way, it's still our family. We can keep her safe." Sam argued, and Dean nodded along with him.

"Now, can all of you get out of my room so I can get dressed in peace." You insisted, shooing them out of the room, even Dean. It felt like you hadn't had a moment to yourself as soon as you found out you were pregnant, and it was starting to drive you insane. 

Pulling out one of Dean's t-shirts, you slipped it on, before trying to pull on a pair of jeans. When they wouldn't button over your ever-expanding belly, you sat down on the bed, tears pooling in your eyes. You felt horrible and ugly, and none of your clothes fit. You knew it was probably the hormones taking over your emotions, but you wanted to lay down on the bed and cry.

A quiet knock on your door had you trying to sniffle back your tears, but when Dean stuck his head in, they started up once again. "Y/N, what is it, sweetheart?" He asked, rushing over to you.

"Nothing fits." You muttered, pointing to your belly. "None of my jeans will button anymore."

"That's it?" He asked, and you turned on him.

"What else? Isn't that enough?" You practically yelled back at him. "I'm a whale!"

He took your hand in his. "You are not a whale. This is just natural. Hell, we'll even go shopping, buy you some different clothes." He said, trying to pacify you.

"I hate shopping." You muttered, sending him an evil glare.

"Fine, then we will order some online. And you can wear my sweats for right now." He said, and that made you happy." Getting up, he grabbed a gray pair, tossing them over to you. Sliding your jeans back down, you slid them on, cinching the waist until they fit you.

"I kicked Crowley out. Cas left with Sam for a job. Why don't we go relax in the library, you can spend as much money online as you want while I fix you breakfast? Sound good?" He asked, pulling you tight to him.

"Sounds great." You agreed, grateful that Dean could calm you down from the edge of a huge meltdown.

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