Getting to Know Your Daughter

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"Mommy!" A voice chattered beside you, and you woke with a stat. Looking over, you saw your daughter sitting up in bed, with Dean nowhere to be found. As soon as she noticed you were awake, she threw herself into your arms, squealing with glee. "Mom, mommy!" She kept repeating over and over, unable to say much more than that. 

"Hey sweetie." You said, holding her tight in your arms, tears of joy threatening to spill as you were overcome with emotion. For a while there you hadn't been sure you would get here back, and here you were. Sure, she was a little older, and you had missed out on much of her life. But she was back home, with you and Dean. And that's all that mattered. "Let's have breakfast, shall we?" You asked her, and she started bouncing on the bed, ready for food.

Sighing, you slid out of the blankets, quickly changing into old jeans and a sweatshirt before picking her up. It was then you noticed the smell coming from her, and you wrinkled your nose. "First, we need to get changed." You told her, grabbing the diaper bag off the dresser before pulling her into your arms.

Carrying her down into the bathroom, you started the bathtub before turning your attention back to her. She looked so silly, being drowned in your smallest shirt, a pout on her face as she stared at the tub. Things you hadn't noticed last night showed in the bright florescent lighting. The grime covering her from head to toe, her hair was a mess, probably having never been brushed. Feeling so sorry for your little girl, you stripped her out of her clothes, before placing her in the warm water. It was something new and scary for Mary, and she fought at first. But when you added the bubbles to the water, she became interested, splashing the water, soaking the two of you.

Soon the two of you were giggling as you piled bubbles on top of her head. "I've never heard a better sound." Dean's voice rang out through the bathroom, and you turned to smile at him, a bubble sticking to your cheek. Hesitating, just a little, he came forward. You could tell he wanted to be a part of this family moment, but wasn't exactly sure how to go about it.

"She's all cleaned up." You told him, holding out a fluffy white blanket. "You want to dry her off?"

He nodded, taking the towel from you. Helping her out of the tub, she stood in front of Dean, and he wrapped it around her, gently rubbing her dry. As he moved to dry her hair, she started giggling again, wiggling out of his grasp and running away from him butt naked. He looked at you in shock, silently asking you for help. You shrugged, before holding out her borrowed shirt. "It's your turn now. Go chase her, and get her dressed."

You watched as he chased her for a moment, loving the happy scene in front of you, before deciding to head out and get started on breakfast. "Oh and Dean, let me know if you need help with her diaper."

After a messy breakfast where you ended up wearing most of her scrambled eggs, you had quickly changed before heading to town for supplies. It was awkward going, without a carseat big enough to fit her, you ended up belting here into the backseat, sitting next to her and hoping you wouldn't be pulled over. Sam rode up front, while Dean drove, keeping the music quiet. But as AC/DC started playing, Mary started clapping her hands, trying to sing along with the music.

"That's my girl!" Dean exclaimed, beyond excited that his little girl shared his taste in music. 

Soon enough you were pulling into a department store, one that carried every single little item that you might need. Dean reached back, handing you his credit card. "Don't skimp. Buy whatever you need, plus extra." He told you, and you stared at him in shock.

"Where do you think you're going? You need to help me!" You exclaimed, but he was already rushing off, his hands up in the air. You looked at Sam who just shrugged.

"I have no clue." He said. "But I'm willing to help."

"Good, hold her while I grab the diaper bag." You said, handing her off, and Sam grasped her awkwardly. Holding her in front of him, he stared down at her as if she might break at any second. Before you could take her back, he seemed to relax, holding her closer, that is until she reached up, pulling on his hair.

Laughing, you took Mary from Sam, handing him the diaper bag. She cuddled deeper into your arms, watching all the people walking by with interest. Settling her into one of the carts, you headed straight for the children's section. Walking up and down each aisle, you grabbed items, tossing them in. "Sam, we're probably going to need a bigger cart. We're going to need a car seat, and probably a bigger stroller too."

Sam took off, leaving you to continue on with your shopping, giving in as Mary reached for a couple of stuffed items. You had fun going through all the clothes, probably piling more into the cart than you actually needed, but they were all so cute. Soon you had enough, and you headed back to the front of the store, Sam walking right behind you.

After you had checked out, and just slightly winced at the total on the register, you headed back to the Impala, seeing Dean leaning against it, waiting for you. It upset you. The fact that he hadn't even wanted to help shop for his daughter, or take care of her and let you shop. Maybe he wasn't as into being a parent as you had hoped. Giving him the cold shoulder, you opened the trunk, piling as much as you could inside, while Sam struggled with the car seat, talking quietly to Dean the entire time. Mary sat on the seat of the Impala, laughing each time Sam messed up, clapping her hands. 

As soon as he was done, you strapped Mary in, before sitting down quietly next to her. Dean sent a worried look your way, before starting up the Impala. "Anyone feel like eating lunch before we head back to the bunker?"

"Yummy!" Mary exclaimed, answering that question. With another glance your way, Dean pointed the Impala in the direction of your favorite diner, while you tried to wrap your mind around the reason Dean would have taken off like that and not helped.

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