Missed Communications

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The ride to the diner was anything but quiet, even though you didn't say a word to Dean. Mary babbled on and on, most of her words incoherent, but she was happy and that's all that mattered. Watching as she held her new stuffed animal in her arms, you couldn't help the feeling of extreme love that flowed through you as you stared at your little girl. She was so much like her daddy, with her green colored eyes, and her full lips. Her skin color had taken more after you, along with the shape of her eyes. It surprised you though, because her hair was a darker shade then her dads, looking more like the color of Sam's. 

Dean pulled into the parking lot of your favorite diner, and you reached over, unbuckling your princess. Scooping her up in your arms, you went straight in, ignoring Dean's hurt expression as you walked right past him. After placing Mary in a booster seat, you looked out the window, wondering why Sam and Dean hadn't joined you yet. You could see them in a furious argument. Sam was one doing most of the talking, his arms flailing about as he yelled at his brother. Dean had his head down, his hands in his pockets, like he knew what he had done was wrong.

You hated being mad at Dean, especially when the two of you had gone through so much, and had just gotten your daughter back. You were both getting used to being parents, and it had to be hard on him as well. It just hurt that he hadn't put as much interest in getting your daughter set up as you had wished.

Finally they came back in, Sam not seeming as angry as he had been, while Dean looked ashamed. He looked at your side of the booth, and then Sam's, trying to decide which side he would be more welcome at. Taking pity, you scooted over, and he slid in next to you gratefully. It left him to take care of Mary, but she was busy playing with her stuffed animal. 

"Isn't she a cutie?" The waitress squealed as she came over to take your order. You weren't sure what to order for your daughter, but Dean came through, ordering for her. As soon as the waitress was gone, he turned to Sam, clearing his throat. 

"What?" Sam asked, as he took a sip of his water. You watched with humor as Dean tried to subtly tell his brother to take a hike, hiding a giggle when it took forever for Sam to understand. "Oh, I've got to go...um...use the bathroom." He muttered, sliding out of the booth and heading towards the back.

"Well that wasn't awkward." You announced, just as Dean reached over. Hesitating for a moment, he finally grasped your hand, as if he wasn't sure you would let him or not.

"Y/N, I know why you were mad back there. Sam made sure to tell me why. And I didn't mean to make you upset, I truly didn't. I didn't know it meant that much to you that I went shopping with you." He started.

"Dean, Mary's your daughter too. I didn't want to be the only one to make decisions for her. And there was a lot of decision making going on while shopping." You tried explaining, still a little hurt though you had decided not to be mad at Dean about it.

"I know. And I wanted to help you. But I had something else I wanted to do to. It seemed like the perfect opportunity, and you had Sam to help you too. I didn't think you would get that upset, but I know now that I was stupid." Dean apologized, or as close as he would get to an apology.

"It's alright Dean, I understand. I guess. Just don't go running off again." You told him as your food was brought over. "I know it's going to be hard, on both of us, raising a toddler when we were expecting a baby. So we just need to work together, be a team."

He nodded, reaching into his coat pocket, just as Sam came back from the bathroom. "Exactly. I was thinking the same thing. And that's why I took off earlier. I had wanted to do this, from the day you came back to me when I thought I had lost you in that fight with Ebony. I actually had it all planned out, ready to go for after Mary had been born. But then you were abducted and it got put on hold." He said as he held something in his hand.

You tried to read his emotions, wondering where he was taking this. You could feel the butterflies in your belly, and you saw the huge smile on Sam's face. "Dean, what are you doing?" You asked him, watching as he held out his mother's simple wedding ring.

"I know I'm botching it. That's what I'm good at." He answered, growing flustered. "But I'm asking you to marry me. I had another ring all picked out and ready to go, when I decided it wasn't you. The Y/N I know would rather have something emotional, that ties our family together. Not some big rock that would get in the way of hunting." He rambled on. "Y/N, you're not saying anything. Please say something."

You almost giggled at the pained expression on his face. "What's there to say? You haven't officially asked me." 

"Damn it Y/N." He growled, so awkward and out of place with the whole emotion thing. "Will you please marry me?"

Wanting to put the poor man out of his misery, you nodded, cupping his whiskered cheeks in your hands before pressing your lips to his. You heard the waitress cheering, and Mary squealing, and you leaned back, a huge smile on your face.

Dean had a smile that matched yours, as he gently placed the ring on your finger. You glanced down at it, amazed at how well he knew you. It was true. While you loved jewels and fancy things, you would rather have this ring. Because it meant so much to you, and him, and tied you together better than any marriage certificate ever could.

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