To the Rescue

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You weren't sure what to do. You knew, without a doubt, that they had fallen into trouble. They would have contacted you by now if not. But if you went out there and tried to rescue them, Dean would have your head for putting you and your baby in danger. 

But you couldn't just sit here and wait. The stress wasn't good for you, and you had no one else to turn to help you. Making a decision you knew Dean wouldn't like, you turned on the computer, once again going over everything you knew about the case, looking for something that you had missed.

As seconds ticked by, you grew more and more frustrated. Each second wasted meant another second that Sam and Dean were possibly being tortured, or worse. Scanning each article quickly, you almost passed it, but backtracking, you finally cracked the case. Between the blood loss, and the weird source of venom found in their bodies, you realized you were hunting a Vetala. Something you had never hunted before, but you had heard of them. Crowley at one point, had even captured their Alpha, torturing it for details about Purgatory.

"Nasty devils, those Vetalas are. Usually all female, they seem to kill off the males. And those teeth." Crowley's snarky voice came from next to the window, and you looked up with a huge smile on your face.

"Crowley!" You exclaimed, rushing over to him, surprising him with a big hug. He surprised you by patting your back, before gently pushing you back.

"A hug darling? Since when do Demons hug?" He asked, pretending to be put off by the affection.

You ignored his disgust, moving back over to your bag, knowing you had thrown at least one silver knife in there. "I'm not a Demon anymore, remember?"

"Of course. How could I forget? My favorite Demon left me, and went to those stupid Winchesters, even after they got her killed." He muttered, still not comfortable with your relationship with the two brothers.

"Yeah, well they are in trouble now." You muttered, pulling your coat on. 

He stood in front of the door, his arms crossed over his silky black suit. "I know. And that's why I'm here."

You cocked your head to the side. "Since when do you care if the Winchesters are in trouble?"

He sat down gingerly on the faded seat, seeming put out that it wasn't his throne. "Since they decided to tangle themselves up with you. I can't have you going off, saving the day, with the little bun in your oven."

You perched on the edge of the bed. "What else am I supposed to do? I don't know of any other hunters. I can't just let them die." You said, tears falling down your cheeks at the thought.

Crowley was taken back by your tears. "Well, that's why I'm here. I'll go save the day, rescue them. That way you are safe."

You nodded, trying to stop the stupid tears from falling. You handed him your silver knife, but he just looked at it with disdain. "I'm the bloody King of Hell. Why would I need a knife?" 

"It's how you kill them." You stated. 

Sighing, he shook his head, before standing up and dusting the invisible dust off of his suit. "I think I can manage. Wait here, I will be back shortly."

Before you could answer him he was gone, and you were once again left on your own in the dull and quiet apartment. Biting your lip nervously, you grabbed your container of fruit, munching on it as you paced back and forth nervously. 

The ticking of the clock sounded loud in your ears, counting down the time passing, the time in which Dean could be hurt or worse. You hated this, the waiting game. While being raised as a lady, you never cared much to be the damsel in distress. You would rather be out there, fighting by their side, helping them vanquish the stupid monsters.

Stomping your foot, you turned to sit down on the bed, when the front door slammed open, and Crowley came striding in, supporting Dean. Sam stumbled in behind him, shutting the door and locking it.

"Dean!" You exclaimed, rushing forward and taking him from Crowley. "Are you okay?" You quickly checked him over, looking for any serious wounds that needed taken care of right away.

Once Crowley's hands were free, he wiped down his wrinkled suit. "He should be fine. They hadn't gotten to either of them yet, except for a little venom in their blood streams. Have them drink this, they should be fine by tonight." He said, handing you a vial of dark purple liquid. You looked at it carefully, before looking back at Crowley.

"Thank you." You said. "But what about the other victims?"

He shrugged, but looked pleased with himself. "At the hospital. I swear, if this gets out, I'm coming after you. The King of Hell can't be known for rescuing people. Can you imagine what that would look like."

"I won't tell, I promise." You assured him. He nodded, giving you a smile.

"Good. And by the way, your little pipsqueak is growing by leaps and bounds. She is completely healthy." He told you before vanishing from the room.

You laid a hand softly on your swelling belly, wondering if you would feel her start to kick soon. It was nice of Crowley to reassure you, to watch out for your unborn child. He would make a great uncle someday, whether he thought so or not.

You turned your attention back to the brothers, making sure each one took a couple drops of the purple liquid. It was thick, and smelled awful, a mixture of grapes, mold and skunk. But you trusted Crowley, and after forcing it down their throats, you helped them lay down on the bed. Dean blinked slowly, his gaze on you.

"I'm sorry we worried you." He mumbled, the words jangled together.

"It's alright." You assured him, as his eyes drifted shut. Soon their snoring shook your tiny motel room, and you plugged in your headphones, knowing it was going to be a long night ahead.

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