Missed Opportunities

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You blindly followed Crowley into a part of Hell that you had stayed far away from when you had been a Demon. This was where the worst of the souls were tortured, or left to rot when the Demons grew weary of them. It was dank and smelled horrible, and you couldn't imagine your little baby girl being in a place like this. 

As if he read your mind, Dean reached forward, grasping your hand in his. "Are we almost there? This place is giving me the creeps."

"Yes squirrel. Now this is the spot where we split ways. You and Y/N just follow this path about half a mile or so, and you will come upon a small, stone cottage. We will head this way, through the brush. Good luck my dear." Crowley said, giving you a smile before vanishing in the darkness. Soon it was just you and Dean, with Sam having gone with the Demons. You weren't sure you liked that idea, but you didn't have much choice.

With a hand on your lower back, Dean guided you down the dark walkway, stones and what could have been bones crunching under your feet. You could hear growling and crackling beside you, with red eyes staring at you from beyond. For a normal person it would have been terrifying, but your history of being a Demon had you somewhat calm. 

Finally, you came to a stone fence, crumbling or completely gone in some spots. The gate was hanging off of one hinge, and looked as if it hadn't been opened in months, if not years. You looked past it, towards a large, two story, castle type building, complete with a moat surrounding it. "Doesn't look like a cottage to me." You whispered to Dean who chuckled. 

"Seems way too quiet." He answered, and you had to agree. There were no Demons on guard, no lights flickering in the windows. "They have to know we were coming."

"Well, I guess we just head on in. What else can we do?" You asked, taking a deep breath and pushing against the gate. With a groan it swayed, before just toppling over. Dean pulled you back, just as one of the jagged edges came straight towards your head. 

"That was close." He said, holding you tight for another moment before letting you go. "Let's go find Mary."

You let him take the lead, following closely behind as he walked past turned over chairs and urns, bodies rotting in the ground. The stench made you gag, and you covered your mouth as you came up to the door. Like the gate, it was hanging open, and Dean carefully pushed it open. The foyer was empty, the tile shattered and stained. With his gun in front of him, he scanned the small room before moving on. You followed behind, when you heard the sound of music.

"Dean, do you hear that?" You whispered, and he nodded. It sounded like it was coming from straight ahead, and you moved that way. Through rooms with sheet covered furniture, and into another hallway. The music grew louder, scratchy and warped, a record being played. The rooms soon grew warmer, and more used, and you could hear voices. 

As Dean rounded the next corner, you ran into Dean's back. "I see you have finally made it. Took you long enough." Astaroth's voice rang out as you peered around Dean's shoulder. Astaroth sat in an arm chair in the middle of the room, a wooden cane in his hand. You expected to see some of his henchmen protecting him, but he was alone.

"We had to find a way down here." Dean growled, stepping farther into the room. You moved to follow him, when you heard the beginnings of a skirmish a couple doors down. 

Astaroth must have heard it too, as you watched the frown cross his face and he stood up. "Did you come alone?" He asked you and Dean, striding forward.

"Does it matter?" You retorted back, just as he magically shoved Dean out of the way, leaning forward and grasping you by the neck.

"Of course it matters! Those are my men that I hear screaming!" He yelled, dragging you along with him as Dean lay unconscious on the ground.

You struggled against his grip, but it was too strong, and you could feel black dots clouding your vision. As he broke into the room where the noise was coming from, he dropped you to the ground, where you lay panting for air.

"Crowley!" Astaroth yelled, taking in the sight before him. Between Crowley, Sam, and Crowley's goons, they had managed to kill the majority of Astaroth's followers. "How dare you!"

Crowley dusted his hands off, before stepping over a body. "How dare I? How dare you plot this under my nose, and take Y/N's daughter! Y/N is like a daughter to me, so you brought this upon yourself!" 

As Astaroth glowered at Crowley, ready to split him in two, you stood up, wobbling on your feet. Pulling your Angel Blade from your coat, you rushed forward, stabbing Astaroth in the back with it. 

Growling, he flung you across the room, where you cracked into the wall, falling into a pile at the floor. "Y/N!" Sam yelled, just as Dean staggered into the room. Sam motioned to Crowley, who disappeared with his Demons. As soon as they were gone, Sam threw all the brown bags at Astaroth, who lit up in flames. Pulling the Angel Blade from his back, he spun in a circle, an inhuman scream coming from his lips.  "This isn't over!" He yelled, before vanishing in a puff of smoke.

"Y/N are you okay?" Dean asked, noticing the trickle of blood on your temple. He wasn't much better, with a gash on his forehead, but at least he was moving and no longer unconscious. 

"I will be when we get my girl. But where is she?" You asked, starting to panic.

"She has to be in here somewhere. We need to split up, check every room." Sam ordered, and you nodded. Taking your flashlight out, you gave Dean a reassuring smile before you took the stairs that lead toward the second floor. Dean went to the basement, while Sam continued to look around the main floor.

The stairs were wood, and a couple of them were missing in places, making the going treacherous. Once you were up at the top, you listened carefully for any sign of life. As you moved forward, down the dark and chilly hall, you heard the sounds of a girl giggling, confusing you. Was your child not the only one that was being held down here, being missed by their parents.

The door at the far end was shut, a fresh lock giving away the fact that it was being used. Using the handle of your reclaimed Angel Blade, you hit the lock until it gave away. With a heavy heart, you pushed open the door, stepping into a small room filled with children's furniture. A bassinet was on the far wall, a rocking chair placed next to it. A trundle bed was on the other side, and a toy chest filled with different, old fashioned toys. But it was the child waddling up to you that had your heart in your throat. 

While your baby should only be around a week old now, this baby had to be at least a year, if not older. She had beautiful dirty blonde hair, and her eyes were a bright beautiful green. A green that was exactly the same shade of Dean's. 

"Mommy!" She exclaimed, holding her arms up, wanting to be picked up. You just stared down at her in shock.

"Mary?" You whispered, knowing in your heart that this must be your daughter, as she squealed and jumped up and down.

"Mommy!" She said again just as you heard feet thundering up the stairs.

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