Back Fire

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You had your new shirt halfway on when you heard the skirmish outside, and in your haste to finish getting dressed, you ended up getting tangled in it. Martha noticed, and with a curse came back from the door, helping you fix the shirt so it was covering the majority of you. "The pants will have to wait." She muttered, before moving back to her watch position. Someone pounded on the door, and she opened it a crack. 

"What's going on?" Martha asked, and a male's voice whispered something through the door, something you couldn't hear. Holding tight to the side of the vanity, you moved to stand up, your legs wobbling, but holding your weight. Slamming the door shut again, Martha turned to look at you, her eyes full of fear. "I knew it was stupid, kidnapping you. That it would bring nothing but pain to us." 

"What's happening?" You asked, but she just roughly grabbed your arm, pulling you to the door, almost carrying you in her haste to move. 

"We need to get out of here, now." Was her only answer. Looking frantically both ways, she pushed the door open, heading past the stairway you were used to, where your baby was, to the back of the large house you were in. 

"No, my baby!" You exclaimed, fighting her with all your might. She grabbed your shoulders, roughly shaking you.

"Stop it, and listen to me. Astaroth and his men will do everything to make sure your baby is safe. But they will use you for bait, and won't care if you die in the end. So, I'm going to get you out of here, then try to come back for her. But I need your help!" 

You nodded, tears still pooling in your eyes at the thought of leaving your baby behind. She pulled you through room after room, the fighting sounds coming from the front of the house. A couple of Demons rushed past, one stopping to question Martha. "I'm just getting her to safety, per orders." She said, and the Demon thought nothing of it. 

Soon, you were outside in a large, but forgotten back yard. There was a pool, the water long taken over by algae. The grass was dry and brittle. A forgotten pool house sat off to the side, it's windows boarded up. That's where Martha went to, pushing open the door and shoving you in. You glanced around the dusty room, the pool table and furniture covered in sheets turned yellow with age. "Stay here." She ordered, before disappearing.

As soon as she was gone, your legs gave out underneath you, and you were just able to reach a chair before you collapsed. You wanted to run back in there, fight your way to your baby, not caring about the consequences. You weren't sure if it was your rescue party causing the ruckus inside, or if some other Demon wanted your baby for power. But you didn't care. All you wanted was your baby, safe.

You closed your eyes, trying to calm your mind, before you thought hard to Crowley, hoping he would sense you, and answer you. Seconds ticked by, and you were about to give up, when you heard his snarky British accent in your head. "Y/N, where the hell are you?"

"In the pool house. Where are you?" You asked him.

"Fighting to save you with the Winchesters." He answered, and even his thoughts showed the stress and wear from fighting. 

"My baby's still in there! Please, you have to find her. She was in the basement." You pleaded. "Worry about her, not me."

"Not sure Squirrel would agree with that. He wants to worry about the both of you. Hang in, we're on  our way." Crowley said, before disconnecting from you.

More than a little relieved that Crowley knew where your baby was, you wobbled over to the window, peering through the little crack. But what you saw had you falling back in fear. Astaroth was standing outside, an evil smile on his face, holding Mary in his arms.

"Y/N, I know you're in there. Come on out and let's have a talk. You know you have no other choice." His voice rang out, full of pride and utter conviction that he would win.

With no other choice, you stumbled out into the yard, watching with your heart in your throat as he carelessly held your daughter in his hand.

"She's sure a pretty thing. Takes after you, but I can see her daddy in there too. Bet she will have her Dad's green eyes." He said, before turning his pale blue eyes on you. "Too bad neither of you will be able to see her blossom and grow."

"I wouldn't say that." Dean growled from the houses doorway. You breathed a sigh of relief. He was sweaty and covered in blood, but otherwise unscathed and ready to help you fight for your daughter.

You heard Astaroth chuckle slightly, using Dean's arrival as a chance to reach out, grasping you by the hair. Pulling you tightly to his side, he waited for Dean's reaction. "You might be right. It could be too early to separate mother and daughter. But wait, you haven't even set eyes on her yet, have you Dean? Too bad you never will.  Just another dead beat dad who can't protect his offspring." Astaroth taunted, his grip tightening in your hair until you gasped in pain.

Your legs were wobbly, but you still tried to hold yourself up, watching Dean as he considered the situation, trying to figure out a way to save both of you. His face was furious, his hand clenching the blade tightly. He was pissed, but more than that, he was scared, for both you, and his child. 

You glanced around, looking for anything that could help you. It was hard to see anything in the long, overgrown grass. You were about ready to use your hands, needing to do something, anything, when another voice joined Dean.

"Astaroth, I thought you had become a hermit, living your life raising hell hounds. What's this about wanting to start your own apocalypse?" Crowley said, standing next to Dean, giving him silent support.

"I was. But then I heard how you were running hell, and I figured something needed to be done. Hell needs to be great again. And this little bundle of joy will be my weapon."

It was then you noticed something silver and shining in his pocket. Praying this wouldn't backfire, you winked at Dean, before quickly reaching in, grabbing Astaroth and stabbing him in the side. He cursed, letting go of your hair, and you dropped to the ground.

Scrambling to your feet, you reached forward your baby, ready to pry her from his arms. But he just chuckled. "I don't think so." He told you, tossing the knife next to you on the ground. Without another word, he vanished, leaving you there, on the ground, shell-shocked.

Seconds later, a pair of strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you to his chest. "Y/N." He whispered, brushing your hair back, checking you over for injuries.

Crushing your head to his chest, you couldn't control the sobs racking your body. "She's gone. Our baby's gone, and it's all my fault."

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