Settling In

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After Dean's awkward proposal, you couldn't stop glancing down at your hand, his mother's ring shining brightly on your finger. A big grin wouldn't leave your face, and even Sam seemed happier than usual. You couldn't believe it, how much your life had changed, so fast. You had been stuck in a rut for such a long time, living as a Demon, and yet now here you were. You had a loving fiancee, a beautiful child, and a family. Things that you wouldn't have thought possible just a couple of years ago.

As Dean paid the waitress, who had given you a huge discount on your meal, you picked Mary up from her booster seat, smiling down at the sleepy girl. She had had so much excitement today, it had worn her out. You knew she would probably be asleep by the time Dean started the Impala, and it made your heart full to feel her cuddle tightly in your arms, pressing her face tightly to the curve of your neck, holding on with her small, pudgy arms. 

Sam held the door open for you, and you stepped out into the brisk air, heading straight for the Impala. Before Sam could even unlock the car, Dean was there, opening the door for you. You carefully placed Mary into her car seat, locking her in, before sliding in on the other side. Dean kept the music down low, and you had been right. Before he was even out of the parking lot, Mary was asleep, her head tucked into her chest. 

You could feel your energy draining away, the multitude of emotions you had felt today draining you. Leaning your head against the door, you glanced down once again at the ring on your finger before closing your eyes, and letting sleep take over.

Before you knew it, you felt your entire body being lifted up, and held against a solid and warm chest. Struggling to open your eyes, you heard Dean softly comforting you. "Shh, we're back at the bunker. Go back to sleep."

Cuddling tightly to his chest, you let him carry you down the hall, before he laid you gently down on your bed. Rolling to your side, you felt him cover you with a pillow, and kiss your forehead before you went back to sleep.


You weren't sure how long you slept, but you woke up to a cold and dark room, all by yourself. Grabbing one of Dean's flannels off of the dresser, you slipped it on before making your way out of the room. You headed straight for Mary's room, wanting to check on her before you found Dean.

The door was partially closed, and you peeked in, and the sight in front of you brought a happy tear to your eye. Dean had been busy while you had slept. He had brought in every item that you had bought today, setting them up, or placing the clothing on top of the dresser for you to put away later. Mary was sound asleep in her bed that Sam had found for her, cuddled up to the soft pink and gray blankets you had purchased today, her new stuffed animal in her arms. It wasn't that scene that affected you so much. It was seeing Dean in the rocking chair next to her bed, his long legs stretched out in front of him. His head was back, with light snores coming from him. 

Tiptoeing quietly into the room, you pulled one of Mary's new blankets from the dresser, covering him with it. He stirred, but went straight back to sleep. Gently kissing him on the cheek, you leaned down, covering Mary back up before kissing her on the forehead. Stepping out of the room, you made your way into the kitchen, where Sam was sitting at the table, his laptop in front of him. "Hey Sam." You said, surprising him.

"I thought I was the only one awake in here." He said, his attention leaving whatever was on the laptop, turning it your way.

"Just you and me. I just checked on Dean and Mary." You said, a soft, far away look on your face as you remembered the scene.

"He makes a good Dad." Sam said. "I know it will take him some time, and he will more than likely mess up a bunch of times. But he will be one the best dads out there."

"You don't have to tell me that." You agreed. "I just feel bad that he never got to see her as a baby. To hold her in his arms like a Dad should."

Sam reached over, grasping your hand. "Y/N, he's just glad you got her back."

"Are you hitting on my fiancee?" Dean asked, stepping into the room. His hair was standing up, and he had a crease on his face, but you had never thought he looked more handsome than in that moment.

"Of course not!" Sam back tracked, pulling his hand away, before he noticed the teasing smile on his brother's face.

"So, what's up?" Dean asked, changing the subject and pointing to Sam's computer.

Sam glanced back down, taking a moment to remember what he had been up to. "Oh, just double checking the facts about Astaroth. Making sure that we've taken care of him. I don't want anything coming back to harm Mary."

"And?" Dean asked, popping open the top of a beer.

Sam shrugged. "I'm not sure. There's nothing on him, and since he spent the majority of his time in Hell, his death isn't mentioned in any newspapers."

"He's dead, his followers are scattered to the wind." Dean objected. "I don't see him, or any of them coming back."

"I sure hope so." Sam answered, not sounding convinced. 

"So, thank you for bringing everything in and putting it together." You told Dean, changing the subject. 

"Of course. It was the least I could do since I missed the shopping part of it." Dean answered, sitting down next to you. "But that crap is not easy. Who would have thought that putting a stroller together was harder than fixing an engine?"

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