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(this is my first ever book... so I can tell you right now, it SUCKS. Please bear with it 😅)

When I was younger, I remember being friends with a really sweet boy. We'd hang out a lot, we would have family dinners, and we would do basic things that best friends do. I would always love when he came over to my house because then we would play pirates. I would be the damsel in distress, whereas he would be the pirate who kidnapped me for himself. It was lots of fun and we never had a care in the world.

That changed in less than a day.

When he left my house at eight p.m sharp, we expected to see each other the very next day at school. He didn't come to school and he was never one to miss school. It turns out that his parents had been planning to move for a long time. After school, they had come over to my house and his parents told my parents that we had to say goodbye.

"I don't want to say goodbye, Mommy," I had said with tears in my eyes.

"But you have to. They won't be coming back for play dates or dinner anymore," she said, stroking my hair with a sad smile. I turned to my best friend and hugged him tightly.

"I'll miss you, Meg," he said, hugging me back.

"I'll miss you too, Vin."

Now that he's been gone for eleven years, I have been as fine as you can be when your best friend leaves, although it took me three of those years to go back to normal. I still think of him sometimes. Does he still love animals? Does he still have that small quirk that he does when he's stressed?

Does he think of me?

All these questions have been circling my mind for a long time. Since I never had actual answers, my brain decides to make answers for them. My answers are way too bizarre to be real, so they remain unanswered all these years.

Until now.


I will enjoy writing this. I hope you will like reading it!

So this is going to be my entry for the Wattys2016. Thanks for checking it out.

P.S- I'm sorry it's so short. The chapters will probably be longer.

Corny Jameson (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now