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Keita was invited by their new homeroom teacher to eat dinner at his place as a token of gratitude for helping him to find his glasses. Keita immediately agreed because Akira is busy having fun with the girls at the karaoke bar.

Keita and Ryuu used the elevator to reach the 3rd floor. "Sensei, is this your room?" He was shocked to see the room of his teacher. "Yes. Do you have any problem with that?" Ryuu opened the door. "Not really but my room is just right here." he pointed the next room.

"Oh, then you really don't need to eat here. Goodbye." Ryuu when inside and close the door when suddenly Keita firmly hold the knob to stop it. "Wait! You promised that I will have dinner at your place. I don't have any food in my room." pushing the door to keep it open.

"Okay. Come in." Ryuu coldly let go the door and Keita's face smash on the floor. He put so much force to keep it open. Damn that hurts. Sensei is so strong. Ow. Keita thought while touching his forehead which slams on the floor first.

He sat on the couch as he waits for Ryuu to be finish preparing their dinner. He got bored and straightly walk towards the kitchen. "Is there anything I can do, Sensei?" leaning his face to Ryuu's shoulder. "Nothing! Just sit there and keep quiet. Okay!" He steps away to Keita.

"Tsk. That is so cold." Keita sit on top of the table. "Sit properly! Table is not a chair!" Ryuu yells pointing Keita with a spoon. He pulls the chair and take a seat. "You know, Sensei. Be a little sweet toward others. Coz if you don't. you'll end up on your own. It's not good to be alone for the rest of your life." Keita play the carrots in front of him.

Ryuu glance at Keita but not that long. He face away and put his attention back to the food his cooking. "You don't know anything." He murmur. "What? Did you say something, Sensei?" asked Keita. "Ahh, just be quiet. You're too noisy." Ryuu starts to get irritable.

When Ryuu is done in preparing their dinner, they begin to eat. "Sensei, are you living alone?" Keita drinks water before swallowing the shrimp. "Yes, how about you?" Ryuu starts to live alone, when his parents died in a car crash. He's still a little kid back then. He doesn't know where to go and his relative didn't take him after the funeral because his not close to them.

"Just liked you. I moved out of our house. My parents are busy taking care of my two siblings. I don't want to be a burden to them. Since, I can take care of myself. May I ask sensei, why are you living alone? Don't you have a family or lover?" Keita smiles foolishly on the part of 'Lover'.

"My parents are dead. I don't have siblings or relatives and also I don't have a lover. Stop smiling liked a fool." Ryuu calmly said without glancing Keita.

"How did you know I'm smiling? You didn't even look at me ever since we started eating. Sensei has extrasensory powers." He burst out laughing. "Anyway, why don't you have a lover?" Keita asked again. "Stop asking nonsense questions. Just finish your food and go back to your room!" Ryuu glares.

Although they're done eating dinner. Keita didn't go back immediately to his room instead he lie down at the couch while Ryuu wash the dishes. He refused Keita to wash it in the reason of he'll just break them.

"Oi, Keita! Go back to your room, it's pretty late and you still have classes tomorrow!" Ryuu peeks in the direction of living room to check Keita. He didn't hear any reactions. Ryuu thought that Keita must be in his room then he abruptly heard someone is snoring.

He finished washing the dishes to checked who recklessly snoring at his coach. He was shocked to saw who it was. Well. Who else could it be. Ryuu shakes the body of Keita. "Hey, Keita! Wake up! Go back to your room. Don't sleep here you'll catch a cold, Keita!"

Ryuu command as he shakes Keita's body. Keita won't wake up no matter what he do. He doesn't move an inch. In the end, Ryuu decided to let Keita sleep on the couch.

He stares at Keita for a moment. He's really cute, just like what I thought. I didn't expected his a noisy kind of kid. He kept on asking weird questions. I didn't mean to be so rude. I'm really sorry for being so cold towards you but it's for the best. He close his eyes and sighs.

Ryuu puts the futon and wraps it around to Keita. Lean his face a little to Keita but he come back to his senses. "What am I doing. This isn't right." Ryuu stands up and walks away went to his room.

After that incident, Ryuu woke up early and leave Keita in his apartment. "Sensei." Keita looks around the house. He searched for Ryuu and found a note beside the food on the table. Here's your breakfast; heat it before you eat. I'm going to leave first, here's the key for my room give it to me at my office after class. - Ryuu.

"He already left." Keita takes the food and walked out of the room. He went back to his room, when he opened the door he saw Akira. "Yow, where in the hell are you?" Akira ask while fixing their breakfast. "I'm sorry for intruding. Saw the door opened so I decided to come in." He stick his tongue out and smiles.

Keita stop and think for a moment, "Its alright. I when to the convenience store." He lied. I think it's better not to tell him that I slept at Ryuu's house. "What are you doing here, by the way?" He went to the kitchen and heat the food Ryuu prepared. "Ah. Well Nabiki gave me those, last night" pointing at the bento.

(Bento- Japanese term for lunch box with colorful design.)

"She said to give it to you. I think she's into you, dude." Akira chuckles but Keita didn't mind. "Hey, you okay?" Akira stares at him curiously. Keita come to his sanity. "Yeah. This one is fine. You can eat it, Akira. I have mine here."

He begins to feast the food Ryuu made. "You serious? She prepared this for you." looking at the bento. In the end, Keita didn't touched or eat the bento Nabiki made just for him.

~ End of the Chapter Two ~

Love Me For A Reason (Yaoi) (Still in the Process of Editing)Where stories live. Discover now