Love Me For A Reason 9

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A bunch of men wearing black suit kidnapped me and put me in this rusty old warehouse... When I woke up I saw the man who insanely harassed Ryuu-sensei... I'm really happy to hear that sensei didn't give his self to this bastard or to anyone but I need to think a plan to get out of here before I ended up the one to get rape.

Keita try to kick the man in front of him but he doesn't have that much power. Both of his hand is tightly knotted on the steel pole behind him and the man is very heavy that he can't move his legs... The worst part is the man touched his cock that 'causes him to be weak.

"You're feeling it real good, right Keita?" the man chuckles, "Did you know, you're really is my target... Ryuu can't stop telling me all about you, he said that he will never tell me where you are, but look Keita Hazuno is in front of me..." licking Keita's face.

"Dammit! You asshole! Let me go! Telling that I'm your target! You're f***ing disgusting!!" Keita spit at the man's face. "You're really pissing me off!" the man will slap Keita but someone open the door of the warehouse.

"Ryuu..." Keita whispered, his face lighten up because it's not only Ryuu but a bunch of yakuza behind him, It's the Osaka household, my dad and the head master is here...

Keita heard the man said Shit! The Osaka Household is here but why?! . The man asked one of his underlings why in the hell Osaka household is in there hide out, he startled when he found out that one of his underdogs bashed a knife to the young master. The Osaka household didn't waste any moment they start the fight to the group of the man.

"Keita" Ryuu grab the chance to dash towards Keita and untie the ropes, when Ryuu is done he hug Keita, "I'm really sorry, Keita... Because of me..." he didn't finish his sentence because the tears his holding back came out. He just tightly embraced Keita that it's like a year they didn't meet.

Ryuu breaks off, "I... I'm sorry... We need to get out of here, your father told me the moment I got you we will all leave this place... So, let's go..." he helps Keita to stand up and hold his hand. "Please don't let go of my hand this time..." his face turns red, "Ry... Sensei... Don't worry, I will never let go of you ever again..." Keita chuckled.

The moment they start to walk away, a man with a piece of wood in his hand blocks their way and run in the direction of Ryuu, "Sensei! Look out!" Keita hug him, to use his body for protecting Ryuu getting hit by the wood...

Seiji Hospital

"Mr. Hazuno, how is he?" Akira went to Keita's room and talk to Keita's father, "Akira-san" Mr. Hazuno bowed to Akira, "Mr. Hazuno, please don't be so formal." his cheeks turns red.

Mr. Hazuno raised his head, "I'm sorry, Akira-san. His totally fine said the doctor, he just need to rest. Let's just leave them for now..." staring at Ryuu and Keita.

Ryuu was shocked when Keita said suddenly embraced him, I will protect you, Ryuu. And then someone hit Keita with a piece of wood in his back, when Keita's father saw that he pushed the man and beat him to dead.

Good thing, it is not critical but he need to rest because of emotional depression he felt these last few weeks. Ryuu didn't leave Keita's side; he promised that this will be the last time Keita will suffer because of him and he will tell to Keita his true feelings...

Keita's father agreed that Ryuu should stay at the side of Keita. So, when Keita woke up he will be glad to see Ryuu. Mr. Hazuno knows how important Ryuu is for Keita, he didn't show any disagreement for the two as long his son is happy and know what his doing.

Ryuu felt something that someone brushing his hair therefore he straightens to find out who is it and it was Keita, His awake! His finally awake! He hugs Keita so tight and all of their friends and relatives suddenly came in the room and he instantly let go.

"Your awake, Keita!" Akira said cheerfully with Shou in his side. Shou recovered quickly because Akira takes care of him every day. Keita start to call all the people in the room, "Akira, Shou, Mom and Dad... and... who are you?" Everybody was so surprise when Keita asked who Ryuu is.

"I'm sorry... but who are you... I saw you sleeping beside me so I thought you're a friend of Shou who assigned to watch for me. You're pretty cute..." Keita smiled. Ryuu was really shock that he can't say a word; Akira got mad and yells "Keita! His..."

"I-I'm your homeroom teacher... I'm sorry, I need to go..." Ryuu cried as he rushes out of the room.

Love Me For A Reason (Yaoi) (Still in the Process of Editing)Where stories live. Discover now