Love Me For A Reason 8

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Ryuu's POV

Ahh... So tired... What is this feeling? It really bothers me ... Where those two went?! I can't find them... I wondered where Keita is now and what is he doing... I hope his doing fine... I've been so cruelled to him, I need to apologize somehow. I have a lot of things I need to explain to him...

He fast falls asleep in his desk. He searched the whole School Ground when his co-teacher told him that they didn't showed up even once. When he realized that if they will skip classes there's no way they will stays at school, he when back to his office still thinking where Keita and Akira could be.

I fell asleep, it's already 3:30p.m I need go home early to see if Keita is already home... Ryuu prepared his things when all of the sudden someone knocks on his office so loud, "Coming! Keep it do-wn..." Ryuu shudders for what lies in front of him, Akira???

When Ryuu comes to his senses that it was really Akira with a man who severely stabbed at his abdomen, he instantly helped Akira to get up and put him in his chair and lie down the wounded man on the sofa. "Sen-sen-- sei" Akira woke up from his unconsciousness.

Ryuu rapidly went to Akira, who's sobbing in his desk. Ryuu lifted Akira's head so he can face him, "Akira, stop crying... Tell me, what happened? Where's Keita??" Akira just embraces him so tight and keeps on crying "I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Ryuu-sensei..." bursting out the tears his holding back.

I'm feeling it again... What is this?? I can't understand... Where is Keita...? Akira didn't answer me... I need to know... I need to ask him... Keita... Is fine right... What... I can't speak... I need to... I will explain to Keita everything... Ryuu's tears starts to flow.

He lost in his mind thinking where Keita could be... "Shou?? Sensei, where is Shou?" Akira breaks off and found Shou laying on the sofa and his wound is still bleeding. He rushed to be on Shou's side.

"We need to get him on the hospital...!" Ryuu stand up and wipe his tears, he placed Shou on his back. Akira stands up too even though his knees are still shaking, "Ye... Yes, our hospital is close by... I'll drive..."

The Seiji Family owned a hospital nearby the Station, when the time comes Akira will take over the hospital. While they're on their way to the hospital, Akira explained to Ryuu what happened on the rooftop.

"It's all my fault, sensei... I'm really sorry... If I didn't suggested to ditched class this could never happened..." Akira's voice starts to crack like his going to cry but he holds it for the sake of Shou, he need to focus on the road. Ryuu tap Akira on his shoulder.

"It's nobody fault, no one expected it will turn out that way... When we get to the hospital, can you lend me your car?" I need to find him myself; it's not your fault Akira. Because of me, he agreed to skipped class with you, because of me, his out there, because of me...... Ryuu can't hold back his tears, thinking how Keita is... "Sensei..." Akira murmured, looking at the front mirror.

They finally arrived at the hospital, the nurses rush towards them and laid Shou on the stretcher and immediately when to the emergency room. Ryuu hugs Akira whose holding his tears back, "It's going to be alright, Akira... Everything will be fine..." softly patting Akira in his back.

Yeah, everything will be fine. All I need is to find where Keita is, and explain to him everything. We can overcome this... Akira pushes Ryuu; "Sensei, thank you so much... Here's the key of my car. Please be careful, I will call the police to protect you both..." he stops Akira for calling the police.

"Please don't... If they found out that I have cops with me, they will never hand out Keita easily... I can handle this, Akira... I will leave you two here, I will call if I have him..."

From then on, Ryuu disappeared in the hospital. Keita please wait for me, I'm really sorry for causing all this troubles... I hope you can forgive me; I did a lot of things to hurt you. I also hope my speculation is wrong that you are there... Ryuu step the gas and blast to the place he thought Keita could be... He stopped on the old ware house, where he doesn't want to see Keita...

Keita POV

Keita heard noises around him, Where am I? He opens his eyes, there's a bunch of men wearing black suit like before. They're also talking loudly and it looks like his in an old ware house. A man is walking towards him; I think I saw this guy before but where...

"You're finally awaked, the knight in shining armor..." the man chuckled and sat at the chair in front of him. He-He's the man... He's the man who molested Ryuu before!! I want to punch him! Huh? What the hell?!

"So you finally realized who I am, huh... Well, the rope is not that tight, isn't it...? I try to practice how to tie a person at this pole, but I didn't have enough much time, I want you as soon as possible. Endure it for now..." After his long dialog, he laughed real loud stating that his really enjoyed watching Keita and then he walks directly to his direction and grabs Keita's face.

"I wondered where Ryuu is right now... Is he looking for you or..." he suddenly cut off, because Keita bite the man's hand and it starts to bleed.

"You f***ing kid!!" He slaps Keita for doing such a thing. You're the f***ing bastard here... How dare you to say Ryuu's name! Because of you I attacked him too. If something happens to Sensei I will definitely kill you! All of you! Keita remembered the day he almost attempts to abandon Ryuu, it only brings so much anger especially to his self.

"Let me go, you f***ing bastard! Lets' fight one on one! Don't tell me you're too afraid to fight me!" I need to convince him to fight with me to break this rope on my hand. I know I can't fight this man because he has backups; at least I try to get out of here. I need to see Ryuu... One last time...

"Do you think I'm a fool?! You know kiddo, if you didn't interrupt us before this will never happen to you. You even dare to kill me that day, thanks to Ryuu I'm still breathing to give my special payback on his brave savor..." the man lifts Keita up in the air that cause his arms to stretch and drop him like a toy.

The man touches Keita's face, "I must tell you kid, you have also a pretty cute face. I doubted what noise you will do if we rape you on the spot, you're the seme right? Because Ryuu can't be a seme he likes to be a uke, He reaaally loves dicks inserted to him! Let me teach you how it feels!" The man said sarcastically and his underlings laughed.

(Seme- Japanese term for the man who's on the top doing the male role); (Uke- Japanese term for the man who's on the bottom doing the female role)

Wha- What did he just said? Sensei, is what? And what does he mean teach! You must be kidding me! We even never do it! His really out of his mind! I need to get out of here! But how?!

The man sat again to his chair, "But sad to say, your precious Sensei never did it to anyone... He really pisses me off... Talking that he wants to do it with the person he loved! Tsk, Love?! What silly word, so I decide to rape him to teach him the perfect lesson but thanks to you my plan is ruined!"

He really is mad at me, but I'm really happy hearing that Sensei is not that kind of person. He preserved his body for the one he loved... That future boyfriend of Sensei is really lucky; Man...I'm jealous... Keita smiled, "What are you smiling at?! Oh, so your happy that his still a virgin?!" He walks towards Keita and seize him again, "You're really pissing me off! You know, I should teach you a lesson, you stupid brat!" he touch Keita's dick.

"You're feeling it, do you?!" The man giggled. Ahhhh... I need to stop him... It makes me sick! Hmm... hnn... You will pay for this! Keita can't say a word he just hold his voice. When all of a sudden, someone opens the door of the ware house...

Love Me For A Reason (Yaoi) (Still in the Process of Editing)Where stories live. Discover now