|02. Wing Man|

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^Victor Michael's, Gangleader and Andrea's father^

After my father registered all four of us into Richardson Highschool, I guess we needed to train in case any enemies went there.

After my father registered all four of us into Richardson Highschool, I guess we needed to train in case any enemies went there

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^Training Room^

^Training Room^

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^Weapons Room^

As always I sat on Danny's lap, watching my father go up against Eric and so far, Eric had a busted lip and a bruise on his left temple.

"Block his hits Eric!" Danny said.

"Don't you think I tried that?!" he said ducking a hit that was going directly to his mouth.

Eric kicked my father's legs and he landed on his ass, Eric started to kick my father in his stomach and when he finally realized he can't get out of this, he tapped the matt

"Good job Eric" my father gave him a pat on his shoulder and wiped the blood away from his lip.

Skylar walked up to Eric and gave him a wet rag for his busted lip.

"Next up, Danny and Andrea."

"Easy" Danny looked at me and winked.

I rolled my eyes and got off of him and walked over to the matt. My father had a smirk on his face and threw two sharp knives at the matt.

"Using weapons" he smirked.

I picked up my knife and so did Danny.

I steadied myself and got into a protective stance, holding my ground.


Danny knew better then anyone to not make the first move first or run up to your enemy. You are likely to be the first one dead or on the ground for doing something that stupid and risky.

"Come at me Andy" Danny always has a motive, it doesn't have to be good or bad but he always has one. He looks at your movement, your steps, things like that.

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