|20. Killer|

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^Rowan's friends/half the gang (Change in some characters)^

I am so pissed, that little bitch just tried to kill me! I dial our hacker Billy, after a few rings the phone stops ringing.

"It's coming along boss, I'm working my ass off on it right now."

"I need a car."

"What happened to your-."

"No time to explain just have someone come pick us the fuck up."

"Alright, I will send Bennet down there, just relax."

"Hurry the fuck up."

I hung up the phone and about a hour later, Bennet drove the black jeep.

"What the fuck happened to your car?" Bennet looked at the blown up car in flames.

"No time to explain, drive to this address" I give him a piece of paper and he drives.

Ten minutes later we arrive at Andrea's house. I knock at the door and Eric answers the door.

"What the-" we barge in.

"Where is she Eric?!."

"You can't just barge in here like that, leave" he says motioning to the door. I look around and walk upstairs to see five rooms. I open a door and see Skylar laying on her bed studying.

"Rowan, what are yo-" I close the door after I said sorry.

I search the three other rooms and they were both boys just by the look of it. I go to the last room and it's Andrea's but it's empty and quiet.

I go back down the stairs with the guys and look around. I hear thumps coming from downstairs so that's where I went. I see Andrea fighting Danny on knife combat.
Andrea's POV

After pizza, I decided to train and Danny wanted to train with me. I didn't have much homework so I was able to get right to it after changing into joggers and a training bra.

Danny dressed in shorts and a tshirt.

Eric went upstairs and both Greg and Jasper was watching us. TJ left for business reasons and everyone else was also on business or with their families.

We were fighting with knifes and I hear the rucas upstairs. It's probably Skylar and Eric in a fight or something so I ignored it.

"First one to get cut loses" I smile at Danny.

"Alright, let's go" he gets in position.

"Fight!" Greg yelled.

Danny knifed first and missed when I jumped back.

He charged forward and held out his knife. I booty dropped and tripped Danny so he landed on the matt.

I climbed on top of him and tried to put my knife to his throat but he held my wrist with his free hand while he pushed me off and I laid flat on my back, sweating.

Danny walked up to me and charged his knife at the ground but I rolled to my left and he knifed the matt.

I was panting and so was he.

I quickly get of the ground and tried to stab Danny but he held my wrist again, I tried to kick him in the side but he grabbed my leg after he dropped his knife.

"Your stuck Andy" he smiled.

"Try again" I said and he looked at me confused.

I punched Danny hard in his chest and while he quickly fumbles back, he regained his balanced and looked for his knife. I smiled and walked up to Danny with my knife.

I grabbed his hair and pulled his head back. I placed my blade to his cheek and cut a small but large line. Blood started to seep through.

"Nice" a familiar voice came in the room.

I make eye contact with Rowan and my guys pulled out there guns and aimed it at them.

"What are you doing in my house assholes?!" I questioned.

"You set a fucking bomb on my car?! Are you fucking kidding me?" He says angrily.

"I didn't do it, he did" I motioned to Leo leaning up against the wall waving a hello at Rowan.

"I thought we were friends Andrea" he said with hurt in his voice.

I walk up to him clearly pissed and his boys pulled out there guns.

"Don't Andrea, I don't want to but if I need to I will" Tony said.

I walk up to Tony and his gun points at my heart.

"Do it."

Tony looked at me and then at Rowan.

"Do it, now is your fucking chance, take it, kill me."


"No, he wants to kill me...here you go..take it Tony..don't be a fucking pussy."

Tony lowered his gun and I chuckled.

"You guys are in so fucking deep!" I chuckled.

"I didn't kill him Andrea."

I look at him and shake my head no.

"I don't believe you, I don't believe any of you, it's fucking hilarious. The Vipers trying so hard to convince Andrea Michael's the leader of the Serpents that they didn't kill her father."

"We are only doing this because your not believing us Andrea" Austin said.

"My enemies trying to make me believe they didn't kill my father? Yeah, convincing."

"Just like I told you at school Andrea, we weren't there" Carson said.

"There is no evidence to back your statement up Carson."

"That doesn't matter, so you really think I would take you out on a date and kill your father? I really liked you Andrea, sure we are enemies but I wouldn't kill him if I was trying to build a alliance."

"He's dead and so is our deal" I walk away but my arm is pulled back.

"I will find out who did it Andrea, and when I do...you owe me one hell of an apology" he let's go and the boys leave.

I already know who did it.

"TJ and Leo, your up" I walk upstairs and make my way to my bedroom. I start to peel off my clothes and decided to wear shorts and a t-shirt.

Danny walks in leaving my door open when he lays down on my bed.

Danny is quiet, he looks up at the ceiling and I stare at him confusingly.

I walk over to my bed and crawl on top of him. I kiss his lips and his neck.

"Andy, stop."

I ignored what he says and continue to make my way to his chest.

"I'm serious, stop."

I kiss his earlobe and he pushes my chest back.

"I killed your father!" He blurts out.

To be continued...
1,080 Words

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