|34. Letter|

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^Andrea's Oufit^

Andrea's POV

It is now Sunday and Rowan has been calling and texting me like crazy, but of course, I didn't answer or reply to any of them.

The guys were out of the house and I decide to clean the house up since that is all I can do for now while I'm slowly healing.

I slowly walk around the house, picking up trash and dusting the surfaces.

I finish the living room area and I hear a knock at the door.

I slowly make my way to the door calling out.

"I'm coming!."

I open the door and smile at the boys but it soon fades away when I see Rowan.

I close the door again.

Rowan stops me with his foot.

"Andrea... can we just talk?."


"Come on. Give me two minutes."

"I have a better idea, you can go home and leave me alone for the rest of the week yeah?" I try pushing the door close.

"I'm not going anywhere until you talk to me."

"We are talking right now and that's your cue to leave" I push harder with what strength I have left.

"Fine. I'll just stay here."

"That's fine with me! When your done stalking me, leave" I said and walk away from the door to start cleaning up the kitchen.

My phone starts to bing with texts.

"Fuck off Rowan!" I said and turn on the water for the kitchen sink.

The door opens, masked by the sounds of the running water. I feel hands on my hips causing me to spin around and get into a fighting stance.

"Don't touch me."

"What have I done?" Rowan asks.

"You know what you said" I turn back around and continue washing the dishes. I move my body closer to the sink so Rowan couldn't touch me.

"I don't. You'll need to give me a bit more information" He says staying where he is.

"You know what you did Rowan, just please leave."

"No. I don't. Tell me."

I rolled my eyes and washed the soap suds off the dish.

Rowan moves to stand next to me, looking at my face.

"Leave me alone Rowan" I ignore his eyes.

"No" He states.

"Boss, maybe we should just leave, Andrea isn't in the mood" Tony said and I continued to wash the dishes.

"No. I'm not leaving until she tells me" He replies not looking off me.

"You already know what you did, now can you leave?."

"I don't." He objects. "I've done a lot, you need to be more specific."

"Can I talk to you alone boss?.." Tony said.

"Fine. But this isn't over" He says aiming the last bit to me.

I roll my eyes and he walks over to the boys as they start explaining to him.

Rowan soon looked at me after a couple of minutes.

I hear him sigh.

He walks over to me and tries to comfort me by placing his hands on my hips and I try to move away from him but his hands held me in place and close to him.

"I'm sorry" He says leaning down to my neck.

"Get off of me" I try to get his hands off of my hips.


"I don't want to talk to you."

"Why not?"

I turn off the water after finishing the few dishes and walk away but he pulls me back by my hips.

"Please talk to me."

"I don't feel like talking to you Rowan, just leave me alone" I get out of his grip and walk upstairs to straighten up my room.

A couple of minutes later I hear his footsteps on the stairs, almost like he hesitated.

"Leave me alone Rowan my, I don't want or feel like talking to you right now, just leave alright? Please?" I look at him after picking my clothes up off the floor and into the hamper.

He crosses his arms.

"Get out" I continue to pick stuff up and put it away.


"Why the fuck are you yelling? I'm not yelling at you Rowan, I have alot of shit to do and you I just cannot handle right now so get the fuck out" I walk into my bathroom and start to clean things up.

"And I just cannot deal with you alright? Leave, I need space" I continue on and ignore the look on Rowan's face.

"I said I'm sorry" He walks into the bathroom.

"And I said to leave but your still here" I throw away a empty toilet paper roll.

"I'm not leaving so we can are going to talk about this right now" he said.

I don't say anything.

"Come on babe, your clearly mad so let's hear it, I have the time just as you do" He walks out the bathroom and sits down on one side.

I look at him and walk out my bathroom door, closing my bathroom and bedroom door a few minutes later so we can talk in private.

"I am so sick of being judged by other people just because I'm a girl Rowan! I thought you were different but everyone is the fucking same!."

"No one is judging you babe, I was just clearly pissed and relived when you woke up, I lost it and I said things I didn't mean to say!" He says grabbing my hands and pulling me closer to him.

I now stand in front of him and his hands were on my ass.

"I'm sorry okay? Can we please just put this behind us?" He asked me, rubbing my ass in a circular motion.

I shake my head yes and Rowan smiled as he pulled me down to his level to kiss me hungrily.

He pulled me down surprisingly and I land next to him on my bed.

He bit my bottom lip and I let out a small moan and feel a smirk play on Rowan's lips.

Rowan pulled away from me a little to kiss my neck.

"Your such a asshole.."

"But you love this asshole" He kisses my jawline until we were interrupted by a knock at my bedroom door.

Rowan gets off of me and lays there while I get up to open the door.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Someone knocked at the door and when we went to open it to see who it was, all we found was this" Austin said handing me a envelope.

I feel Rowan come up from behind me so I open the door wider.

I look at the envelope which has my first and last name in cursive writing.

I open the envelope and pull out a letter in which I start to read.

I finish reading the letter and Rowan takes the letter to start reading it while I look at him, waiting for the millions and millions of questions to he thrown at me.

To be continued...

A/N I'm finally done with the chapter, oh my god...finally!...this was supposed to be published on Saturday but due to my major writers block it wasn't...I'm very sorry if it's boring...I'm a little off my game and I hope I can get back on track;)
1,208 Words

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