|14. Mourning With Liquor|

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600 views guys, thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting:) it means a lot because before I wrote this story I didn't really have alot of support, thanks:)


My first order as leader was for everyone to train and test their strengths. That was four days ago.

It was now Sunday and everyone was out trading and buying things with other gangs while I was at home with a bottle of liqor in my hand.

Music was playing and I wore nothing but a black bra and underwear and a white open buttoned up shirt showing my body to whoever walks in the door.

I felt so numb and I didn't even care. I was mourning. I haven't been to school since Wendsday and I've been ignoring every call and text from Rowan, it's been going pretty good so far.

I jumped up and down with one hand in the air and the other holding the bottle to my lips as I took a swig of it."

There was a knock at the door and I stumbled to the door to get it, I opened it and I leaned against the door looking at Rowan, Tony, Austin and Carson standing there well dressed.

"Come on in" I bring the bottle to my lips.

"We really shouldn't." Austin said.

"I promise I won't bite" I giggle."Unless you want me to" I continued.

"Anyone else think Andrea is funner and sexier when she's drunk?" Tony mumbled to the other three.

Rowan looks me up and down agreeing. I giggle going back to my dancing.

I pull Rowan with me inside,"Dance with me" I pouted.

He looks around.

"Is there anyone else here besides you?." He asks.

"There was this one guy but he left about..." I look at my wrist and see that there is no watch there,"About ten minutes ago."

He sighs and starts to dance with me. Austin, Tony and Carson walk forwards and start to dance as well.

"Why haven't you been at school?" Rowan stops dancing and sits on the couch.

I continued to dance and Rowan asks again,"Andrea, what's going on with you?" He grabs my wrists and stops me from dancing.

"I'm just having fun!" I tell him.

"Tell me Andrea, what happened after I dropped you off?."

I look at him puzzled and then I remember. I suddenly lose my good mood and feel myself starting to cry. I quickly bring the bottle up to my lips and take a swig.

I plop myself on the couch and continued to drink the bottle, Rowan got annoyed and took the bottle away.

"What happened after the date?" Rowan asked. All eyes were on me.

"I'm the new gangleader."

"Yeah we know your birthday was on Friday, Skylar and Eric told us." Carson said.

I shook my head no.

"It wasn't my birthday that made me the leader" I looked at my hands.

"What happened to your dad Andrea?" Rowan asks concerned.

I shook my head no and looked at the kitchen table.

"Is he okay?." He asks.

I shook my head no and grab the bottle away from Rowan to take another swig. The boys looked at each other. Not knowing what to say.

"What happened?" He prods gently.

"He was shot" I take another swig of the bottle.

There is stunned silence. I look to Rowan who has a sad look on his face.

The door opened to show Tj, Jasper, and Greg.

They looked at me and then Rowan.

"What the fuck are you doing here?." Greg aimed his gun at Rowan and so did TJ, and Jasper.

Rowan didn't do anything he just grinned.

"I came here to check on my friend since I haven't seen her since Wendsday, I just wanted to make sure she was still alive."

"Is that true boss?" Jasper asked.

"Yeah, everything is okay, put your guns away, I don't need another body in the house" I whispered the last part.

"Now that you know she's alive, get the fuck out" Greg rudely said.

Rowan rolled his eyes and looked at me.

"I'll see you tommorow Andrea, and I'm sorry about your father."

I nodded and I started to think about the situation in my head. I was on my date the exact time when my father was shot. And then Rowan was whispering about something and didn't want to tell me about it in Mr.Dicks class when I asked about it.

So that must mean..

"You son of a bitch!."

Everyone looked at me confused.

"What?" He said confused.

"You killed him!."

"What? Andrea no I didn't-."

I went up Rowan and slapped him in the face. Jasper, TJ, and Greg rushed over to pull me away from Rowan.

"That's why you asked me to go on the date! Just so your boys can have some free time to kill the man that meant the most in my life!" Tears came down my cheeks.

"I didn't kill him Andrea! If I did why would I ask you what's wrong earlier huh?."

"Great acting Rowan!" I tried to get out of Greg's hold but he was stronger then me.

"I didn't kill him Andrea."

"Fuck you! I hate you Rowan! I fucking hate you! Fuck the alliance! Your ass is mine! Don't fucking talk to me ever again!" My tears clouded my vision but it didn't stop me from trying to break free from their hold.

"I suggest you get the fuck out of here!" Jasper yelled.

I broke free from there grasp and grabbed the almost empty bottle from the table. I aimed for Rowan's head but it sadly hit the wall.

"Your my enemy now Rowan! Watch your fucking back! We are now at war you fucking bastards!."

Rowan and his boys rushed out the house and into his car before quickly driving off.

I looked at Greg, Jasper, and TJ and said.

"Call everyone, The Vipers are our enemies."
1,004 Words

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