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A/N I'm so sorry for not updating, I was very busy with my summer trip I didn't have alot of time to write a 1,000+ chapter, sorry but doesn't matter now...because here it is!:)

We have about five minutes until the bell rang for first period. For the time being, I made out with Rowan at his locker.

"Seriously, get a room" Austin covered his eyes.

"Your just mad because she's mine and you no longer have her" Rowan smirked.

"I have plenty of girls in line waiting to get a taste of this" he flexed his muscles and I wiped away my fake tears.

"I thought you loved me..." I sniffled and pouted.

"I lied." He says winking.

"I need to talk to the guys right now babe" Rowan said and I nodded my head. I looked at Austin and smiled "So did I" I smiled and walk over to my locker to grab my books.

I was just taking them out when I feel someone come and stand next to me. I shoot a look at them out if the corner of my eye.

When I look at the figure in the corner of my eye, it was a black haired boy with piercing blue eyes.

"Can I help you?" I ask looking back to my locker.

"I'm new to the school" he smiled.

"And you're telling me because?."

"I need help finding my classes and I thought 'why not ask this beautiful girl right here?'.

"Why not? Because she has a boyfriend."

"Lucky guy" He replies. He looked me up and down with a smirk.

"He is, isn't he?" I agree closing the locker.

"I don't see him around" he looks around.

"Does he have to be with me every second of the day to be my boyfriend?" I ask him raising an eyebrow.

"You're funny" he smiles.

"And you're annoying and can't get the message."

"I'm just asking if you can help me find my classes, what's the harm in that?" He smiled.

I laugh.

"We both know you're not."

"I haven't said anything other then that" his smile widened.

"Let's say I show you your classes. What will happen after that? Will you leave me alone?" I ask him putting a hand onto my hip.

"I will try to leave you alone."


"What? Can't a guy make some friends on his first day?" He raised a eyebrow and smiled.

"Yeah. Right. Friends" I reply sarcastically.

"I don't see why we can't at least be friend's" he grinned and licked his bottom lip.

"I can. It's six feet tall and has brown hair" Rowan's voice appeared from behind me and I snap my attention to him to see his boys with him and a glare on Rowan's face.

"And you are?" He said next to me.

"The boyfriend of the girl you're flirting with" Rowan says stepping forwards.

"Oh, you're the boyfriend?" He looks at Rowan and then me.

"Yeah that's right" Rowan says slinging his arm around my neck.

"Lucky guy" he looked at Rowan and his friends.

"I am. Aren't I?" Rowan says.

"Is there going to be a problem here?" Austin said glaring at him.

"Only if you want there to be."

"There is seriously no need to fighr" I said as Rowan and him glared at each other.

"There will be a fight if he decides to try and take what's mine again."

"I might not even take her, she just might come to me."

I scoff.

"Dream on."

They guy winks and blows a kiss to me.

I feel Rowan tense, ready to strike.

"He's not worth it Rowan" I said grabbing his hand to squeeze it. Rowan looked at me and his face softened before looking back at the other guy.

"Back the fuck off" Rowan said finally.

"Keep an eye on that" he smirked at me and winked.

"I don't need to" he says looking at me,"I trust her."

"Good luck" he chuckled and walked away to ask another student for help.

"He's going to be trouble" Austin comments after the bell rings.

"No shit sherlock" Tony retorted.

We walk to first period together and as soon as we enter the class the bell rings to indicate the start of the lesson.

We walk into the classroom to see the boy we were talking to earlier. He was talking to the teacher and when he sees me he winked.

I groan. I can't control Rowan's moods for the whole time.

Rowan growled and glared at the boy.

I pull away from the boys and towards our seats.

"Oh yeah, he's going to be a problem" Rowan said.

"He's not going to be a problem if you don't make him one" I tell them.

"He's the one hitting on you and your defending him?" Rowan raised an eyebrow.

I shake my head.

"No. I'm just saying I can handle it. You don't need to do anything."

"Let me handle it babe" Rowan crossed his arms.

I roll my eyes. Men!

"No babe" I said with attitude.

Rowan glares at me.

"I'm not like Danny" I tell him. His glare softens slightly.

"I never said that ba-."

"It's not what you said. It's how you acted" I tell him. I can't talk to him any longer so I turn away from him.

"Andrea come on baby, talk to me I didn't mean it like that."

"I know but it was close" I reply.

"Don't be mad at me...please?."

"I'm not" I said sighing.

"Good morning class, we have a new student, please introduce yourself Peter" he motioned toward the boy.

"My name is Peter Hall, but sometimes people call me Pete either one is fine" he winks at the girls in the class, making them all blush.

"Thank you Peter, tell us one thing about yourself."

"I know how to handle guns, I used to hunt animals."

"All right, now let's see where I can place you" he looked at the seating chart,"There is only one place to sit and that is next to Ms.Michaels, Ms.Michaels please raise your hand."

I hear another growl from Rowan and I hesitated before raising my hand. A smile appeared on Peter's face as he walked over to the empty seat next to me.

He plopped down and took out a pencil and a notebook.

"Ms.Michaels, will you be so kindly to help Mr.Hall catch up on the lesson?" He smiled before turning around to write the objective for today.

"Looks like we get to become friends anyways" he smiled and winked.

Fuck my life...

To be continued...
1,115 Words

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