|05. Overprotective Bastard|

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School was finally over and I was at my locker getting my math book out since I have math homework I have to do.

I closed my locker, Eric, Skylar, and Danny were waiting for me at my car. I'm still pissed at Danny, he hasn't tried to talk to me since lunch time.

When I closed my locker, Rowan was standing right there with his arms folded across his chest and a grin on his face.

"Listen, I'm really not in the mood for your cocky ass remarks so just..leave me alone", I walked around him and continued to walk down the hallway.

"You know, for a girl soon to be the leader of her father's gang you sure don't act like it", I stopped walking and stood there silently.

"I don't need your input in how I need to act."

"You do if you don't want to get knocked on your ass by us."

"I'm so scared", I said sarcastically.

"Good, you should be", he smiled and unfolded his arms.

"What do you want Rowan? It can't be this important to bug me at every moment of the school day can it?."

"It actually is."

"Don't let me stop you from speaking, go on and continue with your oh so husky voice", I walked back to my locker.

"Thank you", he winked and I rolled my eyes,"You said you don't want us threating your father and your so called gang right?."

"Yea and?."

"I'm offering you a deal", he smirked.

"I'm not having sex with you."

"You will soon but that's not the deal right now", he winked again.

"In your dreams but go on."

"There more then just in my dreams babe, anyway I will stop threating your father's club if..."

"If what Rowan? I'm going to walk away if to you keep up this foolish act."

"If you go out on a date with me" he smiled.

"Are you ever going to stop hitting on me?."

"Not until your in my bed with no clothes on..no sorry."

"Fine, but it's strictly business which means no kissing, touching my ass or anything like that, got it?."

He smiled,"Loud and clear baby, the date is wendsday after school and wear something nice, it's a surprise" he winked before he turned around and walked away.

I sighed and walked away, I went out the hallway door to the outside of the hallway, I went over to the back entrance of the school and walked over to my car.

"What took you so long?" Danny said.

"Fuck off Danny" I put my keys in the ignition, backed out of the parking lot and drove back home.

I placed my bag on the couch and my father was sitting down in the living room talking to Jake, another guy in the gang.

Jake stood up from his spot,"I'll make sure to tell everyone the meeting is tommorow boss, don't worry."

"I won't worry when I see everyone here, bye Jake" my father also stood up from the couch and walked with him to the door.

Danny, Skylar, and Eric soon walked in. Skylar went to go eat something and Eric sat down on the couch to watch TV.

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