Chapter 14

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I get out of the shower, and wrap my towel around my body. I hope I still have enough time to get ready. Although I don't really care about the party, I still want to look decent.

''Delilah! Dasha!'' I hear Alexa call from the living room. I hurry to my bedroom in an attempt to not freeze to death while I corss the hallway, but I have no luck. I close the dor behind me.

''What?'' I shout. Alexa opens the door, and I notice she's dressed and already has her lipstick on.

''What are you doing? You were supposed to be ready by now?!''

''The party starts at 9 p.m. dummy.'' I tell her, huffing.

''Yeah, but we're going to pick up a few people on our way. Louis' rented a limo.'' she grins.

''We're going to sit in a limo for three hours?!'' Rich kids with all their money, did they really have to rent a limo? Alexa thinks for a bit and then nods pursing her lips.

''Kind of, yeah.''

''Well you guys go ahead, I'll meet you there.'' I say gesturing to my towel-wrapped body. I kind of really wanted to ride a limousine though.

''Okay.'' she agrees and goes back to the living room.

A few minutes later, after I finally managed to fit my dress , I hear the front door open.

''I'm going! Oh, before you leave, could you get Niall a present? I completely forgot. Love ya, bye!'' Alexa yells and pulls the door after her. Get Niall a present? I didn't know today was his birthday.

After I blow-dry my hair and settle on a playlist on 8tracks, I start to do my make-up. When I'm finished, it's only 7:30 p.m., so I decide to go out and find Niall a cute present like himself. Oh wait, he's hot not cute. Anyway.

I get a cab and go to the closest mall. Everyone is giving me weird looks because I'm so pampered and wearing a short skinny dress, but I know better than to care. I browse a few shops, and I eventually settle on a hot as hell tank top and a pair of ray-bans from the winter collection. Winter in L.A. is pretty sunny.

When I step out of the huge shopping center, the last thing I expect to see is a beautiful black Cadillac limousine, full of screaming teenagers drive past me. And then, Alexa pops out through the sunroof and squeals.


I wave and smile, but I stand still. Should I join them? Probably not, they haven't invited me in.

''Come here!'' I hear Louis' voice, and oblige.

I step inside, and I'm astonished by how luxurious it is. I catch sight of Niall, and head toward him.

''Happy Birthday!'' I scream and put my arms around him.

''Thanks, Dee.'' he grins as I hand him the bag, and I blush. I love it when boys call me Dee.

All of a sudden, I remember Marcel and how he never called me anything but Delilah. Luckily, Louis saves me from my lethal thoughts. He grabs my waist with both hands, and pulls me next to him on the seat.

''Hey, babe. You look gorgeous.'' he scans me from head to toe and goosebumps start to appear on my skin. This might be the first time ever a hot boy is calling me 'gorgeous'. A sudden wave of confidence washes over me. I could get used to this.

''If I'm gorgeous, I can't call you handsome. That would be an understatement.'' I attempt a compliment, and Louis smiles, and leans in to bite me softly on the neck. Holy chicken nuggets. A private part of my body is starting to feel all giddy. I look around to see Alexa whispering something into Zayn's ear as they both stare at me and Louis. I frown, and shake my head, asking her what's up. She shakes her head too , and gives me a don't-worry look.

I'm not worrying. It's just that one of my all-time crushes has his arm around my shoulders and just bit my neck and called me gorgeous. Yep. Totally calm and bored. I check my phone, realizing I haven't checked it since I started shopping.

And there stands the key to the door that keeps the guilty feeling locked inside.

''Marcel: Can we talk?''

And that's all it takes for me to not feel as excited about having Louis' arm around me, or going to Niall's birthday party or riding a limo. It makes me feel guilty and sad. No, Marcel, we can't talk. Although I really want to... Oh shut up, little Delilah voice. But the Delilah voice is replaced by Louis' whispering into my ear. I hardly contain my squeal of surprise.

''Babe, forget him. He's not here.''

My eyes go wide and I stare at him. That was damn weird. He smiles, winks, and gets up to go to his friends.

As soon as I'm left alone, I start to re-think getting in here. Bad idea. Half of the limo is making out, gulping champagne, and 7 people are stuffed over the sunroof. I'm feeling lonely and alone and weird.

So, since this scenario is happening very often in my life, my loyal, trustworthy friend is here: my phone. I go straight to the messages, and open Marcel's message again. My fingers linger over the screen, not knowing what to say. It's a simple 'yes' or 'no' question, and yet there is too much on my mind to answer so simply.

I push the 'home' button, and his message no longer appears in front of my eyes. I go on tumblr and start scrolling instead. This should make time go by.

When I look at the clock, it's actually only been 15 minutes. I'm going to burst if I have to wait one more hour in here.

I notice Niall lowering himself from his spot over the sunroof, and looking around. This is my chance to talk to someone! I get up and go sit next to him.

''You havin' fun?'' he asks cheerfully. At the sight of his grin, I almost say 'yes', but I shrug instead.

''Not my kind of thing I guess.''

''I thought limo's were everyone's kind of thing!'' he laughs, and I can't help but smile too.

''I'm not everyone.'' I point out.

''Ooooh. Is that why you like Marcel?'' what does that even have to do with anything? He doesn't seem to make fun of me though. He's probably genuinely curious. But I'm very much trying to keep the rumour from spreading so I frown and shake my head.

''Whoever told you that?''



''I won't tell.'' he winks and gives me an encouraging smirk.

I think I fall asleep for a while, because the space between my conversation with Niall and when the limo stops is blank. Alexa finally glances at me for the first time in one hour and a half, takes my hand and drags me outside.

Opera club. I should've known. I feel a hand on my waist as Alexa lets go of my hand, and turn around to see Louis, smiling, of course.

''Ready, babe?'' he asks. I feel like shaking my head. Hell, I'm never ready.

''Yeah.'' I breathe, and take Louis' arm.

The club is fully rented, I can tell by the lack of celebrities. We go sit down at the same table as Niall and Zayn. Niall's date is a pretty brunette I have never seen before.

''Who's she?'' I whisper to Louis.

''Mariah. She's not from here.'' his breathe tickles my ear as he whispers, and goosebumps start to take over me. ''I'm gonna get us some drinks. What do you want, babe?''

''Surprise me...babe.'' I immitate him, and he starts to laugh. There are crinkles at the corner of his eyes, and his mouth is wide open, and he has such a pretty voice.

But Louis' laugh will never be more beautiful than Marcel's laugh.

*Thank you so much for still reading! I'm sorry I didn't include Marcel as much in this chapter, but if I want this thing to be realistic, I can't make them make up so fast, haha. Besides, the story's in the second week of september aka Niall's birthday! Don't forget to vote or comment or both, haha, so I know if I should go on writing it or not. :)*

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