Chapter 42

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After I wake up, I follow Marcel out of the car and find Alexa searching through our food supplies. Zayn is standing behind her biting his lip, and honestly, I'm not really sure if it's because Alexa's butt is showing under her shorts or if it's because something is wrong.

"What the fuck, Malik?" Alexa turns angrily to Zayn. My second theory is confirmed because 1) Zayn's face looks like the one of a puppy who's going to get beaten and 2) Alexa only uses 'Malik' when it's really, really bad.

"I swear I packed it!"

"You swear you fucking packed it. But did you actually put the fucking package in the fucking car?" she yells, cussing more than usually and troubling the no-longer existing quietness of the woods.

"What's going on?" Marcel asks.

"This fucking idiot forgot our breakfast food." her hands are on her hips and her brows are furrowed.

"So like... we don't have any food?" I chime in.

"We have food for lunch and dinner but..." Zayn tries to soothe Alexa's fury, but fails. Terribly.

"It was your damn responsibility, Zayn! Do you only care about yourself?!"

Alexa throws her arms in the air, mumbling something and enters her tent. A few moments after, she comes out and looks at all three of us being sleepy, cold, and more importantly, hungry.

"Fuck this. I'm going to eat. Delilah, you're coming with me." she grabs my wrist and pulls me to the car, leaving the boys behind.

"But Marcel..."

Alexa stops abruptly and turns to Marcel.

"Marcel, dear, are you coming with us or not?" Marcel nods and quickly comes by my side leaving Zayn in a pool of disappointment and sadness... which is not very Zayn-like.

"I guess I'm gonna stay here and look out for the tents..."

Alexa doesn't say another word and ushers Marcel and I in the car. Once the engine is on and the car is on the road, she sinks in her chair and sighs deeply.

"Marcel, would you mind if Delilah and I talk about boy problems? I really need to let it out." she looks at him in the rearview mirror, almost pleading with her eyes.

"Yeah, sure. Go ahead." he smiles and then looks out the window.

"What's up?" I ask her.

"I'm so mad. And I badly need to brush my teeth."

"Same goes for me. Except for the mad part."

"You know, I thought this was going to... I don't even know what I thought. All I know is Zayn cheated on me and I'm so hurt and he's not being any nicer than he was before. And I thought he would be because he has to make up for it! He has to! But the more mistakes he does, the less I feel what's supposed to be love."

"What exactly are you saying?"

"I'm saying... I guess I'm saying I'm kind of falling out of love with him. It's just not there anymore... the thing movies call 'spark'."

I look over to Marcel but his eyes are still locked on the window. He probably notices me from the corner of his eye because his hand moves to rest on my knee and I just smile despite the kind-of-break-up my friend is going through.

"So break up with him." I suggest.

"That's the right thing to do isn't it?" she whispers and I know that right now tears are welling up in her eyes.

"You shouldn't force yourself to be with someone just because he was your high school love or whatever. You've fallen out of love with him, end of story. There's nothing much to do right now." I explain but she stays quiet. About two minutes later, she turns up the volume to the country songs playing on the radio.

After a half hour drive, a tourist stop comes into view and Alexa pulls into its parking lot. It's a pretty cafe that seems clean and maintained.

"This better have food." Alexa mutters.

We sit down and a bored woman takes our order after we flip through the cheap menu. Being the only clients here, it doesn't take long for the lady to bring us our omelettes (beautifully served on white plastic plates and eaten with a plastic fork and knife).

Halfway through our meal, a group of four people walk in, speaking loudly and laughing just as obnoxiously. There are three guys and a red haired girl wearing round glasses.

After they order, and just as we finish our food, the girl comes over to our table. She smiles at Marcel and I almost sit up and punch her, but then I remember how Marcel is definitely out of the girl's league. A cigarette is hanging off her lips.

"Hey guys, do you happen to have a lighter please?" she asks sweetly. I shake my head, Marcel just stares but Alexa reaches for her bag.

"Yeah, sure." she sighs. Alexa hands the lighter to the girl who lights her cigarette and then cheerfully returns to her friends.

"Since when do you smoke?" I ask her.

"I don't. Zayn gave this to me in case his other lighter runs out of gas."

Marcel takes our used plates and forks and knives to the trashcan and stops to ask the woman something. Left alone at the table, the girl and one of her friends return and sit down.

"I'm Pam." the girl grins and shakes hands with Alexa and then with me. "This is Jay. You guys camping around here or something?" she looks at us and takes a long drag from her unfinished cigarette. I see Jay check Alexa out from the corner of my eye and then watch Alexa as she smiles and leans her elbows on the table.

"Yeah. Near a lake, I'm not really sure which one it is."

"Neat." Jay smirks.

"So listen, our tents got kind of screwed up and we left them at some weird shop that said it can fix them, but we can't take them back until tomorrow. Could we like, share tents with you for a night? Kev and James over there can take the car if we don't have enough room."

Alexa's eyes light up a bit and I know she's going to say yes. Not only that, but I can see how her flirting mask is slowly taking over her in front of this Jay guy. I don't see how she can trust strangers so easily, but Marcel and I will stay in the car anyway, and we can lock the doors. Or drive away.

"Yeah, sure. Are you coming with us right now?" Alexa tugs at her shirt ever so slightly under the table so her cleavage shows more.

"No, we'll get a few things from back where we camp and then we'll come."

Jay and Alexa switch phone numbers so Alexa can guide them to our camping and then they both leave our table. Marcel comes back, holding a bag in his hand.

"What did you get?" I ask him.

"Zayn's breakfast and a few thing for tomorrow morning. What did they want?" Marcel nods toward the group and I can tell by his scowl that he isn't very happy about them talking to us. I get close to his ear and whisper.

"I guess Alexa wants a bit of fun so she agreed to let them sleep over tonight. Apparently their tents got screwed up or something."

He hums and then walks back to the car, Alexa following close behind. She looks quite happy on the way back.

"I guess we got ourselves a party tonight. Dee, you brought the booze right?" she asks, grinning, and I nod.

*Alright this was short, but only because I want to see your theories related to what's going to happen haha! I'm sorry for being this suck-y and still not updating regularly but summer is just as busy for me as I'm always leaving home. I promise I'm going to try to be quicker with my updates. Btw, while I was at th seaside I read An Abundance of Katherines by John Green and it was perfect, so go read it. Thank you for still reading, don't forget to comment or vote and share! :) x*

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