Chapter 18

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And so Tuesday goes by, and Wednesday, and Thursday, and half of Friday. I still don't know where Marcel and I are headed, and I've never been this confused in my entire life.

So let me tell you: he finished class early on Tuseday, so Alexa drove me, and then he and I talked on the phone alot.

Wednesday we sat at the cafeteria together and he slipped his fingers through mine under the table. After he drove me home, he french kissed me in front of my door. I basically stood frozen until he left and then I collapsed on the door at the same time as Alexa opened it, so I collapsed on the floor.

Thursday, he seemed more shy than usual, and acted in a way-too-platonic way. And then in the evening, when I called 'because I needed help with homework', he actually helped me with my homework. In case you didn't understand, I didn't really need help with my homework, I just wanted to talk to him.

So you tell me, what the hell am I supposed to think?

Now it's Friday afternoon, and I have science class... with Marcel. Alexa ended up with a girl that was also absent two weeks ago. But at least she is in the last row. Today we'll look at the muscle tissue under the miscroscope. After the teacher gives us the instructions, Marcel takes a microscope and plugs it in. I watch his every move, and I can't help but get excited. Because he looks so adorable and perfect and because I will actually have a partner that knows anything about science.

He takes the slide between his thumb and forefinger and looks at it. He glances back at me and smiles charmingly.

''You go first.'' he encourages, and I take the little plastic rectangle and put it under the microscope. Before I lean down to look through the eyepiece I push my hair to one side. As I try to adjust the objectives, I feel my hair being pulled softly. I realize it's Marcel playing with my hair and I try to breathe in as quietly as possible to stop myself from shaking. He doesn't stop, and I'm so glad he doesn't, but the fact he's playing with my hair while I'm in a rather weird position is turning me on big time.

He stays quiet for the ten minutes I try to find the best objective, and then I finally stand straight and sit down.

''I can't find anything.'' I mumble.

''It's okay.'' he reassures, and takes his place in front of the microscope.

I watch as he takes his bottom lip between his teeth, and as he twists the adjustments rapidly. After five or six twists, he stands straight and motions to the eyepiece.

''Take a look.'' he says proudly.

I look into the lens and see the tissue clearly. I study it for a while and then sit back down and grab a pencil to start drawing the sketch. Marcel looks at my drawing over my shoulder.

''That's not the part you should draw.'' he whispers, the hot air hitting my ear, and I close my eyes to recompose myself. He really needs to stop doing that. I search for an eraser and hand it to him. He erases carefully the parts of my drawing that aren't correct and I can't help but notice how big his hand and fingers are. I'm enchanted by the motion of his hand, and I stare even after his hand is no longer in front of my eyes, until his voice wakes me up from my trance.

''I put the needle on the part you must draw.'' he tells me, and moves back to his place to complete his own drawing. After we both finish our drawings, we move on to the questions. Whenever I ask him to explain something to me, he does it with such enthusiasm and joy, I have to grab the table to not lean in and kiss him. He's just so genuine, and he doesn't try to be special or important or whatever. He's he, and that's one of the many beautiful parts about him. We finsih before everyone else, and I look at Alexa to see where she's at.

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