Dragio [Naruto Fanfic] Chapter 11

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~Chapter 11~

I woke up with a yawn, patting Kiba’s head. he had spent all day with me yesterday. And now, it was the day of the Chunin Exams. I got out of my bed, stepping over Kiba who was sprawled out on comforters on the floor since we had been laying on those to watch movies and then he fell asleep while I crawled onto my bed and then did the same. I had a good twelve hours of sleep though.


“Shh! Cheisu, quiet.” I ordered, looking at Kiba then nodded, grabbing the dog biscuits from the top shelf in the kitchen and threw one to my dog.

“Woof.” He mumbled quietly and I grabbed my ninja clothes. Right now I was just in black pajama pants and a blue tank top. I went into the bathroom, taking a quick shower and relaxing my muscles until I was done. I then took extra care putting on my outfit and tied my headband around my neck securely.

“Hey Kiba.” I said as I stepped out. He was just sitting up and rubbing his eyes sleepily. He nodded, looking over to me.

“How long have you been up?”

“Maybe an hour. Hey, didn’t you promise to meet Hinata before the Exams?” I questioned and he frowned, nodding.

“Right. Mind if I use your bathroom?”

“Whatever.” I nodded and grabbed two slices of beef jerky, throwing one to him. He caught it easily and closed the door to the bathroom.

“Bark! *Food!*” Akamaru and Cheisu said at the same time and I rolled my eyes, going over to the fridge and looking through it. Hm….ah, here it is.

I pulled out two bowls and filled them with specially made dog food, sitting it in front of both the dogs as they wagged their tails.

“What time is it?” Kiba asked as he came out of the bathroom in a black jacket with two stripes compared to his usual gray one and that necklace with the circle pendant was around his neck again.

“The Exams start in an hour. You better get going. I’ll see you at the Exam.” I told him, smiling. He nodded and Akamaru let out a bark, jumping up into his jacket hood. We said goodbye and he walked out of the apartment, heading towards the training grounds.

I kneeled down, petting Cheisu and smirked. “Boy….this’ll be fun….” I smirked and he let out a series of barks.

*Right~! Let’s do this thing!*” I laughed and wrapped my scarf around my waist, putting Kōri Ma-you forgot the name of my blade, didn’t you?-and the katana in the back and then pulled on that bracelet with the blade on it. Then I hid the rest of the weapons along my body and put on one of Cheisu’s jackets. You know, the one I had sewn? He had several now of different colors. Today he picked out the dark red one so it matched my outfit. I fixed his earrings and then nodded, letting him jump into my hood and we headed off to the Chunin Exams. Time for some fun.

“Ahem. Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed guests….welcome and heartfelt thanks for gathering here in Konohagakure….for the Chunin Selection Examination!! We will now begin the matches of the final round….between the ten candidates who advanced in the Preliminaries. Please sit back….and enjoy!” The Hokage called out and the proctor-who was different then the last one, mind you, because the first sickly one was killed-turned to us.

“Before we begin, we have a few announcements. Look here! Make sure you’re still fighting who you were meant to.” I looked at the paper, breathing a sigh of relief and glancing at Dosu as he stood on the other side of Shino.

“Listen up, all of you. This is the last Exam. The landscape may be different, but just as with the Prelims, there are no set rules. You fight until one of you dies or admits defeat….unless I determine that a clear winner has already been decided, in which case….I’ll stop the match before anyone’s killed. Understand?” The proctor asked as we all stared at him.

“All right then….match one, Uzumaki Naruto….and Hyuga Neji. You two. Stay down here….the rest of you, proceed to the waiting room outside the arena!”

I followed Shino, Shikamaru, Gaara, Tamari, Kankuro and Dosu up the stairs and sat cross-legged, staring out at the match as Neji talked and talked and….I zoned out.

The only time I paid attention was when Naruto went fox on everyone and beat Neji’s ass by using Shadow Doppelgangers.

Then Sasuke’s match against Gaara was postponed, Kankuro forfeited and then Shikamaru and Temari’s match would be last. It was my match next and I could tell everyone was growing annoyed, wanting to see the match against Uchiha and Gaara.

“Sigh….” I muttered as the proctor called Dosu and me down. I grabbed onto the railing and flipped myself completely over to without actually standing up. I landed in a crouch while Dosu quickly just went down the stairs.

“Alright guys….begin!” The proctor said, looking between both of us. I smirked towards Dosu.

“Just because I saved your ass doesn’t mean I won’t kill you now.”

“Thank you for that by the way, and I agree. No holding back.” He said and I smirked, grabbing six kunai with the transportation seal on them and then one without it. I threw the blank one at Dosu, keeping him distracted while I threw the other six around the arena.

I then teleported behind him, smirking as I kicked him straight in the side and sent him flying.

He growled, sending sound waves towards me but I transported to where I was standing on one of the arena walls. The crowd was slowly starting to wonder how I was able to move so quickly and then they all gasped as Cheisu jumped out of my hood, smoke bombs falling out of his bag and when the smoke cleared, a ten foot tall Cheisu stood there with fire encircling him. I stood beside him, my teeth sharper along with my nails. My cat ears and tail were out and I let out a hiss, both me and Cheisu rushing towards him once I teleported on the other side. Dosu looked at us in shock, turning his head to decide a target then throwing a bomb at Cheisu and attacking me with sound. I jumped into the air over him, sucking in a deep breath then let it all out, breathing fire down onto his body and roasting him. He let out a scream while I slid on the ground, smirking as fire snorted out of my nostrils. I then untied my headband from my neck, putting in onto my left upper arm and then drawing another headband out from my pocket. The crowd watched entranced as I tied this one to my right upper arm. There was a wing as the symbol and several people looked confused. The ones that knew this symbol gasped.

“She’s from the Tori Clan!” I heard mumbling through the crowds and I grinned, my ears, tail and sharpened features disappearing as Dosu was carried away after the proctor said I won. I nodded, turning towards the Hokage and Kazekage. I nodded to the old man who was smirking and then glared at the Kazekage-who was Orochimaru in disguise-in full-out hatred.

Cheisu turned back to puppy side, jumping into my hood and I disappeared, appearing beside Shino because I had planted a sealed kunai next to the railing. He looked down at me, rolling his eyes behind his glasses.

“You dragged that out.”

I smirked up at him, my eyes full of amusement. “Why of course I did. I wanted to savor seeing his confusion as I kept disappearing. Plus I needed time.”

“For what?”

I nodded down to the arena as Shikamaru and Temari’s match started. “You’ll see.”


Authors Note

I know this is short but I just sacrificed my ass because if my dad saw I was up late writing this, the laptop would be taken away o.o so deal.
Anyway, how do you like that? By the way, Dosu dies from the extent of the flames. Just for those of you who want to know.
Kiba: you’re so bloodthirsty….
Me: I know, right? And heartless. Not towards you, though. I love you!
Kiba: ….-.-’….right….love you too….*cough* crazy fan girl *cough*
Me: Shut up -.-

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