Should I tell him?

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I was going back and forth between if I should tell Sammy or if I shouldn't. If I tell Sammy he might stay or might think it's Jacks or Skates but I didn't have sex with Jack and Skate used a condom or Sammy might not even want a kid with how his career is. I could just not tell but he's the father he has to know. I got into my car and drove to their place. I knocked slowly but loudly and it took a few minutes. The door started opening and Madison answered with Jack g behind her. "Aren't you the girl who hurt my three best friends?" He asked.

"Look I didn't mean for it to end up this way but I need to talk to Sammy." I told him.

"Well Sammy is busy working on his music in the recording studio down in the basement." He told me.

"Can I just go down there and talk to him it's important." I begged.

"Jack just let her." Madison told him.

"Fine." He said. I walked in and he showed me where the basement was. I sat down on the couch while listening to Sammy sing.

At the end of his song he froze and looked at me. "Okay Sammy that sounded great. We're done for the day." The guy said who is helping him with recording his music. He got out of the recording booth and I stood up but he walked passed me.

"Sammy." I ran after him.

"Look Amelia I thought you were cool, sweet, and wanted me just as much as I wanted you but instead you played me and that really hurt me." He started walking upstairs.

"SAMMY!" I yelled.

"It's time for you to go." Jack g said and started trying to get me out the door.

"SAMMY IM PREGNANT!" I yelled and Jack stopped trying to get me out the door and Sammy stopped dead in his tracks.

"It's not mine. You had sex with Skate too." He told me.

"Skate and I used a condom. We didn't." I said.

"Amelia I'm sorry but I have a life I can't be hounded down by you and a baby. I need to pay attention to my music." He explained.

"So you're just going to walk away from your child!" I yelled.

"It's not like that Amelia. You do what you are going to do and I'll do what I'm going to do." He said and walked up stairs.

"Tell the rest of the guys I said hi and that I am really sorry. I don't think I'll be around anymore since Sammy isn't going to be apart of the babies life so bye." I got into my car and drove home.
Jack g's P.O.V

I ran upstairs after Amelia left. I knocked on Sammy's door and he said come in. "Dude are you an idiot?" I asked.

"No I don't want to be involved with the babies life because I have my music. It's not even mine." He said.

"Dude Skate and her used a condom. You guys didn't think about that. Think about what that kid is going to think in 18 years about his or hers dad." I told him.


"You're being really selfish." I told him. After that Jack and Skate walked in.

"What's going on?" Jack j asked.

"Our buddy Sammy here got Amelia pregnant and he won't help her take care of the baby or anything he is saying the baby isn't his." I informed them.

"You are an idiot dude." Skate told him and walked out of the room.

"You had sex with her too!" Sammy yelled.

"We used a condom because unlike you we keep things safe!" Skate yelled back then Jack and I walked out.
Wow drama! Keep on reading I might skip past a few more years like I did in my last story player! Read, vote, follow! 🤘🏻🎼💋

Love Triangle (A Sammy Wilkinson, Jack Johnson, and Skate Maloley Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now