2 1/2 months and bed rest

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I'm officially 7 months pregnant and I only have 2 months until my baby boy is born. I have been resting a lot. Sammy and Skate have both been coming in and checking on me. "Hey babe you need anything?" Skate came in and asked.

"No I'm fine. Come in and cuddle me." I begged.

"I have to get to the recording studio but I will once I get back." He came and kissed my head and left.

"See you later then." I just looked down at my stomach.

"Hey, you doing okay?" Sammy asked.

"Yeah." I said.

Sammy's P.O.V

After I checked on Amelia I closed the door and I walked down the hall. "You have to tell her you know that." Madison told me.

"I don't know how to tell her. I love her too much to hurt her." I said.

"We know you love her and she's having your child not Skate's and if Skate really loved her he wouldn't have made out with her best friend." Jack said.

"She doesn't need stress and if she hears what Skate did then she will want to leave and I love having her here." I looked down.

Amelia's P.O.V

I heard everything through the door a few minutes later Dana walked in. "I thought you were in Florida?" I looked confused but was faking it.

"I came to see you and my godson!" She jumped onto the bed. Skate walked in and looked shocked when he saw Dana in here.

"Hey Skate is there something wrong?" I asked.

"Um no." He said.

"Liar. You both have lied to me. I'm not really shocked in you Dana but you Skate. WHILE I'M PREGNANT! How could you guys?" I asked.

"Oh don't act like little miss. Perfect look you got yourself in this mess Amelia not me you. Skate wanted out of this mess so we have been together for 2 months and you haven't noticed. HE WANTS NOTHING TO DO WITH A SLUT." She yelled and Sammy ran in.

"Don't you dare talk to her like that. When you're in this house you respect her. She's not the slut you are because she doesn't go around sleeping with her best friends boyfriend. You know what get the hell out of this place and Skate you're out also go pack your stuff." Sammy told them. I was shocked. Sammy stood up for me against his best friend.

"You don't own the place Sammy I can stay if I want." Skate said.

"No he doesn't own the place but Johnson and I do and we say you're out." Jack said.

"You can't throw your best friend on the streets for some girl." Skate told him.

"Skate she's fucking pregnant with my baby. If you were my friend you would have never dated her let alone cheated on her. So fuck you Skate because you knew I loved her and that I will always love her." Sammy said. He loves me? The baby started kicking.

"Sammy." I said. He was still mad. "Sammy." I repeated.

"What?" He asked.

"The baby is kicking." I told him and he started feeling my stomach.

"He's really kicking in there." Sammy smiled and Madison felt. Skate and Dana just left.

Hope you enjoy this chapter a lot of drama but baby kicking 😇. More things to come. Read, vote, follow! 🤘🏻🎼💋

Love Triangle (A Sammy Wilkinson, Jack Johnson, and Skate Maloley Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now