Grayson's first birthday!

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I was getting ready for Grayson birthday party. We are going to the carnival since Grayson has never went and they wanted the boys to perform there. I got dressed in.

(I didn't make it so credit to whoever made this outfit)

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(I didn't make it so credit to whoever made this outfit). Grayson was wearing a plaid shirt also with a Sammy Wilkinson's shirt under it and Jeans also sneakers. I put matching shades on him so he would look more like me. We started getting into the car I sat in the middle with Grayson and Sammy was on the other side I looked at the back and Aaron was back there. He gave me a fake smile and looked away. We got to the carnival and got out. I picked up Grayson and they just let us in since the guys are performing. "Grayson you want to go to the Ferris Wheel?" I asked him and he nodded. We went to the Ferris Wheel and he looked so happy. We got off and Sammy took him to play some games. I looked straight ahead and saw Aaron and he was looking at me. I was walking to him and he was walking to me we stopped right in the middle and started kissing.

"Amelia." I heard Madison. We stopped kissing and looked at Madison.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Sammy is pissed. He can see you guys because he's right over there." Madison pointed. Sammy handed Grayson to Jack and started running at Aaron.

I got in front of Aaron and Sammy stopped in front of me. "Amelia this isn't your fight." Aaron said and put me behind him.

"You know I love her Aaron. She's the mother of my son! You have only known her for like 10 or 8 months when I have known her for about 2 years. Also you make out with her on my fucking sons birthday!" Sammy screamed and started punching Aaron and Aaron started fighting back.

"Sammy stop you are hurting him! Sammy stop our son is crying!" I screamed. The guys all started running over. Jack handed Grayson to me and he was crying in my arms because he was scared. Jack had to pride Sammy off Aaron. Aaron got up and walked over to Grayson and I.

"Aaron can you hold Grayson over there?" I asked him. He nodded and took Grayson away. "Sammy I can't believe you. I brought Grayson back here for you! I told you we would never get back together and this is the reason! You are a jealous son of a bitch! I'm done and my son is done. You can sing for his birthday but other than that stay away from him and stay away from me." I walked away.

"Okay I don't need a slut like you! You will just be on one of my friends next!" Sammy yelled. I walked back up to Sammy and slapped him so hard and turned back around shaking my hand off and mouthing ow. We walked up to the stage and the guys were about to perform. Sammy walked up on the stage and looked down at me. "Hi I'm Sammy Wilkinson Grayson's dad. This song is made by me even though it has nothing to do with what is going on in our life I made it when I met you and this is for the girl I love she kind of just slapped me in my face because I called her a slut but she has been through so much shit and brought our son back here for me. I mess up so much and I just lost my last chance even with my son. I love you both Amelia and Grayson and I just want our family back." Sammy said.

"I love you Amelia." He said. He started another song after that.

"Well I should let my friends go on next. Happy first birthday my son." Sammy got off the stage.

"I know you love him." Aaron said.

"What?" I asked.

"You give him that look that you will never give me. You don't really love me because we don't have a bond of a son. You guys do. We can be friends but we will never love each other there was just a sexual attraction that made us both want each other but you really need the love that he can give you." Aaron said and kissed my cheek. "Go handle things with Sammy." Aaron demanded so I got up and went to find Sammy.

"Madison do you know where Sammy is?" I asked.

"He left. He got mad that all you wanted is Aaron so he is on his way out." She said. I ran to the stage instead of running for him.

"Jack I need to go up there now." I told him.

"What's wrong?" Johnson asked.

"I love Sammy and I need to hurry before he is gone." I said. Johnson hesitated for a second but helped me up on the stage.

"Everyone I need you to show some love for our friend Amelia." Jack said.

"Thank you Jack and Jack! First of all since I'm up here I'll like to wish Grayson a happy birthday. Gray mommy and daddy love you so much even though we have so much issues. Second I would like to get Sammy's attention before he walks out on our sons birthday. Yes Sammy he is not only my son he is ours." Sammy stopped in his tracks. "I love you Sammy and I love our family even if it is so messed up but look how big it is. Our friends, my parents, you're parents, my sibling, you're siblings, our son, us. We mess up everyday every second but we will always have each other even if I said we would never get back together. Aaron helped me realize that we need to be together because I know you love me. I have never really done this in front of a crowd but if it shows how much I love you then here I go." I kneeled down yo Madison and handed her a mic to give to Sammy.

When it came to Sammy's part he appeared on stage behind me. "I love you Sammy." I said into his ear while hugging him after the song.

"I love you too Amelia." We kissed on stage.

This is a longer chapter but the story is almost over! I have been writing this for so long! It took me longer on my other story but I think this one has more chapters! But thank you guys for voting and I hope you vote more for each story I make! Read, vote, and follow! 🤘🏻🎼💋

Love Triangle (A Sammy Wilkinson, Jack Johnson, and Skate Maloley Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now