Days pass

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I was packing my stuff to get ready to move into a house so that I have more room for the baby. I heard the door knock and I opened it. "Mom!" I said in shock.

"You haven't been answering your phone. I was worried Amelia!" She said as she carried her baby in and I looked down at my stomach. "What's wrong Amelia?" She asked.

"I'm pregnant and the father of the baby hates me." I told her the story and everything I did.

"Honey I don't know what to say but to not listen to your friend anymore and to let him come to you. Why are you packing also?" She asked.

"I'm moving to a bigger place for the baby." I told her.

"Well that's good. I can help pay if you want." She said.

"I have enough money for the house and the baby. I'll do just fine on my own mom just take care of this little one and don't let her turn into me." I said and hugged her.

"Well I have to go back home. Her father is waiting in the cab." She told me and kissed my head and left.

Next day

I got dressed in

The movers took my stuff to my new house

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The movers took my stuff to my new house. I put the clothes I was in into my bag and went to the front desk.

"We are sorry to see you go Amelia." The front desk lady said.

"Me too but I need a house for my baby." I told her.

"Well good luck." She said. I drove to downtown LA before going to my new house. I walked through the shops and I saw a baby store. I went in and saw a small teddy bear with a blue bow.

"How far along are you?" The worker asked.

"About 4 or 5 weeks." I told her.

"Is it your first?" I nodded my head yes.

"I'm only 17 and my mom sent me out to live on my own because I'm a trouble children and now look what I got myself into." I started crying.

"Hey hey it's not your fault you are bringing life into the world." She told me. "Here take this teddy bear for free." She said.

"Won't your boss be mad?" I asked.

"It's my store." She told me.

"Thank you." I said and walked out with the teddy bear. I started walking down the street till I saw Jack J, Jack G, Madison, Skate, and Sammy holding hands with a girl. I just kept on walking like I don't know them until they saw my face.

"Amelia." Madison said.

"Hi." I turned around.

"Who is this?" Sammy's girlfriend asked.

"Sammy's baby mama." Jack G said.

"I should go." I said.

"Wait Amelia you should come over and hang out with us." Skate said.

"Well I have to go to my new house and I have a doctors appointment tomorrow for you know what but I'll call you guys when I have time." I told him.

"Sammy do you have something to say to Amelia?" Jack J asked him.

"Nope now bye." He said and walked away.

"He's still in shock."  Jack G said.

"Yeah in shock only if he was caring the baby." I told him and started walking away.

"Look Amelia Sammy still doesn't believe it's his baby but if you need any help with setting up the nursery and going to the doctors I'm there for you." Skate said and hugged me.

"Thank you Skate but isn't that the fathers thing?" I asked.

"Well the father isn't coming around so I'm here." He told me. "I better get going. It was nice seeing you again." He walked away.

I got to my new house and everything was where I wanted it to be. I went to my bedroom and fell asleep in bed.
New chapter! Hope you guys like! Read, vote, follow! 💋🤘🏻🎼

Love Triangle (A Sammy Wilkinson, Jack Johnson, and Skate Maloley Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now