Planning a birthday party

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(Skipping a couple months)
I was sitting in the guys living room with Madison planning Grayson's first birthday. Grayson is 11 month old. I couldn't believe how much he has grown. He smiles so much. "So we will have the guys perform then after Jack and Jack Sammy will perform." Madison said. I nodded. I saw all the guys outside and saw Aaron staring at me. "Amelia. Earth to Amelia." Madison started waving her hand in front of my face.

"Sorry what?" I asked.

"What theme are we doing?" She asked.

"Carnival but without clowns because they freak me the fuck out." I said.

"Now what are we going to do when Sammy kills Aaron?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I started blushing.

"That boy can't get his eyes off of you. Well most of them can't but Aaron looks at you like a puppy dog. Sammy looks at you like you are his. They want you and they will fight for you." She explained.

"I don't want Sammy to get hurt but I really like Aaron. He's good with my son. He's nice and caring. Sammy is so so with Grayson. He is sometimes nice but not caring. I love Sammy but I think that's just because we had a son together." I said truthfully.

"Well maybe you should talk to Aaron." She said.

"I'll talk to him soon." I told her.

"Well I guess we have the party planned. I can't believe he is going to be one already." She told me.

"I know right it felt like yesterday I was talking to my stomach when he was in it." I said. Sammy walked in doing the airplane thing with Grayson. Grayson was laughing really hard. "Okay give my baby boy to me." I said and Sammy sat on my lap.

"K I'm here." He winked.

"I said my baby boy." I told him pushing him off of me and picked up Grayson. "Are you excited for your birthday baby?" I asked.

"Yes!" He said excitedly.

"I can't believe you are going to be one." I kissed his head.

"Well it's time for his nap." Madison said so I can talk to Sammy.

"Give mommy a kiss before you go Grayson." Sammy told him. Grayson hugged me and gave me a kiss.

"Sweet dreams baby." I told him.

"So what's up?" Sammy asked.

"So we are doing a carnival theme for Grayson's birthday. You, Jack and Jack are performing and we are having random foods like pizza, wings, hot dogs, and more." I told him.

"Your eyes are so beautiful." He said getting closer.

"Sammy what are you doing?" I asked.

"Don't fight it." He said and started kissing me when I opened my eyes Aaron was walking out the door. I wanted to stop him but it was hard to stop the kiss. He stopped kissing me and I looked at him and ran out the door.

"AARON!" I yelled but he was already gone. I sat on the steps and cried. "Why is my life so fucked up?" I asked myself.

Sammy kissed Amelia 😱 And Aaron saw the kiss! And Amelia couldn't get away from the kiss! 😱 But she ran after Aaron! 😵 Who do you ship #Ameron or #Samelia? Read, vote, follow! 🤘🏻🎼💋

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