Prologue: Time

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"Love vanquishes time. To lovers, a moment can be eternity, eternity can be the tick of a clock."
-Mary Parrish-

Life, as I have come to know it, is filled with lies, torment, betrayal, deception, and sorrow, yet with in it's dark depths I have tasted the happiness and light of love and friendship.
I lost it though, my light, causing me to blindly search for it as the times flew by, all in one massive blur.

Life after life I looked; not even death itself stood in my way.

Death, I once feared it like most mortals do, but looking back, I now find the idea rather humorous. Back then it was a real threat, something I had come to expect, since life could not last forever.

Now though, after that 'night', death has come to mean nothing. It is only the end of the body's cycle, though the mind lives on, waiting to be reborn again and again.

That is the fate of those cursed with blood such as mine, blood that should never have entered my veins.

It was the cause of so much. It was the end of my life as I had known it, it was the beginning of so much more, but most importantly, it was the start of a bond that would transcend time itself.

But for you all to understand all of this I should start at the beginning, one that night when my life was thrown out of control.

The night that I was Bitten.

The moon cast lonely shadows onto the cream-colored walls of the modestly sized bedroom. Their twisting frames played with each other as the tree outside gave them life in the strong breeze that blew outside.

It promised an autumn rain that was sure to come in the coming hours, yet there was a great storm brewing within the room itself.

From within the torrent of shadows one moved freely, its life not dictated by the tree nor the wind.

It was a living and breathing creature, who befriended the darkness and lingered in the solitude that only night offered. And here it stood in this bedroom, its reasons for being here not the least bit innocent.

Its eyes, a deep crimson, took in the only other living thing in the room. A boy, no older than 17, slept on a soft feather bed under a navy blue comforter.

His golden locks blew in the draft created by the ceiling fan. A handsomely tanned face with scar like marks on his soft cheeks could be seen cuddled into the pillow. His expression was calm and content, completely unaware of the danger he was in.

The invader smirked at the sight in front of him and finally removed himself from the shadows and into the light of the moon.

He was a man with raven black hair and cold dark eyes.

This man had an air of superiority to him that would cause any other man to cower in his presence, he was a man that commanded feared and respected.

The boy on the bed twisted in his sheets as he shifted to a more comfortable position, exposing his tanned neck to the dark man.

A cruel smirk spread across that pale face. He was now beside the bed, looking at the blond with interest. Giving a low tremble of a chuckle, he leaned forward.

At the sound of the harsh laugh, the boy opened a drowsy eye and looked into two crimson orbs that mirrored bloodlust at its peak.

In the dream-like state his brain still slept in he did not feel an ounce of panic. Even as he felt his neck being pierced and the steady flow of blood, he still stayed calm until his body became numb and he fell back into a dreamless sleep.

Blood Stained Lilies ||SasuNaru|| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now